新版PEP小学四年级英语上册第一单元测试卷 联系客服

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一. 写出所给字母的相邻字母的大小写:(10分)

____e____ ____D____ ____G____ ____Hh____ f____ ___ 二、选出每组中与其它三个不是一类的单词。(10分)

( )1、A.door B. floor C. window D. near ( )2、A. blackboard B. fan C. light

( )3、A. classroom B. light C.blackboard D. picture ( ) 4、A on B in C. teacher’s desk D. near

( )5、A.teacher’s desk B. pupil C. student D. Teacher

三、 根据下面每句话的意思和图片的提示,在空格中填上适当的单词,使句子完整。(10分)

1. The is red . I like it .2. Look at the . It’s nice .3. What do you like ? I like . 4. In my classroom I can see 11 English . 5. The brown is big and heavy . 三、选择句子把对话补充完整 (只填序号)。(10分)

1: We have a new classroom? A. Let me help you.

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2: Let’s go and see B. Let’s clean the classroom.

3: It’s so big! But it’s dirty(脏的). C.Let me clean the windows.

4 D.Really? 5: OK. 6: Let me clean the teacher’s desk.

7: 8: . 9: thank you.



( )1.How many pens do you have? A 4 long pencils and 2 pens.

( )2.What’s in your desk? B. I’m 12 years old. ( )3.What color is the bag? C. It’s 10 yuan. ( )4.How much is the pencil? D. I have three. ( )5.How old are you? E. It’s red 五、选择。(10分)

( )1.I have new schoolbag.

A. a

C. the

B. an

( )2.Who has English book? A. a

C. the

B. an

( )3. books do you have?

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A. Where

C. How many

B. How much

( )4. is your ruler? A. What colour

( )5.May I a look? A. has

C. have

B. is

B. Who



( )6. —Let’s clean the windows. — A. Yes. B. OK. C. Sorry. ( )7. Let clean the floor.

A. my B. I C. me ( )8. Mike: Miss White: Thank you! A. Let me clean board. B. Let’s clean the board. C. Let me help you.

( )9. — in the classroom? —A board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

A. Where B. What’s C. How many ( )10. This my classroom

A. am B. is C. are 六、选择与图片对应的句子。(10分) 4 / 6