2017年暑期初高中衔接英语语法专项练习:IX被动语态和短语动词(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2017年暑期初高中衔接英语语法专项练习:IX被动语态和短语动词(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读b5f2c7889fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da51e2d614


1. You ________on the phone.

A. want B. are wanted C. are wanting D. are being wanted 2. The 11th Party Congress ________in August 1977.

A. was held B. held C. is held D. holds 3. ________to attend the memorial meeting?

A. Shall we ask B. Shall we be asking C. shall we be asked D. Shall be we asked 4. The machine is ________in the school factory.

A. been repaired B. been repaired C. being repairing D. being repaired 5. Chairman Mao’s works ________into scores of languages since 1958.

A. have translated B. were translated C. have been translated D. has been translated 6. I haven’t seen him for a week. He ________that day.

A. must be wounded B. must have been wounded C. must wound D. must have wounded 7. Another building is going ________right beside the office building.

A. to build B. to be building C. to being built D. to be built 8. In a sense, bad things ________into good things.

A. can be turned B. can have turned C. can turn D. can be turning 9. The question ________in.

A. needn’t brought B. needn’t be brought C. needn’t to be brought D. needn’t bring 10. These blood debts will have ________in blood.

A. been paid B. to pay C. paid D. to be paid 11. These criminals are sure________.

A. to punish B. to be punishing C. to punished D. to be punished 12. These broken-down cars are ________next month

A. repaired B. repairing C. being repaired D. to be repaired 13. Have the doctors________?

A. been sent for B. sent for C. been sending for D. being sent for 14. The question has been much ________recently?

A. talking about B. talked about C. talking D. talked 15. For this he has been ________twice.

A. operating on B. operated on C. operate D. operated 16. So far no conclusion________.

A. was arrived B. was arrived at C. has been arrived D. has been arrived at 17. The English evening has ________till Friday.

A. put off B. called off C. been put off D. been called off 18. Lots of new words have ________.

A. to be looked B. to be looked up C. to look up D. looked up 19. Women ________in the old days.

A. were looked down upon B. were looked down C. had been looked down upon D. had been looked down 20. Which of the following is not correct?

A. They were given a warm send off at the airport. B. A warm send off was given to them at the airport. C. A warm send off was given them at the airport. D. They were given to a warm send off at the airport. 21. Many cities became ________in the following months.

A. liberation B. liberating C. liberate D. liberated

22. The book ________. We all like it very much.

A. was well written B. well written write C. is well written D. well wrote 23. He ________to going to bed early.

A. has got used B. has used C. has been using D. has using 24. A quarrel ________between Xiao Hong and Xiao Fang last night.

A was broken out B. broken out C. broke out. D. is broken out 25. This kind of cloth ________very well.

A. washes B. is washed C. washed D. is being washed 26. It ________that the meat cooks well.

A. seems B. is seemed C. was seemed D. seemed 27. She is a very nice person ________.

A. to be worked with B. to be working with C. to work with D. working with 28. The boy ________stealing a pocket-radio from the shop.

A. caught B. was caught C. caught in D. was catching in 29. Brooke is so lazy that he ________very soon.

A. is said to be fired B. is said that he was fired C. says to be fired D. is said to fire 30. He insisted on ________to work in the poor countryside.

A. sending B. being sending C. to be sent D. being sent 31. The house was ________last night and the color TV set was stolen.

A. broken out B. broken into C. broken down D. broken away 32. Though he ________, he still ________his theory.

A. has laughed; stuck to B. was laughed at; was stuck to C. was laughed; was stuck to D. was laughed at; stuck to 33. Frank is the kind of person whom people like to ________.

A. make friend with B. make friends of C. make friends by D. make friends with 34. I ________play the violin than the piano.

A. would rather B. had rather to C. would better D. prefer to 35. Would you mind ________your radio a little, please?

A. turn over B. turn off C. to turn on D. turning down 36. When you come to Wuhan, I can ________the night.

A. put you up to B. put you down for C. put you to D. put you for 37. She ________Robert for a year.

A. has been married with B. married with C. married to D. has been married to 38. She ________seeing a dead dog.

A. was terrified at B. was terrified in C. was terrified for D. was terrified with 39. I was ________as a worker in another factory.

A. taken for B. taken to C. taken out D. taken on 40. When he first ________ story telling, he used to ask many children to come and listen.

A. took down B. took over C. took up D. took trouble in 41. He ________a bus slowing down before the shop.

A. caught sight of B. caught the sight of C. caught sight for D. caught his sight 42. Then they ________home.

A. set out B. set out for C. set off D. set about to 43. In order to ________the gun it is necessary to taken up the gun.

A. get out of B. get along with C. get down for D. get rid of 44. The guide ________to us all the objects of interest.

A. pointed out B. pointed at C. pointed off D. pointed down 45. We ________with that factory ________200 machines.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

A. made an order; for B. placed an order; for C. made an order; on D. placed an order; on Our class is ________forty boys and twenty two girls. A. made up for B. made use for C. made best of D. made up of She will ________my troubles as well as my joys. A. spend in B. spare C. share with D. share The living conditions here don’t ________me. A. agree to B. fit for C. agree with D. fit with Sometimes they ________referees (调解员). A. acted as B. acted out C. acted for D. acted on She gave many excuses, but what they ________was that she didn’t want to come. A. added up B. added to C. added up to D. add up with The Red Army ________after the defeat of the first great revolution. A. came into being B. came into force C. came into office D. come into use Luckily, he ________these people years ago.

A. broke into B. broke out C. broke away from D. broke down from Would you ________a cup of coffee? A. care with B. care for C. care about D. care of Mao Zedong ________fighting for the bright future of China. A. was devoted to B. devoted to C. was devoted for D. devoted himself for Led by Fang Zhimin, we ________northern Jiangxi. A. made our ways to B. made our way to C. got our way to D. made room for Zhu De was a person who always ________. A. kept his word B. kept up C. got in a word D. kept in mind We must learn to ________a bad job. A. made best of B. make the best of C. make sure D. make fun of When the war broke out they ________at once. A. were called for B. were called off C. were called up D. were called out The plan ________more careful work at preventing forest fires. A. called in B. called on C. called up D. called for The workers would ________the struggle for freedom and happiness. A. call on B. carry off C. call to D. carry on