[职场英语]入职第一天该问HR的几个问题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章[职场英语]入职第一天该问HR的几个问题更新完毕开始阅读b6190a23f71fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9846a27e5



Your first day on the job can be hectic. Learning new names, faces and positions can fill the entire day, with no time to learn about other issues. However, there are several questions you should ask your human resources manager whenever you start a new job. On the night before your first day, review all your pre-employment materials and documents. Write down the questions that come to mind. Remember, questions you want to ask your human resources manager may also be asked of another member of the human resources staff in case the manager is unavailable. 第一天上班你可能会忙得不亦乐乎。你可能要花上一天时间才知道同事的名字,认识他们的面孔,了解岗位职责,这样一来第一天就没什么时间去弄清楚其他问题了。尽管如此,每当开始一份新工作时,你还是应该询问人事部经理以下问题。报道前一晚,回顾一下入职前得到的所有材料,把想要提问的问题写下来。记住,如果人事经理没空,你的这些问题可能要找人事部其他的工作人员解决。 Employee Handbook 员工手册

Your new employer should have an employee handbook that contains general information about the workplace. The handbook won't contain every single detail about the company and what it expects of employees; however, it should contain general information every new employee should know on the first day. Study the employee handbook and become familiar with the policies. While you're reading it, note any topics you need further clarification on such as performance management, attendance, promotions, salary adjustments or workplace safety. 新公司应该有员工手册,里面包含了办公室的大致信息。手册不会告诉你公司的细节问题,也不会提到公司对新职员的要求;不过里面应该有新职员上班第一天要知道的基本信息。你应该阅读员工手册,了解公司政策。读的时候,把自己想得到进一步解答的问题记下来,如绩效管理、出勤、升职、薪水调整和工作安全这些问题。

Performance Management 绩效管理

Your human resources manager will be impressed if you ask about performance management and how the company addresses performance

expectations. Importantly, you will learn more about how best to perform your job so you build a strong employment record with the company. Performance management begins with the job description. Therefore, ask your HR manager if the job description you were provided during the selection process is current and if it contains as many of the job details as possible. In addition, ask for a job specifications sheet. Although you should have been provided with the job specifications prior to

accepting your position, ensure you have an accurate list of the physical and mental requirements for your job.

如果你找人事经理询问关于绩效管理的问题和公司处理业绩预期的方法,他会对你印象深刻。重要的是,你会学到更多完成工作的最好方法,这样才能在这家公司拥有良好的工作经历。绩效管理的开头是职务说明。所以,第一天要找到人事经理,问问现在的职务和选拔过程中的是否还一样,职务的细节有没有尽量列举完全。除此之外,要一张工作职责明细表。虽然这个你应该已经在受聘之前就有了,但你需要一张更精确的列表,来确认自己的身心是否达到工作要求。 Workplace Issues 职场问题

On the first day of your employment with the company, you might not anticipate ever having issues the human resources department will need to address. However, it's important that you learn the process for reporting workplace incidents to your supervisor, your manager or the human resources department. Ask the HR manager about the process for reporting workplace incidents -- safety incidents or incidents related to workplace relationships. While you're discussing these processes, you should also ask how the company views workplace friendships. This may not be the time to ask about workplace relationships, but answers to your questions about fraternizing with other employees might segue into a discussion about how the company treats workplace relationships that cross the line of propriety. Review your employee handbook for additional information about the company's rules pertaining to employee fraternization.


Employee Referrals 引荐朋友或亲戚

Sometime during your employment, a job opening might occur that would be perfect for a friend or relative. Many employers find that employee referrals are often the best recruitment source for qualified, reliable applicants. Ask if there are benefits for referring friends or relatives for employment. Likewise, ask if there are any rules against employing relatives within the same company -- some employers prohibit family members from working together and most employers prohibit family members being in positions where they are under the direct supervision of another family member.



公司档案管理制度 一、总则 1、为加强本公司档案工作,充分发挥档案作用,全面提高档案管理水平,有效地保护及利用档案,为公司发展服务,特 制定本制度。 2、公司档案,是指公司从事经营、管理以及其他各项活动直接形成的对公司有保存价值的各种文字、图表、声像等不同形式的历史记录。公司档案分为受控档案和非受控档案。 3、公文承办部门或承办人员应保证经办文件的系统完整(公文上的各种附件一律不准抽存)。结案后及时归档。工作变动或因故离职时应将经办的文件材料向接办人员交接清楚,不得擅自带走或销毁。二、文件材料的收集管理1、公司指定专人负责文件材料的管理。 2、文件材料的收集由各部门或经办人员负责整理,交总经理审阅后归档。 3、一项工作由几个部门参与办理的,在工作中形成的文件材料,由主办部门或人员收集,交行政部备案。会议文件由行政部收三、归档范围 1、重要的会议材料,包括会议的通知、报告、决议、总结、典型 2、本公司对外的正式发文与有关单位来往的文书。 3、本公司的各种工作计划、总结、报告、请示、批复、会议记录、统计报表及简报。 4、本公司与有关单位签订的合同、协议书等文件材料。5、本公司职工劳动、工资、福利方面的文件材料。

6、本公司的大事记及反映本公司重要活动的剪报、照片、录音、录像等。四、归档要求 1、档案质量总的要求是:遵循文件的形成规律和特点,保持文件之间的有机联系,区别不同的价值,便于保管和利用。 2、归档的文件材料种数、份数以及每份文件的页数均应齐全完整。 3、在归档的文件材料中,应将每份文件的正件与附件、印件与定稿、请示与批复、转发文件与原件,分别立在一起,不得分开,文电应合一归档。 4、不同年度的文件一般不得放在一起立卷;跨年度的总结放在针对的最后一年立卷;跨年度的会议文件放在会议开幕年。 5、档案文件材料应区别不同情况进行排列,密不可分的文件材料应依序排列在一起,即批复在前,请示在后;正件在前,附件在后;印件在前,定稿在后;其它文件材料依其形成规律或应保持文件之间的密切联系并进行系统的排列。 6、案卷封面,应逐项按规定用钢笔书写,字迹要工整、 五、档案管理人员职责1、按照 有关规定做好 文件材料的收集、整理、分类、归档等工作。2、按照归档范围、要求,将文件材料按时归档。3、工作人员应当遵纪守法、忠于职守,努力维护公司档案的完整与安全。 1、公司档案只有公司内部人员可以借阅,借阅者都要填写《借阅单》,报主管人员批准后,方可借阅,其中非受控文档的借阅要由部门经理签字批准,受控文档的借阅要由总经理签字批准。 2、档案借阅的最长期限为两周;对借出档案,档案管理人员要定期催还,发现损坏、丢失或逾期未还,应写出书面报告,报总经理处
