Sap基本表关系 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章Sap基本表关系更新完毕开始阅读b6a8f0a56aec0975f46527d3240c844768eaa04a

SAP SD - Shipping TablesVTTP(Shipment Item)Delivery Doc Number(VBELN)Shipment Number (TKNUM)Shipment Item (TPNUM)VTTK-TKNUM =VTTP-TKNUMVTTK(Shipment Header)Shipment Number (TKNUM)VTTP-VBELN =LIKP-VBELNVBLK-VBELN =LIKP-VBELNVBLK(SD:Delivery Note Header)Delivery Document Number (VBELN)LIKP(Sales Doc:Delivery Header)Delivery Document Number (VBELN)VTFA(Shipment Doc. Flow)Shipment Number (TKNUM)Preceeding Doc. (VBELV)VBUK(Header Status)Delivery doc (VBELN)VEPOLIPS VBFA(Sales Document Flow)Preceding Sales Doc (VBELV)LIPS-VBELN =LIKP-VBELNVEPOLIPSSAP SD - Billing TablesVRKPA(Sales Index: Bills by PartnerFunctions)Partner No (KUNDE)Partner Function (PARVW)Sales Org (VKORG)Billing Date (FKDAT)Distribution Channel (VTWEG)Billing Type (FKART)Payer (KUNNR)Sold-to-Party (KUNNR)SD Doc Cat (VBTYP)User Name (ERNAM)Billing Doc (VBELN)VKDFS(SD Index: Billing Initiator)Billing Cat (FKTYP)Sales Org (VKORG)Billing Date (FKDAT)Customer (KUNNR)Billing Type (FKART)Country (LLAND)Sales doc (VBELN)VBSK(Collective Processing for a SalesDocument Header)Grouped Delivery (SAMMG)NA(BiVRPMA(SD Index: Billing Items per Material)Material No (MATNR)Sales Org (VKORG)Billing Date (FKDAT)Distribution Channel (VTWEG)Billing Type (FKART)Payer (KUNNR) Sold-to-Party (KUNNR)SD Doc Cat (VBTYP)User Name (ERNAM)Billing Doc (VBELN)Item (POSNR)VBRK(Billing: Header Data)Billing doc (VBELN)ApObOuLanMeParDaTimVBU(HeSaleSAP SD - Links to FI TablesCustomer Master DataSales Area DataKNVP(Customer Master Partner Functions)Customer No (KUNNR)Sales Org (VKORG)Distribution Ch (VTWEG)Division (SPART)Partner Function (PARVW)Partner Counter (PARZA)General DataCompany Code DataKNA1(General Data in Customer Master)Customer No (KUNNR)KNB1(Customer master (company code))Customer No (KUNNR)Company Code (BUKRS)

KNVV(Customer Master Sales Data)Customer No (KUNNR)Sales Org (VKORG)Distribution Ch (VTWEG)Division (SPART)KNB5(Customer master (dunning data))Customer No (KUNNR)Companu Code (BUKRS)Dunning Area (MABER)KNVD(Customer master record salesrequest form)Customer No (KUNNR)Sales Org (VKORG)Distribution Ch (VTWEG)Division (SPART)Output Type (SAP SD - Links to MM TablesMaterial Master DataSales DataMARC(Material Master: C Segment)Material No (MATNR)Plant (WERKS)Basic DataMAKT(Material Descriptions)Material No (MATNR)Language (SPRAS)MVKE(Material Master: Sales Data)Material No (MATNR)Sales Org (VKORG)Distribution Chan (VTWEG)Product Hierarchy (PRODH)STXH(STXD SATexts (TDText NamText Id (TLanguageMARA(Material Master: General Data)Material No (MATNR)T179(Materials: Product Hierarchies)Contributions byMaster DataJim Lewis (Whittman-Hart, inc.)MMJim Lewis (Whittman-Hart, inc.)Michael Rhodes (MedPartners, inc.)FI/COMichael Rhodes (MedPartners, inc.)PP
