(完整版)计算机网络技术专业网络购物网站制作毕业论文设计 联系客服

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21st century is the Internet age, the Internet is gradually changing the way we live. It is easy to accept the network of knowledge and information obtained online. This article explained a female cosmetic theme of Web sites, it is based on data association rules personalized page and dynamic data generation case, this case and now the Internet compared to some of the programs used with the user to use simpler, reflecting the user interests more clearly detailed and so on. In the Web context, considering the page color, page structure, full use of the images, text, layers, tables and other elements. Web content explicit, clear levels, to achieve the desired functionality.

Keywords: site building ASP Access;

目 录

第一章 系统开发工具 ................................................ 1 1.1 ASP .......................................................... 1 1.2 IIS .......................................................... 1 1.3 SQL SERVER 2000 ............................................... 1 1.4 DREAMWEAVER .................................................... 2 1.5 PHOTOSHOP ...................................................... 2 第二章 系统开发语言 ................................................ 3 2.1 HTML ......................................................... 3 2.2 VBSCRIPT ...................................................... 3 2.3 SQL .......................................................... 4 第三章 毕业设计项目概述 ............................................ 5 3.1系统设计背景 ................................................. 5 3.1.1互联网站的发展 ............................................. 5 3.1.2网络购物新潮 ............................................... 5 3.2设计目的 ..................................................... 5 3.3设计目标 ..................................................... 6 第四章 系统的需求分析 .............................................. 7 4.1功能需求分析 ................................................. 7 4.1.2 输入输出要求 ............................................... 7 4.2客户前台功能: ............................................... 7 4.3商家后台功能 ................................................. 8 4.4 可行性分析 ................................................... 9