2018届高考英语一轮复习Unit3Plants学案重庆大学版必修4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018届高考英语一轮复习Unit3Plants学案重庆大学版必修4更新完毕开始阅读b7a3669a4b7302768e9951e79b89680203d86bbd


①Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was formerly alive.(2015·浙江高考单选)

②With nobody to_turn (turn) to, she found herself in a desperate situation then. ③Lose one hour in the morning and you will be looking for it the rest of the day.

④The college has five thousand teachers and students in all.

⑤Helen has a great many friends indeed, but she does not think she has any she can trust.

⑥He ordered you not to cut down the tree that gives you shade. ⑦Lots of the glass was melted down to be made into bottles. ⑧What are you going to do with the books which you will not use? 2.运用所学短语完成片段

Although I'm sixty years old, I can often recall some things happening as a child. My grandparents lived in a mountainous village and there were nine people ①in_all (总共) in the family. I would live there with them on vacations. When spring approached, many wild weeds and flowers ②came_up (长出) around the village. My grandmother loved me very much and she used to ③take_out (拿出) some nice pies ④made_of (由……制成)corn for me. At night, she used to teach me to recognize the stars in the clear sky. ⑤At_the_same_time (与此同时), I was given ⑥a_great_many (许多) stories about fairies living in the heaven. I still remember once my grandfather bought a picture of MagpieBridgeMeeting and ⑦hung_it_up (把它挂起来) on the wall opposite to the door. I really treasure those days.




①How did it come about that the car fell off the bridge into the river?发生

②The old man came across some old photographs in the ruins.发现 ③I like to get up early and watch the sun come up.升起

④The young designers came up with many fresh ideas at the meeting.提出 (2)一句多译


⑤Many good suggestions came_up at yesterday's meeting.


⑥Many good suggestions were come_up_with at yesterday's meeting. 2.Not all ...点点练 (1)补全句子


Not_everything that we need can be bought with money. ②他告诉了我所有的事情,但没有一件是激动人心的。

He told me all the things but_none_of them was very exciting. (2)句型转换

③All men here were not honest. →Not_all men here were honest.

④Both of the brothers don't like the film. →Not_both of the brothers like the film.


1.Do you see the old man with a walking (walk) stick in his right hand? 2.Beautiful music came floating (float) out of the window. 3.As he fell, he grasped at a hanging (hang) chain.

4.Last evening I was rung up by an old friend whom I had not heard of for years. 5.It seems there are a good many people out of work. 6.This salad is made of apple, pear, potato and celery.

7.With the boy leading (lead) the way, we found the house easily.

8.If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to_take (take) the consequences. 9.Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.

10.What to do with the rising cost of living becomes a daily discussion topic. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.The picture of the famous artist was hanged on the wall. hanged→hung


2.We don't have enough books for anybody; some of you will have to share.anybody→everybody

3.Hurry up, and you'll be late again.and→or

4.With a baby was in her arms, Mrs. Gao fell asleep.去掉was

5.I'm not sure how you will do with the outdated goods.how→what或do→deal 6.A recent study has come up an unexpected conclusion that the African elephant should be divided into two different species.up后加with

Ⅲ.用本单元所学知识完成写作训练 (一)依据提示补全短文


(拿出) all of his savings to buy a cow producing milk every day. He sold some milk for some money. Meanwhile, t

was_made_into (被制成) cheese and

In_fact (Generally speaking/In fact/Believe it or not),

the cow was their only means of support. ①One day, the cow was eating grass and then it began to rain heavily. His cow fell over the hill and died. He didn't know

do_with (对付

hung_up (挂起) its skin on the wall

of his house to memorize his cow. In order to have something to eat, Mr. Brown began

a_great_many (许多) chickens on the farm. Since

the plants took a while to grow,

cutting_down (砍倒) trees to sell the

got_ready_to (准备)

sell vegetables and some chickens in the market. It occurred to him that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.

(二)按要求将词汇句式升级 1.用本单元高级词汇替换加黑部分 (1)Meanwhile→At_the_same_time (2)grow→come_up (3)much→a_great_deal_of 2.按要求改写句式

(1)用“be doing ...when ”句型改写句①

One_day,_the_cow_was_eating_grass_when_it_began_to_rain_heavily._ (2)用with复合结构改写句②




练(一) 第Ⅱ卷强化增分练——练规范



(2017·唐山市高三一模)Twist, one of my students, told me that his favorite song is Don'tCry.__1__ (honest), I was quite surprised when he said this, __2__ personally I believe I always hold a kind of persistent nostalgia (怀旧) for the past and confusion for the future, and I never expect that the younger generations also share this feeling.

Why do people have such feeling for the past? The confusion, numbness, even disappointment, elusion (回避) to the present might be the __3__ (reason).TV series like GameofThrones, TheTudors, even Grimm, are all based __4__ the myths of the past.The popularity of this sort of shows suggests that there __5__ (be) quite a few people who feel like __6__ (seek) relief in the myths of the past.Last week,I read a story in __7__ history book.It is said that a historian __8__ (experience) the hunting lifestyle like food-gathering people in the Old Stone Age for half a year; he found that he was __9__ (strong) than before and less likely __10__ (get) high blood pressure.

语篇解读:本文作者由学生对一首歌的喜爱引出了人们的怀旧情结。 1.Honestly 修饰整个句子应用副词。

2.because 上下文之间有逻辑上的因果关系,故填because。

3.reasons 主语“The confusion, numbness ...present”是由几个不可数名词组成的短语,表示的是复数概念,故应用reasons。

4.on be based on“以……为基础”,为固定搭配。

5.are 分析句子结构可知,句子的主语是“quite a few people”,故谓语动词应用复数。此处表述的是客观情况,故用一般现在时。

6.seeking feel like doing sth.“想要做某事”,是固定用法。 7.a 根据语境可知,此处指“一本历史书”,表泛指,故填不定冠词a。

8.experienced 尽管后面有“for half a year”,但因为此处表示的是过去的经历,所以用一般过去时。

9.stronger 由语境及空后的“than before”可知此处应填比较级,故填stronger。 10.to get be likely to do sth.“可能做某事”,此处应用不定式。 Ⅱ.短文改错 Dear Susan,

Thank you for your letter. Due to the fact that I am on business in another city,