2018届高考英语一轮复习Unit3Plants学案重庆大学版必修4 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2018届高考英语一轮复习Unit3Plants学案重庆大学版必修4更新完毕开始阅读b7a3669a4b7302768e9951e79b89680203d86bbd

Save those complaints even when you are full of them. ☆Be afraid to speak up.

__5__Even shy people can build up self-confidence and learn how to make their voice heard.Start by picking a point ahead of time that you'd like to make clear,and aim to speak up early in the meeting, so you're not worrying about finding the right time to cut in later on.

A.No solutions but complaints.

B.More practical work instead of less talk. C.These habits might be dragging on you.

D.Employers treasure those who can team up with the others. E.You spend too much time in just listing what should be done.

F.Remember,in many cases,it can often be replaced by a“thank you”. G.The fear of sounding stupid prevents you from making your voices heard. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要讨论了一些在工作中拖后腿的坏习惯。 1.选C 根据文章标题和下面四个副标题可知文章主要介绍的是拖后腿的一些坏习惯,故选C。

2.选F 根据上文的信息可知,不必要的道歉太多会阻碍工作的发展,由此而得出结论:在有些时候,道歉可以为感谢取代,故选F。

3.选D 根据下文提及的“build relationships with your coworkers”创建与合作人的关系可推知选项句应该是老板重视那些能够与其他人合作的人,故选D。

4.选A 该段的主要内容讨论的是抱怨,而根据文章的主标题和其他三个副标题可知,四个副标题都应该是坏习惯,故选A。

5.选G 下文提及即使是害羞的人也能建立自信学会发表自己的意见,所以根据语义逻辑推理,选项句应该是害怕说傻话阻碍了你发表自己的意见,故选G。