PEP三年级英语下册练习连词成句和排序 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章PEP三年级英语下册练习连词成句和排序更新完毕开始阅读b7ddff436aec0975f46527d3240c844768eaa027


I. 连词成句

1. have, new, a, we, today, friend ( . )

________________________________________________________ 2. are, from, where, you (?)

________________________________________________________ 3. Canada, from, I’m ( . )

________________________________________________________ 4. have, can, some, I, water ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 5. again, see, nice, to, you ( . )

________________________________________________________ 6. Mr. Black, teacher, a, is (.)

________________________________________________________ 7. my, is, friend, this, new ( . )

________________________________________________________ 8. that, who’s, woman (?)

________________________________________________________ 9. mother, she, my, is ( . )

________________________________________________________ 10. love, I, father, my (.)

________________________________________________________ 11. I, kite, new, have, a ( . )

________________________________________________________ 12. many, can, see, you, how, cats (?)

________________________________________________________ 13. black, is, one, bird, a, the ( . )

________________________________________________________ 14. my, new, at, look, crayons ( . )

________________________________________________________ 15. you, how, pencils, have, many, do ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 16. see, open, and, it ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 17. have, I, three, pens, long ( . )


18. like, you, do, bananas (?)

________________________________________________________ 19. I, like, don’t, pears ( . )

________________________________________________________ 20. to, school, welcome, back ( . )

________________________________________________________ 21. more, have, some (?)

________________________________________________________ 22. like, very, I, peaches, much ( . )

________________________________________________________ 23. a, let’s, game, play (.)

________________________________________________________ 24. bike, where, my, is (?)

________________________________________________________ 25. on, desk, the, it’s (.)

________________________________________________________ 26. I, your, use, lamp, can ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 27. Children’s, Happy, Day ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 28. taxi, under, the, is, chair, the ( . )

________________________________________________________ 29. deer, the, short, is ( . )

________________________________________________________ 30. has, long, it, a, tail ( . )

________________________________________________________ 31.elephant, big, the, is, so ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 32. a, tiger, big, what ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 33. feed, don’t, animals, the ( ! )

________________________________________________________ 34. monkey, tail, the, has, long, a ( . )

________________________________________________________, can, have, orange, I (?)

________________________________________________________ 36. have, some, let’s, peaches (.)

________________________________________________________ 37.grapes, what, about (?)

________________________________________________________ 38.can, I, 20, see, lions ( . )

________________________________________________________ 39. a, let’s, fly, kite (.)

________________________________________________________ 40. your, what’s, box, in ( ? )

________________________________________________________ 41. cute, they’re, so ( . )

________________________________________________________ 42. pandas, at, look, the (.)

________________________________________________________ 43. 44. 45.

one, count, fifteen, I, from, can, to ( . ) can, get, pears, the, I ( . )

small, has, it, ears, big, eyes, and ( . )

II. 用数字给下列的句子排序,使其成为一个完整、通顺的对话。


( ) Where is my ruler? ( ) Excuse me, Sarah.

( ) Look! It’s on your pencil-case. B.

( ) Who’s that boy, Amy? ( ) Where are you from? ( ) Nice to meet you. ( ) No problem. ( ) Thank you. ( ) Here you are. ( ) Can I use your ruler? C.

( ) How many books do you have? ( ) Look at my new books! ( ) You’re right. ( ) Guess. ( ) Open it and see! ( ) Wow, how nice! ( ) Eleven?

( ) Oh, you have 20 books! E.

( ) No, it’s not in the toy box. ( ( ) Dad, where is my toy jeep? ( ( ) Thank you. ( ( ) In your toy box? ( ( ) Under the bed? ( ( ) You’re welcome. ( ( ) Oh, yeah! ( ( ) He is my friend, John. ( ) I’m from America. ( ) Hello, John. ( ) Nice to meet you, too.D.

( ) Yes, I do.

( ) Oh, I like them very much. ( ) Do you like watermelons? ( ) Great!

( ) What about peaches?

( ) Let’s have some watermelons and peaches.


) Come on, children. ) Look, it has a long tail. ) What about the rabbit? ) Look at the monkey. ) It has long ears. ) It’s so cute. ) You’re right.