【20套精选试卷合集】青海省西宁市第四高级中学2019-2020学年高考英语模拟试卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【20套精选试卷合集】青海省西宁市第四高级中学2019-2020学年高考英语模拟试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读b7f80017df36a32d7375a417866fb84ae45cc32f




第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 1.What does the man often do on weekends?

A.Go on picnics. B.Stay at home. C.Have a barbecue 2.What makes the man think im Yu-Na comes from South orea? A.Her name. B.Her language. C.Her appearance. 3.What does the woman probably do?

A. A doctor. B. A professor. C.A policewoman. 4.How much does the man withdraw?

A.$100 B.$105 C.$110 5.What will the man do?

A.Go shopping B.Watch a game. C.Feed the bulls. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 请听下面一段对话,回答第6至8题: 6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.On the bus B.At the bus stop C.In the Capital Museum. 7.What does the woman mean? A.He took a wrong bus.

B.He should have asked her earlier. C.He should have reached the stop earlier. 8.What will the man do?

A.Take a taxi B.Walk back 30 meters. C.Get off the bus at the next stop. 请听下面一段对话,回答第9至11题:

9.Why does the woman consider putting off getting a Master’s Degree? A.To learn Chinese B.To work for some time C.To earn much money. 10.What can we infer about the man? A.He has been to China. B.He isn’t interested in Chinese. C.He has got his Master’s Degree. 11.What will the man do if given a chance? A.Visit China again.[] B.Give up his present job. C.Finish the graduate program. 请听下面一段对话,回答第12至14题: 12.What are the speakers going to do?

A.Buy books B.Go to the park C.Visit the temple 13.What does the woman think is different from her country?

A.History B.Regulations C.Buildings 14.How can the speakers go there?

A.By taxi. B.By bike C.By subway 请听下面一段对话,回答第15至17题: 15.Why can’t Mr.Parker answer the phone? A.He is not in. B.He has a meeting. C.He is making a call.

16.When does the conversation take place according to Shanghai time? A.At 900 in the evening. B.At 200 in the afternoon. C.At 900 in the morning.

17.What has Mr.Parker known about Mr.Jacob before the call?[] A.Schedule. B.Phone C.Email address. 请听下面一段独白,回答第18至20题: 18.What is the speaker talking about?

A.Dream. B.Reality. C.Relationship. 19.What can we know about Cathy? A.She likes sailing. B.She is an old woman. C.She is afraid of storms.

20.What does the speaker want to do? A.Save all creatures.

B.Participate in exploring Mars. C.Live for several hundred years.

第二部分:阅读理解(共2节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)



When I was going home to India last year, I called up my mother to ask if she wanted anything from China.

When India had not opened up its markets to the world, I carried suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans. Thankfully, we can get all these anywhere in India now.

Still, her answer surprised me “Green tea.”

As long as I can remember she didn’t even drink Indian tea.

I dutifully bought a big packet of Longjing and headed home to hear the story. My mother and her brother, both regular newspaper readers, believed that Chinese green tea was the wonder drug for all illnesses.

At the turn of the century, China was not really familiar to the average India. It was a strange country. How things change! And how soon!

Now every town of any size seems to have a “China Market”. And everyone is talking about China. The government of India has planned to send a team to China to see how things are done. A minister once said that India must open the doors for more foreign investment and such a step would “work wonders as it did for China”.

But it’s a two-way street. I just heard about a thousand Shenzhen office workers who have gone to Bangalore to train in software. Meanwhile, all the Indian IT majors are setting up a strong presence in China.

No wonder that trade, which was only in the millions just ten years ago, is expected to hit about US $ 15 billion for last year and US $20 billion by 2008, a goal set by both governments.

No wonder, my colleague wrote some weeks ago about this being the Sino-Indian(中印)century as the two countries started on January 1 the Sino-Indian Friendship Year.

But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea. 21. Why did the mother ask for Chinese green tea? A. She was tired of Indian tea. B. She had a son working in China. C. She believed it had a curing effect. D. She was fond of Chinese products.

22. What does the author mean by “it’s a two-way street” in Paragraph 10? A. China and India have different traffic rules. B. Tea trade works wonders in both India and China. C. Chinese products are popular in both China and India. D. The exchanges between India and China benefit both. 23. What do we know about the Indian IT industry? A. It will move its head office to Shenzhen. B. It is seeking further development in China. C. It has attracted an investment of US $15 billion. D. It caught up with the US IT industry in 2008. 24. In the text the author expresses ______. A. his concern for his mother’s health B. his support for drinking Chinese green tea C. his surprise at China’s recent development D. his wonder at the growth of India’s IT industry B

Foreign drivers will have to pay on-the-spot fines of up to £900 for breaking the traffic law to be carried out next month.

If they do not have enough cash or a working credit card, their vehicles will be clamped(扣留)until they pay—and they will face an additional fee of £80 for getting back their vehicles.

The law will also apply to British citizens. The fines will be described officially as “deposits” when the traffic law takes effect, because the money would be returned if the driver went to court and was found not guilty. In practice, very few foreign drivers are likely to return to Britain to deal with their cases.

Foreign drivers are rarely charged because police cannot take action against them if they fail to appear in court. Instead, officers often merely give warnings.

Three million foreign-registered vehicles enter Britain each year. Polish vehicles make up 36 percent,

French vehicles 10 percent and German vehicles 9 percent.

Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more likely to be in a crash than British-registered vehicles. The number of crashes caused by foreign vehicles rose by 47 percent between 2003 and 2008. There were almost 400 deaths and serious injuries and 3,000 slight injuries from accidents caused by foreign vehicles in 2008.

The new law is partly intended to settle the problem of foreign lorry drivers ignoring limits on weight and hours at the wheel. Foreign lorries are three times more likely to be in a crash than British lorries. Recent spot checks found that three quarters of lorries that failed safety tests were registered overseas.

The standard deposit for a careless driving offence—such as driving too close to the vehicles in front or reading a map at the wheel—will be £300. Deposits for speeding offences and using mobile phones will be £60. Foreign drivers will not get points as punishment added to their licenses, while British drivers will. 25. The first paragraph serves as a(n) ______.

A. explanation B. introduction C. comment D. background

26. The foreign drivers who break the traffic law and do not pay on the spot are likely to be fined up to ______.

A. £60 B. £300 C. £900 D. £980 27. We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. many foreign drivers have been fined by British police B. 300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every year

C. 25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests

D. British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law 28. The new traffic law is mainly intended to ______. A. limit the number of foreign vehicles entering Britain B. increase the British government’s additional income C. lower the rare of traffic accidents and injuries D. get foreign drivers to appear in court


Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other countries and learn to change their practices in different cultures. They understand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions-mistaken ideas.

One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that one’s own culture’s way of doing things is better than the way of other cultures. It’s ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business. To avoid ethnocentrism, it’s necessary to study the different elements of culture language, values and attitudes, and customs and manners.


A knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four ways. First, people can communicate directly. Second, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their language. Third, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly. Finally, knowing the language helps people to understand the culture better.

Values and Attitudes

Values are people’s basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. An attitude is a way of thinking or acting. Values and attitudes influence international business. For example, many people in the United States believe that chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it.