五年级英语上学期期中试卷 冀教版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章五年级英语上学期期中试卷 冀教版更新完毕开始阅读b829be9de109581b6bd97f19227916888486b9b7

C.What is the capital city of China ? D.Where is the city of Canada ?

( )3.当你问别人澳大利来说什么语言时,应说: A.Do they speak English in Australia ? B.What do they say in Australia ? C.What is Australia ?

D.What do they speak in Australia ? ( )4.当你想说:“我们说汉语”时,应说: A.We are speakeing Chinese B.We can speak Chinese C.We speak Chinese D.We speak China

( )5.当你想知道哪个国家位于中国东方时,会问: A.What country is east of China ?

B.What country is south of China ? C.What country is west of China ? D.What country is north of China ?


1.What colour lt’s stars ?(are,is) 2.Australia beautiful beaches .(have,has)

3. is Aastralia ?It’s south and east of china. (where what)

4.The of Australia is Canberra. (Canada city capital city ) 5.The is a little flay inside Australia’s flag. (U.K’sflag Canada’s flay)

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