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reef 礁 coral 珊瑚 beak 鸟嘴 enzymes 酵母 larvae 幼虫 tadpole 蝌蚪 caterpillar 毛虫 grasshopper 蚱蜢 toad 蟾蜍 herbicide 除草剂

secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌 pancreas 胰腺

odor 气味(还有aroma fragrance scent smell 大概意思相同,都有\气味\的意思,幸亏不是GRE,hehe) roe 鱼卵 caviar 鱼子酱 raccoon 浣熊 gland 腺体 cricket 蟋蟀


gossip 闲谈 rumor 传闻,谣言

comic a.使人发笑的 a comic song b.喜剧的 a comic opera poetic 诗意的,诗的 narrative 叙事的 irony 讽刺 vignette 小品文


sermon 训诫,说道 astute 精明的,狡黠的 observation 观察,观测/评论 prospector 探矿者 beacon 烽火/灯塔,灯标 prodigious 惊人的,奇妙的 protagonist 主人公 despise 鄙视 opera 歌剧 symphony 交响乐 chamber music 室内音乐 oratorio 清唱剧 soloist 独唱者 vogue 时尚,流行 choral society 合唱团 wane 变小,减少 libel 诽谤

pretentious 自命不凡的

contemporary artistic development 当代艺术发展 vibranay 活跃 metropolis 大都市 linger 徘徊 relic 遗迹,废墟 discern 看出,识别 mirage 海市蜃楼 prolific 多产

humanitarian 人道主义者 philanthropist 慈善家


repertoire 戏目 dialect 方言 mural 壁画 sanctuany 神殿 anthen 国歌 constellation 星座


antanna 天线

synchronous(adj.) synchronize(v.) 同步 revolution 革命/旋转,绕转 disparage 贬抑,藐视 barrel 桶 sail 帆 wing 翼 paddle 桨 hoop 铁环 flap 垂下物

meteorologically 气象学 meteorologist 气象学家

precipitation 降水 (几种形式: rain 下雨 hail 冰雹 sleet 雨夹




astronomy, illusive object, cosmos宇宙, Brown Dwarf, gaseous bodies, planet, massive,


ignite, star, heaven, celestial天体的, faint微弱的, universe, comet, meteor流星, astronomer, observatory天文台, telescope, image, astronomical object, remote, feeble微弱的, solar system, origin, gravitational force, molten熔化的, Mars, space


earthquake, seismic activity, tidal force, Erie Canal, inland waterway, Great Canyon, coast, volcanic ash, eruption, filed trip, rock formation, Death Valley, desert, layer, fold, waterfall, rapid, natural wonder, Nile River, crust, Colorado river, swale erosion, geologist, rocky mantle of the continent, mid-ocean ridge, landlocked area内陆, atmosphere, active volcano活火山, ice sheet, glacier, melt global warming, plain, fossil化石, bored hole, fault断层, make up the earth interior, vibration, p waves, s waves, crust, core, molten lava岩浆


construct, architect, architecture, design, elevator, construction, skyscraper, design element, log structure, cabin, beam, wall, style, prototype, building technique, new material, ten stories high十层高, metal-frame, construction, glass box, a glass-shelf framed in a metal grid


fossil fuel, coal, oil, gas, process of photo synthesis光合作用, solar energy, nonrenewable, energy conservation, resource, alternative, energy source, tidal energy, coalification, traffic jam, fuel-efficient节能型的, rush hour, pollute, zero emission, environment, wildness, preservation, atmosphere, climate, carbon, dioxide, burning of coal and oil, global warming, green house effect温室效应, rise in sea level, ice-cap, melt, long-term climatic change, clean up, offshore spillage溢出量, Environmental