江苏省苏州市2013届高三上学期期末调研测试英语试题 联系客服

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英 语



第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分)




( )1. How did the man find the movie?

A. He liked the last part of it. B. He didn't like it at all. C. He liked it very much. ( )2. What is the age of the man now? A. 16. B. 20. C. 24.

( )3. When will the man take his vacation?

A. At the end of August. B. One or two days later. C. Next week. ( )4. What advice does the woman give the man?

A. Prepare well for the final exam. B. Take three days off. C. Do not be too anxious about the final exam. ( )5. Does the man agree with the woman?

A.Yes, he does. B. No,he doesn't. C. We don't know. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



( )6. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To an office. B. To a fruit shop. C. To a police station. ( )7. What does the woman have to do now?

A. Wait for Mark at the crossroads. B. Walk ahead and turn right. C. Walk a little way back.


( )8. What's the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Employer and employee. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student. ( )9. What does the woman think of Jack?

A. Gentle, mature, and always right. B. Patient, successful, but quite old. C. Gentle, successful, and very mature.

( )10. What is the man's attitude towards the woman's relation with Jack? A. He thinks that the age gap will work against the woman's relation with Jack.

B. He believes that other people don't think much of the woman's relation with Jack. C. He notices that there is something special about Jack. 听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。

( )11. What is the man's phone number?

A. 337-766-8769. B. 377-765-8879. C. 377-765-8769. ( )12. Who is the woman?

A. A secretary. B. An operator. C. Pacific Bell. ( )13. Why is the man moving to California?

A. Because he is changing jobs. B. Because he has finished school. C. Because he is offered a new job there.

( )14. Till when can the man use his phone?

A. 5:00 AM tomorrow. B. 5:00 PM tomorrow. C. June,5th. 听第9段材料,回答第15至16题。

( )15. What is the job mentioned in the conversation?

A. To look after children. B. To work for a newspaper. C. To serve in a phone company.

( )16. On what condition will the woman most probably accept the job? A. The work is interesting. B. She could live in California. C. The return ticket is paid and the salary is good. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

( )17. What are organic fruits and vegetables?

A. Those that are grown without adding any chemicals. B. Those that are grown in a conventional way.

C. Those that farmers have to use sprays to kill pests to make grow faster. ( )18. What does organic food contain, compared with regular produce? A. 12 percent more vitamins and minerals.

B. 50 percent more iron. C. 56 percent more calcium. ( )19. Why do many people prefer choosing organic food? A. Because it's cheaper. B. Because it has more tastes. C. Because it is more nutritious.

( )20. Which of the following represents the feature of organic food? A. It looks brighter. B. It lasts longer. C. It tastes better. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



( )21. These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a ________ computer disk.

A. conventional B. consistent C. conservative D. continuous

( )22. — John, where are the cookies? Don't tell me you ate them all! Again! — Yes,I did. I couldn't ________ it. They were so good. A. resist B. stop C. help D. make

( )23. You will receive your test results online immediately ________ completion of the test.

A. after B. upon C. before D. about

( )24. I was wondering how long ________ you stayed at the party.

A. it was B. was it C. it was that D. was it that

( )25. — Hi, stranger! You seem to have been away for a while. — Yeah, I ________ with my grandmother for several weeks. A. have lived B. have been living C. lived D. had lived

( )26. I ________ tell you how relieved I am to know that everyone is safe. A. won't B. can't C. shouldn't D. mustn't

( )27. Some middle-aged people call themselves the “sandwich generation”, ________ between kids and parents.

A. catching B. to catch C. caught D. catch

( )28. I guess I could lend you the car ________ you fill up the tank. A. if only B. on condition C. provide that D. so long as

( )29. ________ colds won't kill you, they can weaken your immune system to the point that other more serious germs can take hold in your body.

A. While B. Because C. If D. When

( )30. — Now more and more Chinese students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT.

— ________. But taking a SAT may cost one more than 1,000 yuan. A. I hope so B. Not really

C. That's the case D. That sounds reasonable

( )31. — I found your foreign friend didn't laugh a lot over my jokes.

— Don't be silly. You know cultural differences? Being a foreigner, he did not ________ these jokes.

A. catch on B. get on C. focus on D. take on

( )32. A nature reserve for white-flag dolphins was set up in 1992, ________ boats have been prohibited from sailing around since then.

A. where B. which C. when D. whatf

( )33. We ________ that all the decisions and plans adopted and all the achievements made at this congress will play an important role in the development of the great cause.

A. convince B. are convinced C. will convince D. were convinced

( )34. The charity organization has launched a TV program ________ people should do as much as they could to help those survivors in the earthquake.

A. what B. when C. that D. which

( )35. — Congratulations to you on becoming Vice President of the Students' Union. — Thanks. But for your encouragement, I ________ about it. You know I am a shy guy. A. shouldn't think B. wouldn't have thought C. wouldn't think D. shouldn't have thought


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 The words mother and Mothers' Day are simple, yet powerful little words that mothers hear all the time especially so around the time of Mothers' Day when everyone seems to be __36__ ideas to say “thank you”, and mothers are surely loved and are __37__ all over again. In fact, with that __38__ day being only a few weeks away, some of your thoughts at this time can __39__ anywhere from what are you going to do for your mother, spouse or other __40__ ones to should it be a product gift or something more personal.If it is the __41__ route, how can it be made more personalized? If it is the gift of time, how can it be made more personal?

Mothers' Day for some will be welcomed with feelings of __42__ while for others it may be a day of mixed feelings especially so __43__ the mother you will honor has lost a child to tragedy. So that is __44__ whenever you wish to honor someone in your own little way, you should __45__ where that person may be in their life and then the event. Many people say that it's the thought that __46__ and yes that's a very good point. To give you some __47__, consider a single mother who's been __48__ to raise her children and doing it all __49__ in every sense of the word,what would make her __50__ on Mothers' Day? What about a seventy-two year old mother who has __51__ her children but suddenly __52__ the new responsibilities of raising her grand children, what would she possibly want or __53__?

Sure a bunch of __54__ or some other last minute gift would be nice and probably get you off the hook, __55__ what would that mother really want to do for that special day?

( )36. A. searching for B. coming across C. waiting for D. looking into ( )37. A. ignored B. appreciated C. forgiven D. inspired ( )38. A. occasional B. common C. special D. lucky ( )39. A. range B. contain C. include D. symbolize ( )40. A. needed B. lost C. loved D. linked

( )41. A. product B. packet C. money D. souvenir

( )42. A. tragedy B. excitement C. envy D. disappointment ( )43. A. as B. if C. though D. since

( )44. A. how B. where C. whether D. why

( )45. A. compare B. contribute C. consider D. conclude ( )46. A. counts B. fails C. happens D. appears ( )47. A. points B. examples C. decisions D. results

( )48. A. challenging B. satisfying C. struggling D. arguing ( )49. A. together B. above C. alone D. over ( )50. A. day B. time C. moment D. period ( )51. A. left B. spoiled C. raised D. adopted ( )52. A. on B. in C. away D. up

( )53. A. refuse B. reject C. deserve D. commit ( )54. A. sweets B. flowers C. cards D. dinner ( )55. A. thus B. so C. or D. but




A young couple entered the restaurant in Andy's view. They were holding hands. Andy sat back down in his chair. He_felt_sick. He turned and faced his father, who was eating xi.

“What's the matter, son?” asked his father. “I thought you were going to the birthday party.”

“It's too late.” “Are you sure?”

Andy nodded. He looked at the plate of xi. He wanted to bury his face in it. “Hi, Andy.”A voice came from behind.

Andy looked up. He recognized the beautiful face, and he refused to meet her eyes. “Hi,