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经济贸易方面的基本词汇是必须要掌握的。比如要阅读西方国家经济状况的文章,就需要对描述经济状况的基本词汇有所了解,如:business cycle (商业周期),capital goods (资本货物),economic recession (经济衰退),credit-crunching (紧缩信贷),currency reserve (货币储备),以及deflation (通货收缩)等。

如要读懂有关商品市场的文章就需了解诸如bear market (空头市场),bull market (多头市场),futures market (期货市场),potential market (潜在市场)等各种市场词汇,同时还需了解描述各种价格的词汇,如constant price (不变价格),contract price (合同价格),ceiling price (上限价格)和floor price (下限价格)等等。同时还要了解涉及商品贸易的词汇,如rebuilding of stocks (吃进库存),sampling(选样调查),spot sales (出售现货)等等。

要阅读涉及贸易和贸易壁垒方面的文章,就应了解诸如dumping (倾销)和antidumping (反倾销);有关各种配额的词汇,如absolute quotas (绝对配额)、country quotas (国别配额),import quotas (进口配额),global quotas (全球配额),及prohibited tariff (禁止性关税),protective rate (保护性关税)等等。

同样,如阅读有关货币汇价波动的文章,就必须掌握诸如capital export (资本输出),capital inflow (资本流入),currency devaluation or revaluation (货币贬值或增值),floating exchange rate (浮动汇率)等基本词汇。

其他经济领域,如国际收支、有关贸易做法以及市场调研都是如此,每一范畴都有其基本的词汇。只有掌握了这些基本词汇,才能读懂经贸报刊文章的主要内容。 英美经贸报刊中除了有以上涉及的专业词汇外,还包括大量不断涌现的新词汇,诸如Euro (欧元)、pro-market (主供市场经济)、roll-on & roll-off traffic (滚动式运输)、moonlight-job (“月光”工作;非正式工作)业已成为人们所熟悉的字眼。

我们今天拥有新词汇的数量之多是可想而知的。全部掌握这些词汇是不可能的,但是如果能够熟悉新词的构成模式,尤其对组合词 (compound words) 的构成形式有所了解,对新词汇的掌握会大有裨益。


1. 语言简练、通俗


例:Capital spending by industry just pokes along. Ditto residential building. 工业资本开支缓慢增加,住房建筑也是这样。



新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译


例:The collapse of copper prices has come just as demand for it from the industrialized world has dropped 8% last year and as production, after two years of high prices, is starting to increase.


这里的前置词on替代了短语compared with。前置词on用在此场合既达到了简练的目的,意思又非常明了。 2. 用词形象、生动

例:Italy is one country where it is really good-by to the boom, at least until the chronic weakness in the balance of payments is cured, and the 17% inflation is reduced.

意大利是一个真正与经济繁荣告别了的国家,至少,在国际收支方面的长期困境得以改善,以及每年17%的通货膨胀有所抑制之前,情况难以好转。 这里的告别一词,既good-bye,通俗易懂。

例:The shakeup gave Clinton a chance to revitalize his weary team. So have any of those jobs been filled? Nope.


这一段文字中使用了perennial和bugaboo两个词,充分而形象地展示了困扰克林顿的问题的时间之长和棘手程度。特别是这段最后一个词Nope,是口语中才使用的词,为俚语。该词的使用使语气更为生动。 3. 巧用省略形式

例:Who is afraid of global markets? Not U.S. investors.

这里Not一词前省略了They are。 4. 多使用引语、插入语及倒装形式 例:“Based on the $1-a-day measure, the region as a whole is on track, due in part to rapid economic growth in many countries, most recently in China,‖ it said. 报告称:“按照每天1美元的标准,整个亚太地区有望实现这一目标,部分原因是许多国家快速的经济增长,尤其是在近年的中国。” 例:“We are going to strongly push development of the subway in order to deal with Beijing's traffic,‖ says Liu Qi, the capital's powerful Communist party secretary. ―The large-scale subway development . . . may well result in the world's biggest network.‖

北京市委书记刘淇表示“我们要大力推进地铁建设,解决北京的交通拥堵问题,大规模的地铁建设??最终可能建成全球最大的地铁网络。” 以上这段话中,既有引语,又有插入语形式。 5. 被动语态的使用

新闻报道语言中常使用一些固定的被动语态表达方式,如:is thought to be, is believed to be, is estimated to be等等。

例:The villagers were mightily impressed by American generosity—and carelessness. 美国人的大方,或者说是粗心,给这些村民留下了深刻的印象。 6. 用首都名称代替一个国家的政府

例:Instead, Beijing is pitting Ford, GM, and other big carmakers against each other in a bidding war designed transfer technology.



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7. 以一个地方建筑物的名称代替某一政府机构

例:the White House代替美国政府;Pentagon代表美国国防部。



This is the story of the Dai family in China's remote Dabie Mountains, and a reminder that we're not doing much to prepare for perhaps the most important long-term trend in the world—the rise of China.

The Dais live here in Gaoshan, a hamlet(没有教堂的小村庄)in central China's Hubei Province. I met them in 1990, when their eldest child, an excellent sixth-grade student named Dai Manju, had just dropped out of school because the family could not afford $13 in annual school fees.

Gaoshan had no electricity and was a two-hour hike from the nearest dirt road. The Dais shared their mud-brick house with their pig, and they owned nothing: no watch, no bicycle, no change of clothes.

I wrote about Dai Manju back then, and a reader sent her $100 to help, but Morgan Guaranty Trust Company missed a decimal point and sent $10,000 instead. The villagers were mightily impressed by American generosity—and carelessness.

The money went not to the villagers but to the county authorities, who used it to cover school fees for Dai Manju and other pupils and, mostly, to build a desperately needed school in another district. Since then, gaps between rich and poor have worsened in China, and so I decided to seek out the Dai family again. I though that I would find them still living amid desperate poverty and official indifference, allowing me to write a reality-check column about how the Chinese boom has boosted coastal areas but left the vast interior little changed.

But then I came to the end of the old dirt road—and found that the path had been extended a few years ago so that now it is possible to drive all the way to Gaoshan. Every home in the village now has electricity. Two families even have telephones.

As for the Dais, they are living in a new six-room house, made of concrete. The pig lives outside. The parents proudly showed me their stove, television and electric fan.

Dai Manju turned out to have graduated from high school and then from technical school in accounting, and such lofty academic credentials are no longer uncommon in Gaoshan. She and her two siblings are working in Guangdong Province, all earning $125 a month or more—what her father earned in a year.

These inland rural areas lag behind the coastal regions, and so the income gaps are growing. But


新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译

lives are unmistakably getting better almost everywhere. (The only exception I saw was Henan Province, where AIDS is impoverishing villages.) Partly gains come because peasants in villages like Gaoshan go south to work in those sweatshops denounced by American students but treasured by Chinese workers.

he lesson, for me, is that China's transformation is trickling even into the poor interior, dragging all 1.3 billion people into the world economy. When historians look back on our time, I think they'll focus on the resurgence of China after 500 years of weakness—and the way America was oblivious as this happened.

Plenty can still go wrong in China, from a banking crisis (national banks are insolvent) to labor riots (laid-off workers are grumbling everywhere). The government is often brutal and is catastrophically mismanaging an AIDS crisis.

But it's possible for China simultaneously to torture people and enrich them. Human and financial capital are growing and being deployed more sensibly, and a ferocious drive and work ethic are galvanizing even remote nooks like Gaoshan.

For most of human history, China was the world's largest economy and most advanced civilization. The it stagnated after about 1450, but some estimates are that even as late as 1820 China amounted to 32 percent of the world's G.D.P.—and then it utterly collapsed.

Now, with the Dais and a billion people like them emerging from subsistence, China is on course eventually to recover its traditional pre-eminence. And just as China at its peak was blindsided by the rise of the West, we're likely to be blindsided by the rise of China.

You want a Thanksgiving example of that drive I mentioned? Some years ago, a friend was among a group of Americans teaching English in Sichuan Province, and when they couldn't locate a turkey for Thanksgiving they asked a government official for help. Eager to please the Americans, he arranged a feast that included, amazingly, two turkeys.

Late it turned out that he'd confiscated them from the local zoo.

The Weekly Guardian


承受生活压力的北京上班族应该感到庆幸,因为他们将得到罕见的实惠:花更少的钱坐更远的车。 中国首都周日开通了新的公共交通线路——长达27.6公里的地铁五号线,而里程延长后的地铁网络票价却大幅下调至2元人民币,还不到以前最高票价的一半。

