2020年外研版必修1:Module5 Section 课文训练含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2020年外研版必修1:Module5 Section 课文训练含解析更新完毕开始阅读b8e1edd978563c1ec5da50e2524de518974bd37c

Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab

Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary

姓名:________ 测试时间:45分钟 本卷总分:50分 自评或老师评分:________


Ⅰ.选择方框内的单词,并用其适当形式填空 aim apparatus balance conclusion electricity

expand gravity heat method results

1.We can use the power of wind to make ________.

2.The ________ has come into wide use in this area and it proves useful. 3.Have you set the________up yet?

4. If ________, liquids can change into gases.

5. The ________ of the experiment is to find the relationship between the content of soluble solid substance and temperature.

6.Are you happy with the________of the experiment?Did you get the________you expected?

7.We use a ________to weigh substances.

8.The force of ________ pulls things towards the earth's center. 9.Metals ________ with heat and contract when cooled. 答案:

1.electricity 2.method 3.apparatus 4.heated 5.aim 6.results,conclusion 7.balance 8.gravity 9.expand

Ⅱ.用所给的短语完成句子 错误!

1.She used the tongs ________ the coal ________ the fire. 2. One hundred dollars buys less than it ________.

3. The competition between enterprises is mainly ________ technology .

4. We ________all ________ the Chinese athletes' success during the 31st Olympic Games held in Brazil.

5.Iron________________water and air to produce rust.

6.There are some underwater plants__________________________________________ the tube.

7.You________________________clean the blackboard and the classroom today. 8.________the dog________________ the room.Don't let it in. 答案:

1.to add;to 2.used to 3.in the area of

4. are;proud of 5.reacts with 6.at the bottom of 7.are supposed to 8.Keep;out of




We're surrounded by chemistry in everyday life. Sometimes it is easy to see, like when your science teacher does a big experiment in class. At other times, it can be pretty hard to see everyday chemistry at work,but nearly everything you touch or use has some element of chemistry in it.Something as simple as toothpaste contains at least three chemicals, if not more. It is the mixture of them and its chemical reaction that keeps your teeth clean. Other things you use every day are

created by chemistry,such as hair products, shampoo and soap. Adding detergent(洗涤剂) to water involves chemistry. Without chemistry, we would never have known that we need soap to get the oil out of clothes or skin.

Chemistry not only helps us make products for use, but also helps us understand the world around us. Chemistry helps us understand what the ozone layer(臭氧层)is and how it protects us. Chemistry also gives us sunscreen to protect us from the sun. Thanks to chemistry, we know bleach (漂白剂) can't be mixed with vinegar, because it can produce poisonous gas. Without chemistry, we wouldn't have fireworks displays on important days.

Chemistry plays a big role in food preparation. Cooking food causes it to go through a chemical change. That is why cooked food often tastes different from raw food. Baking is a great example of chemistry. Too much or too little of any ingredient makes a difference to the result of baking, for example, the dough(面团) won't rise or the cake will be flat.

Chemistry isn't something that just lives in a lab; it's something that you meet hundreds of times every day. Knowing how chemistry works will give you a greater understanding of the science behind some of the simplest-looking things.

1.What's the main idea of Paragraph 1? A.Chemistry is easy to see around us.

B.Sometimes chemistry is hard to see around us. C.How a science teacher does a big experiment. D.Few things in everyday life contain chemistry.

2.The following actions are about chemistry EXCEPT ________. A.cleaning teeth with toothpaste B.washing hair with hair products

C.using soap to get the oil out of clothes D.washing your face with water

3.Which one is TRUE according to Paragraph 4? A.One can't find chemistry when cooking food.

B.Chemistry plays an important part in food making. C.That the dough rises is nothing to do with chemistry. D.A flat cake is the result of too many ingredients.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A.Chemistry Around the House B.Chemistry in Science C.Chemistry for Dinner

D.Chemistry in Everyday Life 答案:

化学课上的实验让我们清楚地看到了化学过程,但是在日常生活中也随处可见化学。 1.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段末句可知,本段主要强调“日常生活中看不见的化学”。故B项正确。


2.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,tooth paste, hair products, soap都是化学产品,故A、B、C三项均为化学过程。D项“用水洗脸”并非化学过程。







Educational Camps 2020

★21st Century Princess Program:9 am~3 pm Monday through Friday,July 23~27. For

girls 12~15. Girls learn hair care, good manners and the importance of inner beauty.Homewood Suites by Hilton, 2001 E. Highland Ave., Phoenix.$495.www.homewoodsuites.hilton.com.(623)848—1844.

★Barrow Institute Summer Camp:9 am~4 pm Mondays through Fridays, July 23 through Aug.3.For ages 12~14. Activities include exploring laboratories and researching the effectiveness of treatments and medicines.July 23~27 for beginning students, and July 30~Aug. 3 for advanced students. Barrow Neurological Institute, 350 W. Thomas Road,Phoenix.$195~$220.www.thebni.com.(602)716-2028.

★Digital Kids World Summer Camp:9 am~4 pm Mondays through Fridays, July 30 through Aug. 17.For kids 6~14. Choose from a variety of technical classes, such as cartoon book design and video game design. Morning and afternoon camps held each week. Digital Kids World, 5070 N. Central Ave., Phoenix.$150 weekly for kids 6~9;$225 weekly for kids 10~14. www.digitalkidsworld.com.(602)445—3925.

★Kids Advanced College Program:Mondays through Thursdays, July 30 through Sept. 19. For ages 8~14.Classes include lively computer design, engineering and writing. Prices and times vary. Paradise Valley Community College, 18401 N. 32nd St., Phoenix.$99~$379. www.pvc.maricopa.edu.(602)787—6804.

★Camp Zoo:Mondays through Fridays, July 30 through Aug.13.For ages 4~14.Younger kids work with smaller animals, basic care giving and art projects, while older children explore animal medicine. Morning,afternoon, evening and full-day sessions available.Phoenix Zoo, 455

N.Galvin Parkway, Phoenix.$153~$280 per week.www.phoenixzoo.org.(602)273—1341.

5.According to the passage,these activities are planned mainly for ________. A.college students B.teachers C.parents

D.children and teens

6.If Mary,aged 12, wants to learn how to behave well, which of the following will she choose?

A.21st Century Princess Program. B.Digital Kids world Summer Camp. C.Barrow Institute Summer Camp. D.Kids Advanced College Program.

7.Which of the following can offer you information about animals and animal medicine? A.(602)716—2028.

B.www.digitalkidsworld.com. C.(602)273—1341.


8.According to the passage, we know that ________. A.all these activities are held in the same city B.21st Century Princess Program lasts the longest C.the price of Camp Zoo is the highest per week

D.Kids Advanced College Program is popular with plant lovers 答案:

5.解析:事实判断题。根据五个广告的参加者的年龄可知答案。 答案:D

6.解析:细节理解题。根据第一个广告中出现good manners and the importance of inner beauty可知答案。


7.解析:推理判断题。第五个广告的电话号码可知答案。 答案:C

