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四、 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。

Girl: Hello!I'm Amy. What's your name?

Boy: My name's Mike. I'm from Canada. Where are you from? Girl: I'm from the UK. Nice to meet you. Girl: Nice to meet you,too. (..)1. Amy is a boy.

(..)2. Amy is from China. (..)3. Mike is a girl.

(..)4. Mike is from Canada.

B Let’s learn

一、 读句子,选词填空。

He She I

1. This is Amy. ________ is a student. 2. This is Mr Jones. ________ is a teacher. 3. My name is Mike. ________ am from Canada. 4. This is John. ________ is my friend.

5. This is Miss Lin. ________ is my new teacher. 二、读句子,圈出恰当的单词。

1. My name’s Mike. ( I’m / My) from Canada. 2. Lily is a (boy / girl). She’s from Canada. 3. Where are (you / your ) from ?

4 . This is Mr White. (He’s / She’s ) a teacher.



5. I am a boy and you (is / are ) a girl. 三、单项选择。

( ) 1.—_____ are you from? — I’m from China.

A. What B. How C. Where

( ) 2. This is Amy. ____ my new friend. A. She B. She’s C. she’s

( ) 3. Mike is from Canada. He’s a ______. A. student B. new C. girl

( ) 4. This is Mr Jones. ____a teacher. A. I’m B. He’s C. She’s

( ) 5. —John, ___ is Li Ping. —Hi! Nice to meet you. A. This B. He C. That 四、看图,选择恰当的字母序号填写在括号里。




Miss White:Boys and girls ,we have three new friends today. Mary: Hello, I’m Mary. I’m from the UK. Lily : Hi, I’m Lily. I’m an English girl, too.

Zhang Shan: Hi, I’m Zhang Shan. I’m from Beijing. Boys and girls: Welcome! ( ) 1. Miss White is a pupil. ( ) 2. Mary is a new student. ( ) 3. Lily is from the USA.

( ) 4. Zhang Shan is from China.

( ) 5. Mary and Zhang Shan are old friends.

B Start to read


( ) 1. A. she B. your C. he ( ) 2. A. hand B. teacher C. student ( ) 3. A. China B. USA C. NBA



( ) 4. A. boy B. pupil C. girl ( ) 5. A. friend B. tiger C. bear 二、情景选择。

(..) 1. 你班有新同学来时,你应该说:

A. Welcome! .B. Are you OK? C. You’re welcome. ( ) 2. 你想知道对方是哪里人,可以这样问:_______ A. How are you? B. What's your name?

C. Where are you from?

( ) 3.新同学迈克来你家做客,你可以这样向父母介绍他:


A. He’s Mike. B. This is Mike. C. Hello, Mike. ( ) 4. 假如你是魏华,可以这样对新朋友说:________

A. Hi, Wei Hua. B. This is Wei Hua. C. Hello, I’m Wei Hua.

三、 选择合适的句子填空,将对话补充完整。

A: Good morning, Jim.

B: 1.________,Li Mei. Mike, this is my friend Li Mei. Li Mei, this is my brother, Mike. C: Nice to meet you, Li Mei. A: 2.________ C: 3.________ A: I am from China. C: 4.________ A: Thank you.
