最新人教版pep版三年级英语下册Unit 1分课时练习(1) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章最新人教版pep版三年级英语下册Unit 1分课时练习(1)更新完毕开始阅读b91f3434710abb68a98271fe910ef12d2af9a9b7


A. Where are you from? B. Welcome to our school! C. Good morning D. Nice to meet you, too. 四、 选词填空。

from have are and about 1. Good morning, boys ________ girls. 2. I'm Amy. I'm ________ the UK.

3. What ________ you?Where are you from? 4. We ________ a new friend today. 5. I am a teacher. You ________ a student. 五、 给下面的句子找出合适的答语。

(..)1. Good morning. (..)2. Let's play a game. (..)3. Hi. What's your name? (..)4. Nice to meet you. (..)5. Where are you from? A. I'm from the UK. B. I'm Amy. C. OK.

D. Good morning. E. Nice to meet you,too. 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。

Hello,boys and girls.My name is Zhang Peng.I'm a boy. I'm 9 years old.I'm from Shandong. I have two friends. They are Amy and Mike. Amy is a girl. She is from the UK. Mike is a boy. He is from Canada. They all like China. We are good friends. (..)1. Zhang Peng is a girl.



(..)2. Zhang Peng is from China.

(..)3. Zhang Peng has three friends. They are Amy, Mike and John. (..)4. Amy is from the USA.

(..)5. Zhang Peng,Amy and Mike are good friends.
