Company Operation and Management 公司运作与管理 联系客服

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Company Operation and Management 公司运作与管理

1.团队合作的重要性: team work:

learn from my fellow workers

learn to communicate with all sorts of people know each other well

cooperate with each other effectively

have a chance to listen to different points of view enable team members to keep track of work progress

make collective decisions

increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills in your teammates.

It offers me opportunities to develop better interpersonal communication skills.(培训课程的作用)



mutual trust相互信任 share a trusting relationship feel free to express their views full co-operation 通力合作

When team members develop a strong awareness of cooperation,they would make collective efforts to achieve the common objectives and ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship. 3.团队建设 提供培训课程 怎样进行团队建设:

provide team building games and outdoor activities that liven up the training sessions provide training courses

outdoor adventures like rafting,sailing and rock climbling

mutual understanding and mutual trust are indispensable to effective team building. 4.课程培训的重要性:

training programmes help workers better adjust to the new work requirement.

It’s the competence of the workforce that sharpens the competitive edge of the company. offer the staff opportunities to develop better interpersonal communicational skills

have a better understanding of their work objectives,have greater commitment in their work,and acquire more practical working skills. 5.内部沟通的重要性:

ready to accept different opinions

It gives the employees a genuine sense of corporate citizenship,enhances mutual understanding and trust;and it promotes a strong corporate culture and a coherent coporate identity. 6.和员工沟通管理信息考虑:整体目标,对工作的反馈,信息对外公开 7.PPT等facilities:

sharpen up our presentation techniques

learn to creat more compelling,engaging and dynamic PowerPoint presentations revise it to suit audiences of varied sizes and purposes how to adapt materials to the situation

how to use creative and unusual approaches in ppt presentation how to be more persuasive how to fresh ideas


raise confidence of the speakers

speakers can make their ideas come to life in the presentation humor make your workload light and boosts your energy level

enhance atmosphere at the presentation and the audience will become more friendly and engaging. 8.怎样降低生产成本: 计划,成本,减少浪费


training programme help staff better adjust to the new working environment arrange health specialists to give lectures online consultancy service

provide psychological consultancy provide workers with health facilities 10.减少管理费用的重要性:

overheads costs are directly related to the company’s profitability and welfare of the staff members.



business overhead expenditure needs to be budgeted and appointioned as fairly as possible to different departments of the business.

We should put our overheads reduction plan in a greater perspective and evaluate their overall effects.

We also need to involve our staff members into the overheads reduction project,and try to see if they have anything to contribute to it. 12.节约,降低成本的方法:

recycle used paper

ask our staff to edit on the screen as much as possible

print one final rough draft to proofread on paper buy used office furniture 13.如何应对繁重的工作:

提供运动设施,体育活动,提供心理咨询,培训课程,福利制度,学会时间管理 make the best use of sports facilities to keep fit sports activities

arrange health specialists to give lectures online consultancy service

provide psychological consultancy provide workers with health facilities

offer wellness and exercise programmes

introduce some flexible benefits programmes like childcare and nursing care for the aged downshifting plans

provide some flexible benefits to help employees balance their personal life and work. childcare vouchers,retail vouchers,critical illness insurance provide coffee room and nutritious refreshments encourage staff to take up a hobby


14.工作量大的危害: 压力大

Employees will often feel frustrated or depressed.This would result in stress-related illnesses.Employees will be in very low morale and give very poor performance in their work. result in high turnover and poor performance 15.减轻工作的益处:

The company and the employees will benefit.

It’s rewarding.It will benefit both the company and the employees.It helps employees to live a happier life and it also helps to boost their morale and enhance employee commitment to the company.


enable employees to be more productive

learn to adapt work or working conditions to suit our staff help to bring out individual creativity better working conditions

more spacious and pleasant environment maintain quality and effectiveness of work 17.设计办公室布局考虑的因素: 光线lighting is critical 安全健康的环境

spatial design Make the best of space and respect the privacy of our staff members 18.健康和安全防范措施: 不安全因素:unsafe conditions

措施:programmes, lecture, make a checklist of unsafe conditions in the office.

提高安全意识:offer training programmes and acquaint their employees with work safety rules and regulations 19.物流:


Customer service can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Good customer relationship helps to improve your company image and boost sales.As a result,largescale production will be cost effective for your company.


training course or programme to acquaitn them with some knowledges and working skills Company can regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys to get necessary feedback on their service

know the needs and expectations of

They can implement a system to monitor the performance

reward outstanding performers to maintain high level customer service 22.制定物流策略:



their decisions can affect society,and they have responsibility to …. It relates to the performance and the benefit of the company.

Without …,it will….


The company should follow moral principles when they conduct business

set guidelines for business activities All employees must keep that in mind and constantly apply it to the performance of all activities for the company. 26.诚信的重要性:

Companies should apply the highest standards of integrity to everything they do.

without integrity,a company cannot gain the trust of customers and as a result,it will certainly fail to survive in this highly competitive age. 27.衡量企业绩效: 职场道德,社会责任,诚信

measuring company performance is not just a case of looking at turnover,profits and dividents.We should also evaluate it in terms of workplace ehics. Code of ethics is the core of company culture and is an important tool for companies striving for long-term prospects and growth.

Business activities have social impacts.

minimise waste in their operations and efficient management of resources

it’s also important to examine if the company has conducted their business with integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements. 28.食品安全问题:

offer compensation

add some safety notices of our product,just to warn sb.of the dangers we should seek to improve our product the packing also to be improved

Human Resources Management人力资源管理


个人素质,ensure the decision sound and fair to think objectively can prevent extreme opinions and bias,thus avoiding employment discrimination 面试技巧 interviewing skills raise questions

同经验联系 experience in associating with people from various backgrounds is also vital because the workforce of a company is varied and diverse. training can not be neglected. 2.临时工招募: should be experienced

a green hand in sales just don’t possess the necessary skills to communicate with the customers and it’s impossible for us to offer them training. experience is the indispensable qualification.

good-looking charming faces help a lot,and we cannot deny it. handsome salary such as commission salary based on their sales volume. offer free lunch