Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sisterrd 文档 联系客服

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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Section A 1a---1c

Learning aims:

1.words :outgoing,better ,loudly,quietly 2.---Sam has longer hair than Tom . ---He is calmer than Sam

---She is more outgoing than me Procedure

Step1: Daily greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Miss … T: Ok, sit down, please.

Step2: Show learning aims to the students.

T: Today we will learn Unit3, Section A (1a~1c). Please look at our learning aim, then read is slowly.

T: Now are you clear? S: Yes.

T: OK, let’s begin.

Step3:Self-learning and Guide How do we describe people? Adjectives Sentences tall Jim is tall . quiet Lucy is quiet . _________ ____________ _________ ____________ Let’s describe the following people: (1)tall : Jim is taller than Tim .

quiet : Lucy is quieter than Lily , etc . (2)late : Lucy was later for school than Lily .

free : Lucy was freer than Lily last weekend ,etc . (3)heavy : Jim is heavier than Tim .

funny : Jim is funnier than Tim , etc . (4)thin : Lucy is thinner than Lily .

big : This apple is bigger than that one . etc .

? 当A 和B做比较时时,用“比较级+ than +比较对象”来表示。 如:My room is smaller than yours. 我的房间比你的小。

She got there earlier than I did. 她比我到得早。

I Before we describe the people in 1a,let’s learn the new words. outgoing ['a?tɡ????] adj.外向的 better ['bet?(r)] adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地

loudly la?dli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 quietly ['kwa??tli] adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地

II we can use all of them to describe the people.

outgoing \\ better \\

loudly \\ quietly \\

III finish 1a

IV . 写出下列各形容词的反义词.

1. short____________2.old____________ 3.busy____________ 4. thin____________5. calm____________ 6.early____________ 7. good____________8. hot____________ 9. cool____________ 10. ugly____________11. same___________12. happy____________ 13. healthy_______14. friendly___________ 15. expensive_________ Step4 Communication I、Finish 1a

1、Match word with its opposite.


3、Compare the sentences:a. Tom has short hair. a. Tom is calm.

b. Tom has shorter hair than Sam. b. Tom is calmer than Sam. Work in groups What’s the difference between a and b?

4、小组活动:和你的组员共同比较图中三对双胞胎的不同点。 II、Complete 1b

1、Listen and complete 1b 2、Read after the tape 3、Read loudly III、Complete 1c 1、Work 1c in pairs

2、Role play the dialogue Step5 Summary


funny thin small fast serious popular fat heavy outgoing athletic


1. My bike is ____________ , but hers is ____________ than mine .(new) 2. Which is ____________ , this one or that one ?(nice) 3. My brother is ____________ than my sister .(funny) 4. Li Ying is ____________ than Li Ping .(thin) 5. She is a little quiet than ____________ .(I)

6. My room is much bigger than ____________ .(she)

7. My mother is very ____________ every day . And my father is even ____________ than her .(busy)

8. This sweater is too big . Do you have a ____________ one ?(small) Class Exercise:

1. Tom is thin . Jim is thinner .(合并为一句) Tom is ____________ ____________Jim . Jim is ____________ ____________ Tom . 2. This computer is newer than that one .(同义句)

That computer is ____________ ____________ this one .

3. Tom is twelve years old . Jim is fourteen years old .(合并为一句) Tom is ____________ ____________ Jim . 4. My cousin is calmer than his .(同义句)

His cousin is ____________ than ____________ . 5. Tom is healthier than Jim . (提问)

____________ is healthier , Tom ____________ Jim

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Section A 2a---2c

Learning aims

1.Words:as, way, both, however, laugh.

2.Phrases:more than,, be good at .

3.Is Tom smarter than Sam?

No,he isn’t.Sam is smarter than Tom. Procedure

Step1: Daily greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, Miss … T: Ok, sit down, please.

Step2: Show learning aims to the students.

T: Today we will learn Unit3......Please look at our learning aim, then read is slowly. T: Now are you clear? S: Yes.

T: OK, let’s begin.

Step3:Self-learning and Guide

Step A学过的部分双音节和多音节描述性形容词 adjectives Sentences 多音节词 interesting This story is interesting. beautiful This park is beautiful . 部分双音节词

______________ _______________________ ______________ _______________________ Step B . 单音节词和部分双音节词形容词举例运用

Sentence 1. ______________________________ Sentence 2. ________________________ Sentence 3. ___________________________ Sentence 4. ________________________

Step C Learn :多音节词和部分双音节词形容词比较级规则变化

*在多音节和部分双音节词的词前加more(更)/less(较不),most(最)/least(最不); 另外,由过去分词转化而成的形容词,不论多少个音节都用这种形式。如: beautiful more/less beautiful most/least beautiful serious more/less serious most/least serious popular more/less popular most/least popular tired more/less tired most/least tired worried more/less worried more/less worried pleased more/less pleased most/least pleased 用法举例:

interesting : This story is more interesting than that one . beautiful : This park is more beautiful than that one .

________ ___________________________________________ ________ ___________________________________________ Step D写出下列各词的比较级

1. long 2. good 3. heavy 4. short 5. tall _ 6. loudly 7 .thin 8. lazy 9. outgoing 10. fast. 11.early 12. friendly 13. many/much 14. funny 15. important_ 16. clearly 17. hard-working Step4 Communication .2b Listen

1. 看图画,猜测Tina和Tara的异同点 2. Listen and complete activities 2b . 3. 听音填空

Interviewer : Tina , do you think you are different from Tara ?

Tina : Oh , sure . We’re very different . I’m _______ than Tara . And I’m _______ . Let’s

see , what else ? Oh , I’m __________ , too .

Interviewer : So, Tara , are you ________ than Tina ?

Tara : I guess so . But I’m ______ than Tina . And I’m _______ .

4、Pair work .

1. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom . A: Is Tom smarter than Sam ?

B: No , he isn’t . Sam is smarter than Tom . Step 5 Summary


当A 和B做比较时时,用“比较级+ than +比较对象”来表示。 如:My room is smaller than yours. 我的房间比你的小。

She got there earlier than I did. 她比我到得早。

注意:一般来说,比较对象为人称代词时,用主格或宾格均可。但是,当句子中谓语动词为及物动词时,人称代词用主格或宾格意义不同。 如:I like you better than he (likes you). 我比他更喜欢你。

I like you better than (he likes) him. 我喜欢你胜过喜欢他。

Class Exercise
