2020人教版七年级英语下册Unit 8单元阅读专练 含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020人教版七年级英语下册Unit 8单元阅读专练 含答案更新完毕开始阅读ba095230534de518964bcf84b9d528ea80c72ff4

C. third 六

D. fourth

Dear Peter,

Welcome to my hometown(家乡) Weifang. It's a beautiful city and you will like it.This is the first time you come here. Let me tell you the way to my home. Take a taxi(出租车) from the airport. Go down Fuqiang Street. Then you can see a big supermarket,then turn left. Walk along Shengli Road and turn right at the second crossing,you can see my house on your left. There's a pay phone in front of my house. You can find it easily. Hope you have a good trip! Liu Wei

1. This is the ______ time for Peter to come to Weifang. A.first B.second C.third D.fourth 2. Peter can ______ to Liu Wei's home. A.take a walk B.drive a car C.ride a bike D.take a taxi

3. Go along Fuqiang Street and Peter can see a ______. A.restaurant B.library C.hotel D.supermarket 4. Liu Wei's house is ______ the pay phone. A.in front of B.across from C.behind D.next to

5. Liu Wei asks Peter to turn left ______.

A.at the first crossing B.at the second crossing

C.when he gets to the airport D.when he sees the supermarket


game, clean, movie, you, next, cross, between, spend, climb, favorite Welcome to Bridge Street. Bridge Street is a great place to enjoy 1 . There are a lot of stores and shops on it .It is a very busy street. Many people 2 their

weekends there. If you want to play 3 , you can go to the video store. It is 4 to the big supermarket. There is also a new park 5 from the supermarket. It is 6 and quiet. You can enjoy your lunch in it. Also you can see monkeys 7 the trees in it. If you want to see 8 , you can go to the movie house. It is 9 the supermarket and the park. It is my 10 place.

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. ________ 10. _______ 八

I live in a small town near Xing' an,Guilin. You can't see it on the map of China,because it is too small. There are not many tall buildings(大楼) in our town.The best building is our school building. There are 400 students and 25 teachers in our school. We study Chinese,English,math and other subjects at school. In front of the school there is a playground I often play basketball with my classmates there. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can enjoy beautiful flowers in it. Next to the garden,there is an orange orchard(果园).We can eat oranges there .It's a great place to have fun. There is a river near our school. I usually go swimming with my friends in it. Places School Playground Garden Activities(活动) 1.________________ and other subjects 2.________________ with classmates 3.________________ Orange orchard 4.________________ River 九

Mr. Brown lives on Green Street now. He wants to send a postcard(寄贺卡) to his pen pal in Toronto, but he doesn’t know where the post office is. “Which is the way to the post office?” he asks his new neighbor Joe. “I want to send a postcard to Toronto.”

5.________________ with friends

“The post office is quite far from here,” answers Joe. “If you only want to post some letters or postcards, you needn’t go to the post office. You can put them into a mailbox down the street.

1. Where does Mr. Brown live now? A. He lives on Center Street. C. He lives on Green Street.

B. He lives in Toronto. D. He lives in a post office.

2. Where does Mr. Brown want to go? A. A pen pal’s house. C. A mailbox.

B. A post office

D. Toronto.

3. What does Mr. Brown want to do in the post office? A. He wants to go to the mailbox. C. He wants to send a postcard. 4. Where is the post office?

A. We don’t know. B. In Toronto. C. On Green Street. D. In the neighborhood. 5. Where can Mr. Brown post the postcard in the neighborhood? A. The post office. C. His house. 十

Dear Mr. and Mrs. King,

Welcome to our neighborhood. I’m very glad that you and your family become our neighbors. However, I am sorry to say you have brought some trouble to us. Mr. King, would you please not play the drum late into the night? We can’t fall asleep until you stop it. Mrs. King, you are so energetic. You are always like the early bird. So would you please not sing so loud in the early morning? And your son Peter is playing with balls at home all day. Would you please ask him not to play there? There is a big playground in front of our building. What more, your daughter Emma plays music too loud. She makes so much noise. My little baby starts to cry as soon as Emma plays the crazy music. Thank you for your understanding! Yours,

B. He wants to buy some stamps. D. He wants to know the way to Toronto.

B. The mailbox in the post office. D. The mailbox on the street.


1. From the letter, we know that there are people in Peter’s family. A. three C. five

B. four D. six

2. Which of the following is not the reason that the writer complains? A. Mr. King plays the drum late into the night B. Emma plays music too loud

C. The bird sings too loud in the early morning D. Peter plays with balls at home all day

3. The underlined word “energetic” in the passage means “ ”. A. 精力充沛的 C. 令人厌烦的

B. 活泼的 D. 疯狂的

4. Who sings loud in the early morning? A. Mr. King. B. Mrs. King. C. Emma. D. The early bird. 5. What’s the purpose of the letter? A. To know more about the new neighbor. B. To make friends with the new neighbor. C. To ask the new neighbor for help.

D. To tell the new neighbor not to make noise anymore. 十一

It’s Sunday morning and the weather is nice. Tyler rides his bike to the park. There are many people in the park. Some students and teachers in Tyler’s school are there, too. Everyone takes a bag. Tyler’s classmate Ella sees him and comes over. “We are cleaning the park,” she says. “Do you want to help?” “Sure,” answers Tyler. Ella gives him a bag.

There is garbage (垃圾)everywhere. Tyler puts bread bags, juice boxes, newspapers and a lot of other garbage into his garbage bag. After an hour, his garbage bag is full