八年级下英语unit1A-1 联系客服

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Unit 1 What’s the matter ?

Section A-1 P 1-2


1.认识身体各部位的英文名称。Eg.foot, knee, stomach, throat ... 2.学会询问病人病情。

3.学会描述身体的病痛。Eg. headache, toothache, fever, have a cold...


A: What’s the matter ? B: I have a stomachache .

A: Does he have a toothache ? B: Yes , he does.

A:What should she do ? B:She should take her temperature.




Step 1. 复习回顾:“have”用法知多少?用have的适当形式填空。 1. What did you _______ for breakfast? 2. Jim ______ a brother and a sister.

3. I _______some dumplings this morning. 4. My family are _______ lunch at home. 5. We ______ four classes every morning. 6. Let me _______ a look at your photo. Step 2. 完成P1-1a(填在书上)。 Step 3. 写出下列单词的复数形式

foot ______ tooth______ eye______ ear_______ mouth______ Step 4 . 写出身体各部位的单词。

Step 5.尝试英译汉并练习。 A: What’s the matter? B:My head feels very hot. A: What’s the matter with Judy ?

A: She talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water . She has a very sore throat now .

拓展 比一比,看谁能从资料中找出What’s the matter? 的同义句。 1.___________________________________________? 2.___________________________________________? 3.___________________________________________?


1. have a cold 感冒; have a fever发烧

2. have a stomachache胃疼; have a toothache 牙疼;

3. have a sore throat嗓子疼;

have a sore back = have a backache 背疼 结论: 1.“______+ ___/an + 表示生病的名词”,表示“得了??病”。其中的“疼痛”有两种表达法:(1)可用身体的某个部位的名称 + 后缀“_______”; 2. 可用形容词“__________” + 身体某个部位的名称。3. 询问身体状况,用句型:_________________. Step6.Listening:

1. Listen and number the names. 听录音,完成P1-1b。 2. Listen again and check the answers. (再听核对答案)

3. Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear P2-2a.(听录音并按听到的顺序给图片写编号)

4. Listen again .(再听,匹配建议和问题) 堂清练习: 一.单项选择

( )1. _______ the matter with you?

A. Who’s B. What’s C. How’s D. What ( )2. I have ______ sore throat.

A. / B. a C. The D. an

( )3. What’s wrong ________ you? A. on B. with C. For ( )4. My little sister only has two ________ ? A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. Teeth

( ) 5. Tom ____ a backache. She ________ stay at home and rest.

A.has, shouldn’t B. has, should C. have, shouldn’t D.have , should 二.句型转换。

1. I have a cold. (对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________ ? 2. He has a sore back.(变一般疑问句) _______ he ________ a sore back?

3. She drank enough water yesterday .(改为否定句) She ________ ________ enough water yesterday .


1. 巩固并听写P1-2单词和短语。 2. 背诵P1—1c。