高中英语语法练习题高考精粹(带解析答案) 联系客服

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113. Two of the notebooks ____ Tom had lost on the bus were returned to the main desk at his dormitory. A. what B. which C. who D. whose

114. The drink taste a little ____ to me.

A. strong B. strongly C. so strong D. too much strong

115. My roommate lost a lot of weight ____ every day.

A. to exercise B. with exercise C. for exercise D. by exercising

116. I went to ____ to buy a ruler and a rubber.

A. a stationer B. a stationer's C. the stationer D. stationer's

117. They arrived there at last, ____.

A. was tired and hungry C. being tired and hungry C. tired and hungry D. tiredly and hungrily

118. - What was the party like

-Wonderful . It's years ____ I enjoyed myself so much. A. before B. after C. when D. since

119. Time should be made a good use ____ our lessons well. A. of to learn B. of learning C. to learn D. to learning

120. You cannot be ____ careful when you drive a car. A. very B. so C. too D. enough 答案:


102.A 同29题

103.B deserve praising(= to be praised; =praise) 值得赞扬 104.C

105.C将被动语态还原成主动语态就不难看出此题测试的是make sth. adj.结构,表示\使成为……\

106.B in the case of 意为:就……来说,至于; in case of 意为:以防万一 107.B who引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词angel in white\白衣天使\;而 when引导的是时间状语从句,表示\当国家(民族)面临危机时。\108.C 强调句,被强调部分是\。

109.D consider后只能用动名词做直接宾语,排除AB;而后一空格用making构成现在分词短语作定语。 110.D 111.B whoever引导主语从句,失去疑问含义,表示强调\无论谁;谁……谁就……\

等于 anyone who;而who引导名词性从句时, who保留疑问含义\谁\。 112.B bed作为和(睡眠,病床)有关连的意义使用时通常不加冠词,但看作一件(家具)时就要加冠词。第一个 bed指家具,前面要用冠词;而 head for bed相当于 go to bed,前面不用冠词。 113.B

114.A 在57题中讲过。 115.D 116.B

117.C 形容词作结果状语,等于They arrived there at last so that they were tired and hungry. 118.D

119.A 将句子还原成主动语态We should make use of time to learn our lessons well. 后,就不难看出\

120.C can't too 加形容词表示\越……越好;……都不为过\。

121. When he arrived, he found ____ the aged and the sick at home. A. nothing but B. none but C. none other than D. no other than

122. John seems a nice person. ____, I don't trust him. A. Even though B. Even so C. ThereforeD. Though

123. Excuse me. If your call's not too urgent, do you mind ____ mine first A. I make B. if I make C. me to make D. that I make

124. We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best tourist guide. A. whatever B. whomever C. whichever D. whoever

125. ____ she realized it was too late to go home.

A. No sooner it grew dark than B. Hardly did it grow dark that C. Scarcely had it grown dark than D. It was not until dark that

126. They are going to have the serviceman ____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.

A. install B. to install C. to be installed D. installed

127.There is an increase of 16% in the consumption of tobacco_____ the previous year.

A. over B. than C. to D. then

128.______ on time, I think, the medicine will work on him before long. A. TakenB. Being takenC. If taking D. Take

129._____ you want me to fire you, I suggest you stop wearing sports clothes at office.

A. As long asB. As far asC. SinceD. Unless

130.Nobody in the class except you and me _____ to the principal about the air qualityproblems.

A. has complainedB. have complained C. complainD. complaining

131.Why can't you smoke

At no time _______ in the meeting room.

A. does smoking permit B. smoking be permitted C. is smoking permittedD. permits smoking

132.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___on benches, chairsor boxes.

A. having seatedB. seatingC. having been seated D. seated

133. These winners from that key school are wise and diligent, actually there are______students in that school

A. many such B. such manyC. so manyD. so much

134.Jack got a good mark although he had done _____ the others. A. half as much as B. as much as half C. as half as D. as much half as

135.In the USA, both the federal and state governments have laws _____ to guard consumers against deceptive advertisements A. to be designedB. designedC. to designD. designing

136.It is _____honor for Mrs. Black to be invited to act as an hostess at the party.

A. anB. aC./ D. the

137.Don't forget the appointment with the principal at the registry office, _____you

A. don't B. doC. willD. shall

138.We have no interest in the actress's scandal (丑闻), _____has been the focus of thenewspaper's attention for months. A. whichB. whatC. whoD. that

139.Terry doesn't like the idea of his wife _____ in that affair. A. being involvedB. involvingC. involved D. to be involved

140._______ to be much chance of our catching him up in the near future. A. You don't seem B. There doesn't seem C. That doesn't seem D. It doesn't seem 答案:

121.B 空格后the aged and the sick, 等于the old people and the sick people,所以but前应用表示\人\的不定代词。 122.B 123.B 124.D 125.D

126.A 在have sb. do sth.结构中 do sth.做宾语 the serviceman的补足语,和 serviceman构成了逻辑上的主语和谓语的关系,表示\叫某人做某事\。 127.A over介词\比\。如用than前面要有形容词比较等级。再如: As a secretary, girls are favored over boys. 128.A 129.D

130.A nobody 做主语,谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。 131.C同第六题。 132.D

133.A such与不定冠词连用时要放在它的前面;而与some, any, no, every, another, many, all等连用时放在它们的后面。 134.A 135.B

136.A honor 在此题中代指一件具体的事,作可数名词,表示 \(一件)引以为荣的事\;也可以表示 \引以为荣的人\。 137.C 祈使句的反意疑问句有:1)表示建议以Let's开始的句子,用shall we;2)表示有礼貌的邀请用won't you;3) 表示不耐烦用can't you;4)其它情