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activity, student fights, graffiti, property damage, and battery. [25] A 2010 peer-reviewed study found that schools with uniform policies had 12% fewer firearm-related incidents and 15% fewer drug-related incidents than schools without uniforms. [69] A 2007 peer-reviewed study found that, in schools with historically higher rates of sexual violence, sexual attacks were less likely if uniform policies were in place. [26] School uniforms also prevent students from concealing weapons under baggy clothing, [38] make it easier to keep track of students on field trips, and make intruders on campus more visible. Frank Quatrone, superintendent in the Lodi district of New Jersey, stated in Feb. 2011 that \you make them safer. If someone were to come into a building, the intruder could easily be recognized.\

School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. A bulletin published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals stated that \students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork.\[15] A 2010 University of Houston study found that elementary school girls' language test scores increased by about three percentile points after uniforms were introduced. [1] Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, when she was a 2008 US presidential candidate, advocated school uniforms as a way to help students focus on learning: \and put the focus on school, not on what you're wearing.\Woodland Middle School in Coeur d'Alene, ID, stated that uniforms \less drama, and more of a focus on learning.\

School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits can be eliminated. In a 2013 survey by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and uniform manufacturer Lands' End, 86% of school leaders said uniforms make \bullying. [32] Arminta Jacobson, Founder and Director of the Center for Parent Education at the University of North Texas, stated that uniforms put \terms of their appearance. I think it probably gives them a sense of belonging and a feeling of being socially accepted.\[5] Virginia B. Draa, Assistant Professor of Human Ecology at Youngstown State University, said uniforms can decrease peer pressure and blur class lines between students. [3]

Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit. A 2007 study from Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom found that uniforms \directly contributed to a feeling of school pride.\. Clouet, Superintendent of the New London, CT school district, stated that \A 2002 study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found that students in uniform

\reported by students in the standard dress group.\Arnold Goldstein, PhD, head of the Center for Research on Aggression at Syracuse University, stated that uniforms help troubled students feel they have the support of a community: \2007 peer-reviewed study found that after uniforms were introduced, \increase in the level of respect, caring, and trust... throughout the school\are made to feel 'important' and as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform.\

School uniforms may improve attendance and discipline. A 2010 study by researchers at the University of Houston found that the average absence rate for girls in middle and high school decreased by 7% after the introduction of uniforms. The study also found that \problems shift[ed] towards less severe infractions.\A 2006 Youngstown State University study of secondary schools in Ohio's eight largest school districts found that school uniform policies improve rates of attendance, graduation, and suspension. [27] During the first semester of a mandatory uniform program at John Adams Middle School in Albuquerque, NM, discipline referrals dropped from 1,565 during the first semester of the year prior to 405. [68]

Uniform policies save valuable class time because they are easier to enforce than a standard dress code. Doris Jo Murphy, EdD, former Director of Field Experiences at the University of North Texas College of Education, stated: \an elementary assistant principal in two suburban districts, I can tell you that the dress code took up a great deal of my time in the area of discipline... I wished many times that we had uniforms because the issue of skirts or shorts being too short, and baggy jeans and pants on the boys not being pulled up as they needed to be, would have been a non-issue.\[5] Lyndhurst, NJ school district superintendent Tracey Marinelli had a similar experience before a uniform policy was introduced: \time in the office because they were not fulfilling the dress code... That was time away from class.\

School uniforms prevent the display of gang colors and insignia. The US Department of Education's Manual on School Uniforms stated that uniform policies can \gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school\in order to \a safe environment.\school students say there are gang members at their schools. [36] Educators in the Long Beach Unified School District have speculated that the sharp reduction in crime following the introduction of school uniforms was a result of gang conflicts being curbed. [67] Osceola County, FL School Board member Jay Wheeler reported that the county's schools had a 46% drop in gang activity after their first full school year with a mandatory K-12 uniform policy (2008-2009). Wheeler stated that \Forces recruiter out of uniform trying to recruit new soldiers; the success rate goes down. The same applies to gang recruitment.\

School uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality. When uniforms are mandatory, parents and students do not spend time choosing appropriate outfits for the school day. According to a national 2013 survey, over 90% of US school leaders believe school uniform or formal dress code policies \\Marinelli, Superintendent of the Lyndhurst School District in New Jersey, credited the district's uniform policy for reducing the number of students running late. Lyndhurst student Mike Morreale agreed, stating that \and find out that something doesn't match.\

School uniforms can save parents money. Parents can reduce their financial burden when their children are limited to wearing one simple outfit every day. [13] A national 2013 survey of 517 US school leaders found that 94% of those surveyed believe \parents is that school uniforms are more cost-effective than regular apparel,\and 77% estimated the average annual cost of school uniforms per child to be $150 or less. [32] Uniform company French Toast states on their website that the average cost one of their complete school uniforms is $45 and that most children will only require two sets. [19] Without school uniform policies, parents may feel pressure to compete with other families by purchasing fashionable clothes for their children. [71]

Most parents and educators support mandatory school uniforms. A 2013 survey by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and uniform manufacturer Lands' End found that a majority of school leaders believe their school uniform or formal dress code policies have had a positive impact on classroom discipline (85%), the school's image in the community (83%), student safety (79%), school pride (77%), and student achievement (64%). [32] A poll administered by the Harford County, MD school system in 2007 found that \and administrators were overwhelmingly in favor\of introducing school uniforms. The poll also found that 58% of parents wanted a mandatory uniform policy instated. [9]

Students' legal right to free expression remains intact even with mandatory school uniforms. The US Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (7-2, 1969), which concerned the wearing of black armbands to protest the Vietnam War, confirmed that students' constitutional right to free speech \length of skirts or the type of clothing.\\speech\protected by the Constitution. [18] [28] In Canady v. Bossier Parish School Board (3-0, 2001), the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a school board's right to implement a mandatory uniform policy, stating that requiring uniforms for the purpose of increasing test scores and improving discipline \in no way related to the suppression of student speech. [Students] remain free to wear what they want after school hours. Students may still express their views through other mediums during the school day.\

Judge Michael D. Jones of Maricopa County Superior Court (AZ) ruled that mandatory uniform policies do not violate students' free speech rights even when there is no opt-out provision in the school's uniform policy. [34]

Students dressed in uniform are better perceived by teachers and peers. A 1994 peer-reviewed study found that students in uniform were perceived by teachers and fellow students as being more academically proficient than students in regular clothes. The study also found that students in uniform were perceived by peers and teachers as having higher academic potential, and perceived by peers as being better behaved. [4]

Students can express their individuality in school uniforms by introducing variations and adding accessories. Junior high school student Amelia Jimenez wrote in her op-ed for the Pennsylvania Patriot-News website that \to popular belief, uniforms do not stop students from being themselves. Uniforms do not silence voices. Students can wear a variety of expressive items, such as buttons or jewlery.\numerous suggestions for students on how to add their personal style to school uniforms, including hairstyle options, the use of nail polish, and the addition of colorful accessories such as satchels, scarfs, and socks. [61] [62] TeenVogue stated that %up your standard issue getup.\[62] A 2012 peer-reviewed study found that 54% of eighth-graders said they could still express their individuality while wearing school uniforms. cons

School uniforms restrict students' freedom of expression. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. The US Supreme Court stated in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (7-2, 1969) that \freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.\Thurston (3-0), which revolved around a boy refusing to have his hair cut shorter, the US First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that \conformity to conventional standards of appearance\are \which also stated that \students to choose their clothing is an empowering message from the schools that a student is a maturing person who is entitled to the most basic self-determination.\causes and compulsory uniforms largely remove that option. In Oct. 2013, students at Friendly High School in Prince George's County, MD, were not allowed to wear pink shirts to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a result, 75 students received in-school suspensions for breaking the school's uniform restrictions. [11]

School uniforms promote conformity over individuality. At a time when schools are encouraging