关于win7系统出现错误cannot open volume for direct access问题的解决方法 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章关于win7系统出现错误cannot open volume for direct access问题的解决方法更新完毕开始阅读ba594777f242336c1eb95e70

关于近期win7系统出现错误提示cannot open volume for

direct access的问题的解决方法

近期一些win7用户会发现自己的电脑在开机时出现一条错误提示,主要有cannot open volume for direct access,并且无法为系统盘清理碎片和修复,其错误提示代码如下:

6d652e63 3f1

Check file system on C:

The type of the file system is NTFS. Volume label is OS. The volume is clean.

Cannot open volume for direct access.

Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package.

Use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore the system to a point prior to the recent software package installation. Unspecified error occurred (766f6c756d652e63 3f1)

开机总提示要运行chkdsk结果提示错误错误代码766f6c756d652e63 3f1


checking file system on C:

The type of the file system is NTFS volume label is win7

one of your disks needs to be checked for consisstency.you may cancel the disk check. but it is strongly recommended that you continue.

windows will now check the disk.

cannot open volume for direct access

autochk cannot run dur to an error caused by a recently installed software package.

use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore the system

recent software package installation.

An unspecified error occurred(766f6c756d652e63 3f1)


1 这个问题很早就出现过,是因为装了云端儿导致的,卸了云端就好了。 2 也可以用系统的安装盘修复,即把安装盘装进电脑,然后开机,从cd-rom


3 还有一种方法比较麻烦,开机按住F8 选择修复计算机命令行模式输入

set windir查看系统盘位置输入chkdsk你刚才查到的系统盘符 /r /f等待修复然后重启问题解决。

4 不过用360的同志们要注意了,近期的360安全卫士也会导致这个问题,

