2020-2021[文库推荐]金牌资料(人教部编版)新起点小学英语五年级上册 单元练习试卷1及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020-2021[文库推荐]金牌资料(人教部编版)新起点小学英语五年级上册 单元练习试卷1及答案更新完毕开始阅读bb1867c6fb0f76c66137ee06eff9aef8951e4853

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visit_________ wash________ walk _______ want _______ drop__________ do_________ is /am__________ are ________ go________ come________ eat__________ take___________ see_________ run__________ meet____________ buy__________ send__________ have__________ wear_________ give___________ get___________ put_____________ 二、 形容词性物主代词 my your her his 三、


名词性物主代词 come back _________ be back from_________ last Sunday __________ live in London____________live near_________wait for us _____________

hurry up___________ go to the park______________ in the park__________ go home________ by bus____________ by bike___________

have an ice cream_______________ walk to the bus _____________ go to the supermarket _______________at the supermarket_________________ read the shopping list__________________ shopping list__________________ the first thing________________how many____________________

how much_______________half a kilo________________ a kilo______ one kilo________make a list _________________what about______________

six boxes_____________five bottles__________at the weekend_________________ lots of people _____________________ the British Museum ____________________

the London Eye_______________ Big Ben____________ go there________________ send you a postcard ____________________ go to the Great Wall_____________________

the bus ride ___________________ the Great Wall_____________________

in the morning_______________ at ten o’clock__________ take a photo ______________

take photos __________________ one hour______ an hour________ on the line_____________________evrey child___________ enough pencil__________

wash T-shirt for you __________________ give out ______________

部编本资料库 欢迎下载最新资料! in the blue box __________________ in the class____________________ give them out________________put them out_______________on desk____________

too many _________________in the bag________________ 四、 翻译下列句型。

1. When did you come back?___________________________ We came back last Sunday.___________________________ 2. Look at those ice creams.______________________________ 3. I dropped my ice cream.____________________________ 4. Do you like apples? ______________________________ Yes ,I do . ___________ No, I don’t._____________________ 5. Did you like apples?_____________________________

Yes ,I did .___________________No, I didn’t.____________________ Did she like apples ?______________________________

Yes ,she did ._____________________No, she didn’t.________________ Did he like apples?_______________________

Yes ,he did .______________No, he didn’t.______________________ Did they like apples?_________________________________

Yes ,they did ._________________No, they didn’t.__________________ 6. How many +______________+do you want ?__________________


7. How much +______________+do you want ?__________________________ ________ _________,please.__________________________________ 8. What did you do at the weekend?____________________________ We visited lots of palces._________________________________ Where did you go ?___________________________________

We went to the British Museum._____________________________

9. They took photos of the mountains._______________________________ 10. I’m sorry.I’m sorry ,too.That’s okay._____________________________ 11. Sam took my T-shirt.___________________________

He wants to wear it._________________________ But it isn’t hers.______________________________ It’s mine.______________________________ 12. Whose bag is this?________________________ It’s Lingling’s bag.__________________________

13. There are twenty---five pencils in the blue box._____________________ There are twenty---five children in the class._______________________


部编本资料库 欢迎下载最新资料! There are enough pencils.____________________________________ 14.I don’t understand.__________________________________ 15.What’s the matter?_____________________________ 五、名词单数变复数。

banana________________ place_____________________ chair______________ book______________ apple___________________ photo___________________ pencil______________ child___________________ cap___________________ T--shirt______________ box___________________ bottle__________________ noodle______________ orange__________________ bus___________________ 六、用How many 或How much填空。

1.____________________bananas do you want? 2. ____________________juice do you want? 3. ____________________meat do you need? 4. ____________________cakes do you want? 5. ____________________cheese do you want? 6. ____________________people are there? 7. ____________________oranges do you want? 8. ____________________pears do you want? 9. ____________________milk do you want? 10. ____________________rice do you need? 七、词形转换。

1.isn’t(完全形式)___________ 2. were not(缩略形式)___________ 3. is(过去式)___________ 4. can(否定形式)___________ 5. child(复数)___________ 6. are not (缩略形式)___________ 7. too(同音词)___________ 8. hour(同音词)___________ 9. banana(复数)___________ 10. don’t(完全形式)___________ 11. It is(缩略形式)___________ 12. go(过去式)___________

13. I(宾格)___________ 14. You’re(完全形式)___________ 15.What’s(完全形式)___________ 16. I am(缩略形式)___________ 17. did(原形)___________ 18. them(主格)___________ 19.wear(同音词)_______________

八、用is 或are填空。 1.There _____an apple on the table. 2.There ______a pear in the bag.

3.There ______many desks in the classroom. 4.There ______some childrenin the room.

5.There ______a pen and some books on the desk.

部编本资料库 欢迎下载最新资料! 6.There ______some books and a pen on the desk.

部编本资料库 欢迎下载最新资料!
