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D. nucleus ambiguus

E. spinal nuclei of trigeminal nerve

8.The general visceral motor nuclei of cranial nerve are(ABCD) A.the inferior salivatory nucleus.

B. accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerve C.the superior salivatory nucleus D.the dorsal nucleus of vagus N. E.the nucleus ambiguus

9. Nucleus ambiguus contributes to(BCD)

A. facial nerve

B. glossopharygeal nerve C. vagus nerve D. accessory nerve E. hypoglossal nerve

10.The general somatic motor nuclei include (BCDE) A.the motor nucleus of trigeminal N. B.the nucleus of oculomotor nerve. C.the nuclei of abducent nerve D.the nucleus of hypoglossal n. E.the nucleus of trochlear n. 11.The fourth ventricle(ABCDE) A.contains cerebrospinal fluid B.Its floor is rhomboid fossa

C.a part of its roof is composed of superior medullary velum D.through mesencephalic aqueduct to the third ventricle

E.through median aperture and two lateral apertures of fourth ventricle to subarachnoid space

12.Which statements are correct about cerebellum(ACDE) A.The cerebellum is located in the posterior cranial fossa

B.The cerebellum is divide into flocculonodular, ant. and posterior lobe C.The dentate nucleus is the largest nucleus of the cerebellar nuclei D.There are three pairs of cerebellar peduncles

E.the superior cerebellar peduncle consists mainly of the efferent fibers

Telencephalon and diencephalon

1. Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into ________ lobes, ________ of which have the same name as the bone over them.(D)

A. four,three B. three,two C. five,two D. five,four E. five, three

2. Which is incorrect about the corpus callosum(D)

A. it’s commissural fibers connecting bilateral cerebral cortexes


B. fibers in it cross the midline

C. it form the floor of cerebral longitudinal fissure D. it passes through internal capsule

E. it divided into rostrum, genu, trunk, splenium 3. The auditory speech area is located in (B) A. transvers temporal gyrus

B. posterior portion of superior temporal gyrus C. posterior portion of middle temporal gyrus D. lingual gyrus

E. superior parietal lobule

4. The visual speech area is located in(E) A. posterior portion of superior frontal gyrus B. posterior portion of middle frontal gyrus C. posterior portion of inferior frontal gyrus D. calcarine sulcus E. angular gyrus

4. The lower 1/3 of left postcentral gyrus receives the fibers from(E) A. left media lemniscus B. right spinal lemniscus C. left trigeminal lemniscus D. right trigeminal lemniscus

E. left ventral posteromedial nucleus of dorsal thalamus 5. Visual area lies on(B)

A. either side of parietooccipital sulcus B. either side of calcarine sulcus C. either side of central sulcus D. the supramarginal gyrus E. the angular gyrus 6. The internal capsule(C)

A. is a cavity of telencephalon

B. the corticospinal tract passes through the anterior limb

C. lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D. the optic radiation passes the anterior limb

E. the corticonuclear tract passes through posterior limb 7. The insular lobe lies deep to(E) A. the frontal lobe B. the parietal lobe C. the temporal lobe D. the occipital lobe E. the lateral sulcus

8. The paleostriatum is refer to(C) A. the claustrum

B. the head of caudate nucleus C. the globus pallidus D. the amygdaloid body

E. the putamen of the lentiform nucleus