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I can't survive with the pocket money of only 20 yuan per month.我每月只有20元的零花钱,没法活命。

(2)to continue to live normally and not to be upset by the problems从(困难)中挺过来;挣扎着过十去

I don't think I could survive another year as a lawyer; it's just too stressful.我想再当一年律师我挺不过去,压力实在太大了。

(3)to live longer than someone else, especially the closely related one比(某人)长寿 Harry survived his wife by three years.哈里比他妻子多活了3年。 单词积累:

survivor(n.)幸存者,残存物 survival(n.)到达 助记:

survive(v.)--survival(n.)幸存 arrive(v.)--arrival(n.)到达

14. In theory, the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning, and by traffic coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon. But in practice, few drivers respect the rules.理论上,这条路从早晨8点开始只准许上山的车通行,下午3点以后下山的车通行。但实际上,几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。

in theory理论上;in practice实际上

In theory, these machines should last for over ten years.从理论上讲,这些机器应该能用10年以上。

It was quite useless in practice.实际上,这个一点用都没有。

Your plan is good in theory, but does it work in practice?你的计划在理论上不错,但实施起来行吗? 链接:


in practice=practicably可行地 in particular=particularly尤其地 in comfort=comfortably舒适地 in surprise=surprisingly吃惊地 in general=generally通常地 in secret=secretly秘密地 respect(vt.&n.)

(1)vt. to admire sb. because of their good personal qualities尊敬(某人);尊重(某人) 搭配:respect sb. for?因??尊重某人

He is not the most popular teacher, but the students respect him.他不是最受欢迎的老师,但同学们都尊敬他。

I respect you for your honesty.由于你为人正直,我对你十分敬重。 (2)vt. to obey遵守

Do you respect the laws of your country?你遵守国家的法律吗?

(3)n.(U)admiration for someone because of their personal qualities尊敬;reference; relation关系,有关;detail, particular aspect方面,细节

win/gain/earn the respect of赢得??的尊敬 搭 gain/win broad respect受到广泛的尊敬 配: have/show respect for sb.尊敬某人 lose the respect of失去对??的尊敬

With his decisive dealing with the dispute, he had won the respect of everyone.由于果断处理纠纷,他赢得了大家的尊敬。

With respect, sir, I think you're quite wrong.先生,尽管我极为尊敬您,但我(仍然)认为您的确错了。

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With respect to your other proposals, I am not yet able to give you our decision.至于你的其他建议,我还无法告诉你我们的决定。 拓展:

as respects关于??,就??而言 in no respect无论哪方面都不是

in respect of/to关于??,就??而言

pay one's respects to向??打招呼,表敬意 pay respect to留心于??,考虑??

without respect to不在乎??,无视??,与??无关系 with respect to关于??,就??而言 单词积累:

respectable(adj.)值得尊敬的 respectful(adj.)表示尊敬的

15. Timoteo has an unusual job-he is a human traffic signal. Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand.铁穆特欧有一份不同寻常的工作——他是人体交通信号。每天早晨,他手里都拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。

句法分析:本句为简单句。with a large?hand为with的复合结构在句中作状语。 bend(n. &v.)

(1)n.(C)a curved part of something弯曲处;an action in which you bend a part of your body(身体的)弯曲

Be careful, there is a sharp bend in the road ahead.当心,前面的路上有个急拐弯。 (2)v.move your body俯身,弯腰;curve使弯曲

She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.她弯下腰去捡报纸。 I don't think you can bend the iron bar.我觉得你弄不弯这根铁棒。 拓展:

bend over/down弯腰/俯身 bend forward/back前倾/后仰 bend one's steps toward?转身向?? 一言辨异:

If you want to bend the stick, you can take hold of the two ends of it, or you can't make a bend in it.如果你想使这根棍子弯曲,你可以握着它的两端。否则,你不可能把它弄弯。 16. Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic.铁穆特欧站在转弯处指挥着交通。 direct(adv.,adj&vt.)

(1)adv.without stopping or changing direction直接,中途不停顿

The next flight doesn't go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Paris.下一班飞机不直飞罗马,而要经过巴黎。

(2)adj.going straight from one place to another直接的;笔直的 Which is the most direct way to London?到伦敦走哪条路最直接?

(3)adj.saying or doing sth. Exactly(指人、行为)直截了当的,诚实的,率真的 He gave a direct answer to my question.他直截了当地回答了我的问题。 (4)vt. to tell sb. how to get to a place指示方向,指点

I'm lost. Can you direct me to Times Square?我迷路了,请告诉我到时代广场怎么走,好吗? (5)vt.to be in charge of or control sth.指挥;导演

Who directed that Italian film?谁导演那部意大利电影? 单词积累:

direction(n.)方向 directional(adj.)方向的 directive(adj.)指示的,指导的;(n.)命令,指示

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directly(adv.)直接地 辨析:direct与directly 易混词 辨析 例句 direct 可作adj.,adv.,意为“径直的(地),Now let me ask you a direct question.现在让我直接的(地)”。 问你一个直接的问题。 He decided to contact the manager direct.他决定直接和经理联系。 directly adv.,着重指对事物的直接影响,无The financial crisis has affected us directly.金融关实际距离。 危机已直接影响到我们。 助记: Could you direct me to the railway station?你能指给我去火车站的路吗? The usher led him to his seat.引座员带他找到了座位。

She guided the tourists around the city.她领着旅游者游览了这座城市。

17. When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they can't see each other, but they can see Timoteo.当两辆车相对开来并靠近的时候,他们彼此看不到,但都能看到铁穆特欧。 approach(n.&vi.)

(1)n.(U)movement towards or near to sth.靠近,临近,接近;(C)path or entrance道路,入口;(C)way or method方法,步骤

We heard the approach of the train.我们听到火车开过赤了。

All approaches to the town are blocked.所有通往城镇的道路都被堵塞了。

The students like the new approach to teaching language.学生们喜欢这种教授语言的新方法。 (2)v.to move towards or near to sb. or sth.; sth. is coming nearer or will happen靠近,走近 As spring approaches, the wind becomes warmer.春天快为了,风也变得暖和了。

Few people could approach him in playing football.在踢足球方面,很少有人能比得上他。 拓展:

take an approach采用一种方法 reject one's approach拒绝某人的奉承 provide an approach to提供??的入门 bar the approach of禁止接近?? opposite(adj.,prep. &n.)

(1)adj. as different as possible from something else完全不同的;the opposite direction, way etc.is directly away from someone or something(方向等)相反的;one thing that is opposite another is on the other side of the same area, often directly across from it对面的,相对的 He stood on the opposite side of the street.他站在那条街的对面。

They walked away in opposite directions.他们分别朝相反的方向走去。

(2)prep.if one thing or person is opposite another, they are facing each other在??对面 Can you see the houses opposite(to) the river?你能看到河对面的房子吗? The waiter stood opposite me.那位服务员站在我对面。

(3)n.a person or thing that is as different as possible from someone or something else对立物,相反的人

Black is the opposite of white.黑是白的反义词。

She is tall and slim, and he is the complete opposite.她又高又瘦,而他完全相反。 单词积累:

opposition(n.)反对,抵抗,反击 oppose(vt.)反对,使对立,抵抗

18. Timoteo is a volunteer. No one asked him to do the job, and no one pays him for it.铁穆特欧是一个志愿者。没有人让他做这个工作,也没有人为此付钱给他。 pay(vt.&n.)

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(1)vt.to give sb. Some money(for sth.)付钱,支付,偿还,给 pay sb.支付某人

搭 pay sb. for sth.因某事而偿还某人

配: pay sb. money for sth.支付某人钱买某物 pay money to sb. for sth.支付某人钱买某物 May I pay by credit card?我可以用信用瞳支付吗?

How much did the boss pay you for the work?这项工作老板给了你多少钱? (2)n.money for your work工资

I get my pay every Friday.我每周五领工资。 拓展:

pay back偿还(借款等);回报(恩情等) pay off还清 pay up还清(欠款) pay attention to注意 pay a visit 拜访 链接:

与“钱”有关的说法: sb. spend(s) money on sth.

in doing sth. 某人花钱做某事 sb. charge(s) money for sth.某人因某事而要价多少 sb. offer(s) money for sth.某人就某物而出价多少 sth. is worth some money某物值多少钱

sth. cost(s) sb. Some money某物花掉某人多少钱

19. Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on.有时候司机经他点小费,使他能够有充足的钱维持生活。 句法分析:so that引导结果状语从句。 背景:

Tipping in the US and UK

In the US and UK, people tend to give tips for particular services, although tipping is much more common and important in the US. In restaurants in the US, people usually give the waiters between 15% and 20% of the bill, but in the UK they give about 10%. If the service is bad, however, people in both countries give a smaller tip or do not leave any tip. It is also normal to give a tip to porters who carry your bags at the airport or in a hotel, and to give a 10% tip to taxi drivers and to people who cut your hair.


在美国和英国,人们会为一些特别的服务支付小费。不过在美国付小费更加常见和重要一些。在美国的餐馆里,人们通常按账单金额的15%到20%给侍应生付小费,但在英国则付约10%。假如服务质量低下,那么这两国的顾客都会少付小费或者分文不给。对在机场或旅馆中帮你搬运行李的搬运工一般也要付小费,对出租车司机和给你理发的理发师通常也要付10%的小费。 辨析:live on与live by 易混短语 辨析 例句 live on on后接名词,为主食、钱物之类。 No one can live on rice alone.没有人能够仅靠吃米饭活着。 live up by后接v.-ing,表方式。 Everyone can make a living by working hard.每个人都能靠努力工作来糊口。 20. But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.但是大多数情况下,司

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