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句法分析:taking the human traffic signal为现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随情况。 take?for granted认为??理所当然,想当然地认为??

Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.她丈夫随时出现在身边,她只是认为他理应如此。

Don't take it for granted that he'll help you.不要认为他一定会帮助你。

Your parents' love for you is unconditional. But please don't take it for granted.你父母对你的爱是无条件的,但是请不要把这种爱看成是理所当然的。

21. So why does he do it? Before he volunteered to direct the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs. He had been a miner and a soldier.那么,他为什么要这样做呢?在他志愿指挥交通之前,铁穆特欧做过很多工作。他曾是一名矿工,还当过兵。 volunteer(n. &v.)

(1)n.(C)a person who offers to work or help without pay志愿者

Liu Jiandong worked for the 2008 Olympics as a volunteer, of which he is still proud.刘建东曾为2008年奥运会志愿服务,这一点他一直引以为豪。

Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.大部分的救济工作是由志愿者完成的。 (2)vi.&vt.offer to do?主动要求做??;自愿

The children all volunteered to be my guide.小孩们都自愿当我的向导。 We are ready to volunteer our services.我们时刻准备主动提供服务。 单词积累:


22. Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver he had a close encounter with death.他做卡车司机的时候,有一天跟死神打了个照面。

句法分析:本句为主从复合句,while引导时间状语从句。 encounter(n.&v.)

(1)n.(C)an unplanned or unexpected occasion when you meet sb.相遇,邂逅

She didn't remember our encounter last summer.她不记得我们去年夏天的那次相遇了。 (2)vt.to meet with unexpectedly遭遇,遇到

We encountered a lot of difficulties.我们遇到了许多困难。

She encountered a friend of hers on the plane.她在飞机上同一位朋友不期而遇。 拓展:

chance encounter巧遇 close encounter差一点遇到(危险/不愉快的事) I had a close encounter with a poisonous snake.我险遇一条毒蛇。 链接: come across

run across 偶然遇到,偶然发现 meet with

I came across some photos in the attic.我在阁楼上偶然翻到了一些照片。

23. He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.当他开着一辆装满香蕉的卡车要驶过一个弯道时,他连人带车翻到了300米深的山崖下。

句法分析:本句为主从复合句,when意为“就在这(那)时”。 when意为“就在这(那)”时,常见于下列句型中: Sb. was/were doing sth.?when sth. did?

Sb. was/were about to do sth.?when sth. did?

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Sb. had just done sth.?when sth. did?

Sb. was on the point of doing sth.?when sth. did?

The plane was flying on the sky when a bird knocked into the glass of the front window.飞机正在空中飞行,这时一只小鸟撞上了前窗玻璃。

We were about to go out when the telephone rang.我们正要出去,正在那时电话铃响了。

He had just finished his homework when his father came back.他刚刚做完作业,正在那时父亲回来了。

He was on the point of jumping into the pool when the alarm rang.他正要跳入池中,这时警报响了。

24. Somehow he survived. He was in hospital for months.万幸的是,他活了下来。他住了好几个月的院。 somehow(adv.)

(1)in a way unknown or not understood不知何故

But somehow the action got reversed in the programs.但是不知何故,节目里的动作顺序颠倒了。

Don't worry, we'll get the money back somehow.别担心,我们总会把那些钱拿回来的。 (2)in a way or by some means which is not known以某种方式

Somehow, I just don't think it will work.不知为什么,我就是觉得这样行不通。 链接:


He told me not to buy it,but I bought it anyhow.他告诉我不要买它,但不管怎样,我还是买了。 Anyhow, I'll see you next week.不管怎样,下周我都要去看你。

25. Then, a few years later, he was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del diablo.几年后的一天夜里,他被叫出来帮忙拉出在魔鬼弯道坠毁的公共汽车里的人。 句法分析:to help pull people out of a bus为目的状语;which引导定语从句,修饰先行词a bus。 call out:to order to help, especially in a dangerous situation; say sth. loudly叫出来;大声喊出 Everybody in the village was called out to put out the fire.村里的每个人都被叫出来灭火。 He called out my name the moment he caught sight of me.他一见我就喊出了我的名字。 链接:

call at(a place)访问(某地) call on(sb.)拜访/号召(某人) call in召集 call back回电话;回忆 call up给??打电话;调动(力量、人员等);使人想起 call for要求;需要;去接某人/某物 call off撤销(计划的活动)

26. This last experience had a profound effect on Timoteo.那次经历给铁穆特欧留下了极其深刻的印象。 profound(adj.)

(1)deep; very strongly felt深的,深刻的,深切的,极度的 I owe you a profound apology.我应向你深表歉意。

There was a profound silence in the empty church.空无一人的教堂里一片死寂。

(2)having or using through knowledge and deep understanding渊博的;见解深刻的;深奥的 a profound thinker一位见解深刻的思想家 a very profound remark一句非常深奥的评论 (3)deep;far below the surface深处的

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in the profound depths of the ocean在大洋深处 单词积累:


profoundly disturbing news令人极其不安的消息 have an effect on对??产生影响

The medicine has a good effect on me.那种药对我有很好的疗效。 Punishment had very little effect on him.惩罚对他没有什么效果。 链接:

have an influence on

have an impact on 对??产生影响

bring/put sth. into effect使??生效,实施??

come into effect开始生效 take effect起作用,奏效

27. He realised that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.他意识到他能活下来是很幸运的,而且感觉到帮助别人是他人生的使命。

句法分析:本句为and连接的并列句,且每个分句中含有一个that引导的宾语从句,且第二个that引导的宾语从句中it作形式主语,to help others为真正的主语。 mission(n.)

(1)usually military duty or purpose for which people are sent womewhere(常指军事的)任务,使命

The astronauts in Shenzhou Ⅶ reported to the mission control that all worked very well.神舟七号宇航员向地面指挥中心报告一切都很好。

(2)the particular workwhich one believes it is one's duty to do职责

She felt that her mission in life was to help old people.她认为帮助老年人是她的天职。

(3)a group of people are sent abroad for a special reason, especially to act for their country工作团,代表团

The British trade mission has just reached Shanghai.英国贸易代表团刚刚抵达上海。

28. And so every morning, week in,week out,from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic.于是每天早晨,铁穆特欧都来到路的拐弯处站好自己的位置,开始指挥来往车辆,从拂晓到黄昏,一周又一周。

week in(,)week out(=week after week)一周又一周,连接好几个星期;每周地

We got the same reply that the manager was out week in week out.连续几周我们得到的答复都是经理不在。

I just seem to do the same things week in week out.一周又一周,我好像在做相同的工作。 take up占据(时间、空间);从事(工作、专业等);举起(武器等);接着??起来 I took up my place/position by the door.我把住了门口。 They've taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。

He took up history when he was in university.他在大学时代学的是历史。

She took up the story where she stopped yesterday.她接着昨天讲的故事继续往下讲。 The table takes up too much room.这张桌子占据了太多的空间。 Her time is fully taken up with writing.她把时间全都用在了写作上。 链接:

take after sb.(长相;性格)像某人 take over接收;接管 take an interest in对??感兴趣 take charge of掌管;负责 take possession of占有;拥有 take pride in以??自豪 take sides with袒护?? take sb.'s place代替,接替某人

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take up arms拿起武器 take out取出

take down拿下,记下 take away from从??拿起 take along随身带着 take off脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞 take an action采取行动 take a deep breath深呼吸 take part in参加 take in欺骗;摄取 take a photograph拍照 take on呈现

take it easy放心;别着急 take?by surprise出奇兵攻占?? take place发生;出现 take a rest/walk休息/散步 注意:

切勿将take up与make up混淆:take up指“占据时间、空间”,而make up则指“占据比例、成分”。

She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took up her place.她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。

Women make up only 30% of the workforce.妇女仅占劳动力的30%。 经典回放: After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _____ her job as a doctor in the countryside. A.set out B.took over C.took up D.set up 解析:take up在此意为“开始从事”。 答案:C GRAMMAR 1. I saw an advertisement for a temporary job as a waiter in a smart restaurant.我看到一则广告,有一家雅致的餐馆招临时服务员。

temporary(adj.)for a short time; not permanent暂时的,临时的

That is only a temporary solution to the problem.那只是暂时解决问题。

The council has placed us in temporary accommodation.委员会给我们安排了临时住处。 单词积累:

temporarily(adv.)暂时地;临时地 contemporary(adj.&n.)当代(的);同时代(的) permanent(adj.)永久的,长期的

2. When I took them out, they had frozen.当我把它们拿出来时,它们已经结冰了。 freeze(v.&n.)

(1)vi. to become hard and solid because of the cold temperature冻住,冻僵

We freeze a lot of vegetables from our farm.我们冷冻了许多我们农场生产的蔬菜。 Two men froze to death(=were frozen to death)on the mountain.有两个人在山上冻死了。 (2)vt.&vi. to make food extremely cold to preserve it冷藏,冷冻

I'm going to freeze some of these beans.我打算把这些豆的一部分冷藏起来。 Tomatoes don't freeze well.西红柿不宜冷藏。

(3)n.a fixing of wages, prices at a particular level; a stop of sth. activity(工资、价格等的)冻结;停止

pay freezes工资冻结 a freeze on production停产 单词积累:

freezing(adj.)冻结的;冰冻的,严寒的 freezer(n.)(C)冰箱 VOCABULARY

1.career prospects事业前景 prospect(n.)(C,U)

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