2015-2016高中英语 Unit5 Music练习册 新人教版必修2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2015-2016高中英语 Unit5 Music练习册 新人教版必修2更新完毕开始阅读bb6a12e8a417866fb84a8ee1

4.Compared with Jack, Tom is________ what the teacher said.(sensitive) 与杰克相比,汤姆对老师所说的话更敏感。

5.I came upon these photographs ________some old papers.(sort) 我整理旧的文件时,发现了这些照片。

6.If you know English, you can travel all over the world________ by others.(without) 如果你懂英语,你就可以走遍全世界而不会被人误解。

7.He spent the whole afternoon trying to work out ________ the engine.(go) 他花了整整一个下午试图找出发动机的毛病在哪里。

8.If you belt down the road, you'll get to the shop______.(close) 如果你顺着这条道快走,你会在商店闭店前赶到那里。

9.Wind power is an ancient source of energy________in the near future.(return) 风能是一种古老的能源, 我们可能在不久的将来会重新使用它。

10.You needn't go that far.Actually, there is a large collection of books just in the school library, ________ are in English.(many)

你不必跑那么远的。事实上,学校图书馆里就收集了很多书,其中许多都是英文的。 Ⅳ.阅读理解

Ray Charles Robinson, a blind musician in America, was famous for his records of jazz, rock 'n' roll, blues and country music.But the world knew him better as Ray Charles.He had an influence(影响) on American popular music.

The song Let's Go Get Stoned is an example of Ray Charles' own kind of music—his own sound.He worked hard for several years to create that sound.No one ever tried it before.He mixed black church music, blues and rock 'n' roll.The sound was extremely successful.In the nineteen fifties, his records began to sell millions of copies.At the same time, Ray Charles recorded jazz music.Those records sold well, too.People said they were new and exciting.

Ray Charles became famous because he could play blues, rock and jazz.He also liked other kinds of music.He told the record company officials that he wanted to record an album(专辑) of country-and-western music.

The president of the record company told him it would be a mistake.He said Ray's fans would not buy the album.Charles disagreed.He said he believed he would gain many new fans to replace the few he might lose.He produced the album and it was an immediate success.

The album was called Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music.Many of the songs sold very well.One of the most popular songs was I Can't Stop Loving You.It is a country-and-western song with Ray Charles' sound of blues and black church music.

1.Ray Charles became popular with Americans because ________. A.he worked hard to create his own sound

B.he mixed black church music, blues and rock 'n' roll C.he recorded Jazz music D.he could play blues

2.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Ray Charles Robinson had a great effect on American popular music. B.His album about country-and-western music didn't sell well.

C.The president of the record company didn't think that his new album would be popular with his fans.

D.Ray Charles thought he would gain new fans though he would lose some old fans. 3.Thanks to ________, he achieved a great success after producing his album. A.the president of the record company B.his supporters

C.his own confidence D.his own hard work

4.The song Let's Go Get Stoned consists of all the following music EXCEPT ________. A.black church music B.jazz

C.blues D.rock 'n' roll Ⅴ.阅读填空


What is a dream?

For centuries, people have wondered about the strange places that they seem to visit in their sleep. __1__ However, they have been valued as necessary to a person's health and happiness.

Historically people thought dreams contained messages from God.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams scientifically believing that they tell about a person's character. __2__ He believed that dreams allow a person to express fantasies or fears, which would be socially unacceptable in real life.

The second theory to become popular was Carl Jung's compensation theory.Jung, a former student of Freud, said that the purpose of a dream is not to hide something, but to communicate it to the dreamer. __3__ Thus, people who think too highly of themselves may dream about falling; those who think too little of themselves dream of being heroes.

Using more recent research, William Domhoff from the University of California found that dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop in humans. __4__ Until they reach age five, they cannot express very well what their dreams are about.Once people become adults, there is little or no change in their dreams.The dreams of men and women are different.For instance, the characters that appear in the dreams of men are often other men, and often involve physical aggression.

The meaning of dreams continues to be difficult to understand. __5__ If you dream that a loved one is going to die, do not panic.The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that your loved one is going to die.

A.It gives scientists chances to better understand human mind. B.However, people should not take their dreams as reality. C.Children do not dream as much as adults.

D.Dreams make up for what is lacking in waking life. E.First, there was Sigmund Freud's theory.

F.They think their mind is trying to tell them something.

G.They have been considered as meaningless nighttime journeys.

Period Three Grammar


1.In our class all the fifty students took part in the final exam.Only one of them didn't pass the exam.

→In our class all the fifty students,only one ________ ________ didn't pass the exam,took part in the final exam.

2.The day will come.Ordinary people can travel by spaceship on the day. →The day ________________ordinary people can travel by spaceship will come. 3.Do you still remember those days? We worked together in those days. →Do you still remember those days ________ ________ we worked together.

4.The famous scientist once lived and worked in the village.Does this road lead to the village?

→Does this road lead to the village ________ ________ the famous scientist once lived and worked?

5.The postman comes at 6:30 in the morning.I am usually fast asleep at that time. →The postman comes at 6:30 in the morning, ________ ________ ________ I am usually fast asleep.

6.The famous scientist made a great contribution to our country.I'm going to write a book in memory of him.

→The famous scientist, ________ ________ ________ ________ I'm going to write a book, made a great contribution to our country.

7.He has saved another thousand dollars.He could support his family with the money. →He has saved another thousand dollars ________ ________ he could support his family. 8.Mr Li will go abroad to study for a year.We have made great progress in maths with the help of him.

→Mr Li, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ we have made great progress in maths, will go abroad to study for a year.

9.That's a practical problem.I will still need to find a solution to it.

→That's a practical problem ________ ________ I will still need to find a solution. 10.The river has been seriously polluted.There used to be many beautiful flowers on its banks.

→The river ________ ________ ________ there used to be many beautiful flowers has been seriously polluted.


1.The person ________the message came did not say his name.

2.There are many books on the shelf in his study,most ________ he really enjoys. 3.John's dream was to have a big house of his own ________ he could live with his whole family.

4.We took a road map with us during our last trip, ________ we would have lost our way.

5.He went with a group of people, few ________were correctly equipped for such a climb. 6.At last,he found that the goals ________ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

7.The organization,________ Tom is the president, was founded ten years ago.

8.Many teenagers usually consider their best friend as someone ________ they can turn when they need help.

9.The players, the taller________ came from a big city, were practising playing basketball on the playground.

10.At present, many college students from some famous universities end up with a job ________ they are not interested.


1.Last month,many parts of the village were struck by floods,________ the people are still suffering.(effect)


2.The two of things ________were Jim's gold watch and Della's hair.(proud) 使他们感到骄傲的两样东西是吉姆的金表和黛拉的头发。

3.The growing speed of plant is influenced by a number of factors,________ are beyond our control.(most)


4.The English play________ at the New Year's party was a great success.(act) 我的学生在新年晚会上表演的那部英语剧是非常成功的。 5.It's reported that two schools, ________ in my hometown, will open next year.(build) 据报道两所学校明年将投入使用。它们现在正在我们的家乡被修建。 Ⅳ.完形填空

Music is often divided into several categories, or groups.Some of the categories are:classical music, traditional music, rock music, and jazz.

The first __1__, classical music, __2__ orchestra music(管弦乐) that originated(起源) in Europe a few hundred years ago.Most of the original __3__ music was composed, or written, in Italy, Germany, Austria, or Russia.Beethoven and Bach were two famous __4__ of classical music.Classical music is usually __5__ by a variety of string __6__ such as the violin and by a variety of wind instruments such as the flute.

The second type of music is traditional music.Traditional music is __7__ that came from a particular __8__.Every culture has its own special __9__ of traditional music and its own __10__ instruments for playing its traditional music.

__11__ kind of music is rock music.Rock is generally a kind of __12__ music, played with a strong __13__.Rock musicians often use __14__ instruments, such as electric guitars and electric pianos.Rock music probably __15__ in Europe about 30 or 40 years ago.Rock music became very __16__ especially among young people.

The __17__ kind of music is jazz.Jazz probably __18__ from Africa originally. These are the four __19__ types of music.Certainly there are __20__ categories of music.In addition, many kinds of music are combinations of classical and traditional music, or classical music and jazz, or rock music and jazz, and so on.

1.A.kind B.name C.way D.part

2.A.deals with B.refers to C.does with D.dates from 3.A.old B.good