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U3 重点词汇讲解

1. value


A diet lacking in nutritional value won’t keep a person energetic. 食物中缺少营养价值不能维持人的活力。

【拓展】短语be of value相当于be valuable. 如:

The diamond necklace is of great value. 这根钻石项链很贵重。

= The diamond necklace is valuable.

与之易混淆的名词是worth,它强调“事物的道德、文化、精神方面的内在价值”。如: The pair of boot is worth more than 1000 yuan. 这双靴子价值超过1000元。 作“值得”解时,worth的结构通常为:be worth doing;而worthy的结构通常为be worthy to be done,或be worthy of being done。如:

Lily is worth making friends with. Lily是个值得交的朋友。 =Lily is worthy to be made friends with. =Lily is worthy of being made friends with. 【操练】

Different people have different _______. A. value 【答案】A

B. worthy

C. worth

D. valuable

2. affairs 名词affair的复数形式affairs常指“外交、经济等方面的重大事件、事情”,其前不加定冠词。如:

He is absorbed in international affairs. 他关心国际事物。 【拓展】 1)名词affair常用单数形式,表示“一般的事情或事物”。如:

Their wedding was a quiet affair. 他们的婚礼是悄悄进行的。 2)名词affair表“恋爱关系”。如:

Darcy has an affair with Elizabeth. 达西爱上了伊丽沙白。 foreign affairs 外交事物; political affairs政治事物; 3)常用搭配: settle affairs解决事物 如:

Current affairs in that country are unsettled. 那个国家当前的局势动荡不定。 【操练】

They care about ________ at present.

A. thing B. matter 【答案】D

C. business

D. affairs

3. common 1)短语in common表示“共同”的意思。如:

Twins always have a lot in common and get on well. 双胞胎总是有很多共同之处,相处得很好。

2)短语in common with表示“与??有共同之处”的意思。如: In common with many Americans, Chris prefers basketball to football. 和许多美国人一样,约翰喜欢篮球而不喜欢足球。

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【拓展】 与之易混淆的形容词是ordinary,normal,general。它们均可指“一般的,普通的”。作“一般的,普通的”解时,common强调“随处可见,故显得普通”;ordinary强调“无特殊才华,而显得平庸、普通”;normal强调“正常的,标准的”;general强调“全面的,整体的”。如: My aim is to make my ordinary students good, my good students better, my better students the best. 我的目标是让普通的学生变成好学生,好学生变成更好的学生,更好的学生变成最好的学生。

Everything is in the normal state. 一切正常。

Lily has worked out a general plan. Lily已制定出一个总体计划。

与这四个表示“一般的,普通的”的词常放在一起比较的还有usual。usual 强调“惯例的”。如: This is Lily’s usual stop. 这是Lily常等车的汽车站。 【操练】

Coconut tree is ________ in Hainan. A. ordinary B. common 【答案】B

C. normal

D. general

4. remain remain作“留下、保持”解时,强调“某人或某物已不在原地,而另外的某人或某物仍在”,或以物做主语表“剩下或余留”,通常不用于进行时态。如: Many people went, but Rene’s fans remained.很多人都走了,但是刘若英的歌迷留下来了。 A few apples remained on the tree. 树上还有些苹果。 【拓展】与之易混淆的动词是stay,leave,keep。


I’m staying at my aunt’s for a week. 我在姑姑家暂住了一星期。 2)leave作“把??留下”解时,是及物动词。如: I’m afraid I’ve left my homework at home. 我恐怕把家庭作业留在家里了。 3)keep表示“保持某种状态”解时,既可以作及物动词也可以作系动词。如: Ann kept me waiting for many hours. 安让我等了好几个小时。 How long does Wall-mart keep open? 沃尔玛开门时间多长? 4)remain是不及物动词,无被动。如: The only remaining problem is how to make more money. 唯一剩下来的问题是如何赚更多的钱。 remian作连系动词时,可接形容词、分词、名词、介词短语等,意为“(继续)保持,仍然处于(某种状态)”。如: How to get the elephant into the fridge remains a problem. 如何把大象放进冰箱依然是个问题。 It remains to be seen + subject clause表示“仍不得而知”。如:

It remains to be seen whether F1 is popular after Michael Schumacher’s retirement. 迈克尔舒马赫退役后,F1是否受欢迎仍不得而知。 【操练】

If you take 3 from 10, 7 ________. A. keeps 【答案】C

B. stays

C. remains

D. leaves

5. occur 动词occur是不及物动词。occur to sb.表示某人突然想起(想到),如:

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An idea has occurred to me. 我忽然有了主意。


除了occur可以表示发生以外,happen, take place, come about也有发生的意思。其区别在于,occur通常指“意想不到的事的发生,且较正式”,可与happen通用;take place多指“按计划或意图进行的,而不是偶然出现的”;come about强调“发生,产生”。如:

When did the traffic accident happen? 这个交通事故什么时候发生的?

When will the basketball game take place? 篮球赛什么时候举行?

How did the difference between American English and British English come about? 美式英语和英式英语的差异是如何产生的?

It happened that?常指客观事物或情况的偶然发生,如: It happened that you were here. 碰巧你也在这儿。


It is said that the traffic accident _______ on Sunday. A. occurring B. occurred C. having occurred 【答案】B

D. had occurred

6. manage 短语manage to do sth.表示“成功做某事”;try to do sth.表示“尝试做某事,但结果往往是不成功的”;succeed也可表示“成功做某事”,但其结构通常为succeed in doing sth.如: Jane tried to lose weight, but failed. 简试着减肥,但是失败了。 The nation succeeded in holding the Olympic Games. 这个国家成功地举办了奥运会。 【拓展】

1)除了manage to do sth., succeed in doing sth.以外,表示“成功做某事”的短语还有have success in doing sth., be successful in doing sth. 如:

China had success in holding the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.2008年中国成功地举办了29届奥林匹克运动会。

= China was successful in holding the Olympic Games in 2008.


He introduced better methods of management in this company. 他为本公司引进了更好的管理方法。 【操练】

After several hours, they _______ to put out the fire and saved the house. A. tried B. succeeded C. managed D. decided 【答案】C 7. that is to say 【解析】 短语that is to say意为“那就是说”;in other words意为“换句话说”,常可互换。 【拓展】

短语in a word表示“简言之”。如:

In a word, the opening ceremony is of great success. 简言之,这个开幕式很成功。 【操练】

Three days from today, ________, this Friday, you have to turn in your paper. A. in other words 【答案】D 8. turn to

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B. to say C. that is to say D. both A and C

短语turn to表示“向某人、某事物寻求帮助”;turn out意为“证明为、结果是”;turn up

意为“出现”或“把??调大”;turn down意为“拒绝”或“把??调小”。如: The Da Vinci Code turned out to be the bestseller. 达芬奇的密码是畅销书。 Somebody unexpected turned up at the party. 没有预料到的人出现在了聚会上。 There’s no doubt that Jane would turn down his proposal. 毫无疑问,简会拒绝他的求婚。 【拓展】

短语turn on意为“打开、发动”;turn off意为“关掉”;turn over意为“翻转、周转”等。如:

Would you please turn on the TV? 请您打开电视好吗?

It’s everyone’s responsibility to turn off the lights before we leave. 离开之前关灯是我们每个人的责任。

The train was turned over and a lot of people seriously injured. 火车翻车了,很多人受了重伤。 【操练】

Whenever she is in trouble, she has nobody she can __________. A. turn out 【答案】C

B. turn up

C. turn to

D. turn down

9. search for 【解析】 短语search for表示“寻找”,指“某人寻找某物”,后接“寻找的目标”。此题中,运用了现在完成进行时,表示“一百多年来,人们一直在寻找铁达尼号。”动词search表示“搜寻”,指“搜查某物或某人”,后接“搜寻的范围”。如: Howard Carter and his group searched the tombs of the Egyptian kings for jewels and gold.霍华德卡特和他的小组搜查了埃及国王的墓穴寻找珠宝和金子。 【拓展】

1)短语look for也表示“寻找”,指“寻找的动作和过程”,可和search for互换。如:

I shall look for a place for Alice to stay in Nanjing.(我要在南京找个地方给爱丽斯住。) 2)短语find out指“经过观察、调查把某事物查出来、搞清楚、弄明白,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况”;而find指“寻找的结果”,即“找到”。如:

We have found out why he left his last job. 我们查出他辞掉前一个工作的原因。 Have you found the book you are looking for? 你找到了你在找的书吗?

介词短语in search of表示“寻找、追求”,如:

They went into the forest in search of white snow princess. 他们进入树林寻找白雪公主。


For over 100 years, men have been __________ the Titanic. A. searched for 【答案】B

B. searching for

C. searched

D. searching

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