[新人教版]2019年秋八年级英语上册Unit 10单元教学案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章[新人教版]2019年秋八年级英语上册Unit 10单元教学案更新完毕开始阅读bc088827112de2bd960590c69ec3d5bbfc0ada58


Unit10 If you go to the party,you'll have a great time!

Section A (1a-1c)


1.重点句式:If you go to the party,you'll have a great time. I think I'll wear jeans to the party. Who will you go with? 重点

1.学习if引导的条件状语从句 2.能用“I think I'll ...”来表达作出的决定




一、认真预习1a-1c,找出下列句型。 1.如果你参加聚会,你就会玩得愉快。

________________________________________________________________________ 2.我想我将穿着牛仔裤去参加聚会。

________________________________________________________________________ 3.你将和谁一起去?

________________________________________________________________________ Step 1 情景导入

Teacher:Hello,everyone,are you happy?I'm very happy.If I am happy,I will listen to the tape.Do you want to listen?Now let's listen to If You Are Happy together.

(Play the song If You Are Happy to the students.)

环节说明:用歌曲If You Are Happy导入新课,让学生在歌声中轻松的进入学习状态,且切入学习主题,并在歌声中提前感知if 的用法。

Step 2 完成教材1a—1c的任务


1.学生认真观察1a图片,将句子与图片搭配,集体核对答案。(2分钟) 2.大声朗读1a中的小对话,为听力做好准备。(2分钟)

3.认真听录音,完成1a中的句子,集体核对答案,完成课本上1b的听力任务。(3分钟) 4.再听一遍录音,大声跟读整体感知对话内容。(3分钟)



A:Are you going to the party tomorrow night? B:Yes,I am.

A:Who will you go with?

B:I think I'll go with Karen and Anna. A:If you do,you'll have a great time. 6.小结训练。(3分钟)

1)If he goes (go) to the movies,he won't finish his work. 2)If I become (become) a doctor,I can help others. 3)If we have (have) time,we will go to the park tomorrow. 4)If you shout (shout) at the party,you will_have (have) to leave. 5)If I go to college,I will_be (be) a college student. 6)If I like (like) the ball,I will_buy (buy) it. 7)If Tom gets (get) good grades,his parents will_be (be) happy. 8)If it doesn't_rain (not rain) tomorrow,he will_go (go) to the mountains. 环节说明:听说结合,第一时间向学生传达语言目标,通过结对对话练习和小结训练,使语言目标得以强化。

Step 3 问题探究 1.if引导的条件状语从句 1)如果明天不下雨,我就去公园。

If_it_doesn't_rain_tomorrow,I'll_go_to_the_park. 2


If_you_want_to_get_good_grades,you_must_study_hard. 3)如果你有问题请举手。

If_you_have_some_questions,please_hands_up. if意为“如果”,引导的句子在复合句中表示条件,做主句的条件状语,称为条件状语从句。从句可以放在主句前或主句后,从前主后用逗号隔开,主前从后if连接。if引导的条件状语从句与主句的时态:1)主将从现:如果主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表将来。2)主情从现:主句含有must,may,can等情态动词,从句用一般现在时表将来。3)主祈从现:如果主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时表将来。


Section A (2a-2d)


2.重点短语:talk about,a class meeting,watch a video,half the class,potato chips 3.重点句式:What will happen if they watch a video at the party? What will Mark organize?

When is a good time to have the party?

For the party next week,should we ask people to bring food?

If we ask people to bring food,they will just bring potato chips and chocolate because they'll be too lazy to cook.

Do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win? The games will be more exciting.






一、预习课本P74新单词并背诵, 完成下面的汉译英。 1.会议____________ 2.录像带____________ 3.组织____________ 4.巧克力____________ 二、认真预习2a-2d,找出下列短语和句型。 1.谈论____________ 2.一次班会____________ 3.看录像__________ 4.一半的学生__________ 5.炸薯条____________


________________________________________________________________________ 7.马克将组织什么?

________________________________________________________________________ 8.什么时间举行聚会好呢?

________________________________________________________________________ 9.对于下周的聚会,我们应该让人们带食物吗?

________________________________________________________________________ 10.如果我们让人们带食物,他们将只会带炸薯条和巧克力因为他们太懒了而不去做。 ________________________________________________________________________ 11.如果人们获胜了,你认为我们应该给他们一些小礼物吗?

________________________________________________________________________ 12.游戏将会更令人兴奋。


Step 1 情景导入

Teacher:We have learned how to make sentences with “if” yesterday.Now please make sentences with “if” like this:If it is sunny tomorrow,I will go to the zoo.I will visit my grandparents if I have enough time.