选修八 Unit 4 Films and film events 单元检测 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章选修八 Unit 4 Films and film events 单元检测更新完毕开始阅读bcb76b20caaedd3383c4d371

Films and film events 单元检测


1.(2013·马鞍山模拟)Johnson had made up his mind to give it up, but on ________ second thought he determined to try ________ third time.

A./; a C.a; a

B.the; / D.the; a

2.(2013·泰州质检)John went through the test paper once more carefully for fear that he would ________ any essential details.

A.betray C.overlook

B.abandon D.escape

3.(2013·江苏姜堰高三检测)—I wonder ________ made some students give up this year's college entrance exam.

—Perhaps the present situation of employment. A.what was it that C.what was that it

B.what it was that D.what was that

4.(2012·南师大附中检测)Doctors warn people that one may develop skin cancer with his skin ________ to the sun too much.

A.exposes C.exposed

B.exposing D.being exposed

5.(2013·江苏百校大联考)—Chinese food or Japanese food? Which is your ________? —Neither. I'd like to have some Italian food. A.preference C.presence

B.influence D.prediction

6.(2011·湖北高考)Clinical evidence began to______, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.

A.operate C.approve

B.strengthen D.accumulate

7.At the turn of the century, Congress placed a height ______ of 13 floors on all buildings in Washington.

A.instruction C.distinction

B.restriction D.liberation

8.(2012·苏北四市联考)—The experiment is of particular importance. —I see.We will carry on with it ________ we can get enough money or not. A.unless


C.though D.until

9.(2012·湖北高考)Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to ________ our school's campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.

A.sponsor C.organize

B.launch D.plan

10.(2013·马鞍山模拟)Speaking ________ the proposal, he pointed out how much cheaper it would be.

A.in honor of C.in control of

B.in need of D.in defence of

11.(2012·无锡高三质检)—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.

—Oh, ________! A.cheer up C.go ahead

B.well done D.congratulations

12.(2012·北京东城区期末)The 20-hour storm that hit Beijing on Saturday claimed the lives of 77 people, ________ 46 were caused by drowning.

A.in whom C.of whom

B.in them D.of them

13.She ________herself.She said she would never marry young, but she did. A.did contradict C.wasn't contradicted

B.didn't contradict D.was contradicted

14.I had planned to go to your party, but I had to finish that ________ paper. A.regular C.tense

B.ordinary D.tiresome

15.My sister, as well as her classmates who ________late for class, ________ criticized by Mr.Hunt.

A.were; was C.was; was Ⅱ.阅读理解

Before:Machu Picchu“Rediscovered”

When Hiram Bingham first came to the site a century ago this week to study prehistoric people and their culture, he was surprised to find that the ancient Inca sites he visited in peru, including Machu Picchu, weren't as hidden or deserted as he imagined they would be.

“When he climbed the mountain on July 24, 1911, he was

B.was; were D.were; were

very surprised to find an Indian family at the top of the ridge,” said Christopher Heaney, a Harrington Doctoral Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin.

In fact, three families were living on the mountain ridge on which Machu Picchu was built. A young boy from one of those families guided Bingham up the rest of the mountain, where he got his first complete glimpse of the 15th-century city that he would later make world-famous.

Most of Machu Picchu was covered in jungle vines and trees in 1911, but there were a few sites that the Indian farmers had cleared away to grow crops.

“It was very much a living site, not something lost and dead,” said Heaney, who is the author of the book Cradle of Gold: The Story of Hiram Bingham, a Real-Life Indiana Jones, and the Search for Machu Picchu.

After: Modern Machu Picchu

Today the buildings at Machu Picchu are free of the vines and jungle that covered them when Bingham first arrived in 1911. The homes of the indigenous Indian families that Bingham encountered during his first visit are also gone.

Those families didn't live in Machu Picchu's stone buildings but rather in wooden huts that they had built on other parts of the mountain ridge.

“Bingham's arrival really changed their lives, because the landowner

now knew there were people living there, ” Heaney said. “The landowner might have started collecting rent, we don't know. But we do know that there were three families living there in 1911, and by 1915 only one family was left.”

That family was eventually hired by the Peruvian government to be caretakers of the site. 1.According to the text, Hiram Bingham is most likely to be________. A.a poet who uses travelling experiences in his poems B.a teacher who teaches story writing in university C.an archaeologist who studies ancient civilization

D.a professor who helps the government make important decisions 2.When Bingham first arrived at Machu Picchu, he found________. A.the vines and jungle covered the buildings at Machu Picchu B.the three families on, the mountain ridge lived in wooden huts C.the ancient Inca sites were as deserted as he imagined they would be D.the Indian families had got prepared to welcome their arrival 3.Why was a family left at Machu Picchu? A.To improve their lives. B.To work as guides. C.To look after the site.

D.To collect rent. Ⅲ.任务型阅读

Harmless fun and bullying are separated by a very thin line. This line is crossed on a daily basis, without it being known. The full extent of this line-crossing is not often felt until much later. Bullying is widespread in schools and in society in general. It has become so common that it is almost hidden. Blind eyes are often being turned, and the problem is becoming more and more serious.

Harmless fun occurs when nobody has hurt feelings, and laughter follows. There is no harm in the fun, and all people are able to enjoy the joking. Bullying occurs when someone is looked down upon. Not every joke is funny, and sometimes we can cruelly hurt somebody without our knowledge.

The most difficult part of the line between harmless fun and bullying is the simple fact that everybody has their own line, and even that is different from time to time, depending on a person's mood.Everybody has their own limit of tolerance, and harmless fun that borders on bullying can gather up the emotions to breaking point. No matter how strong friendships are, words can tear them apart, destroying the very foundation that they have been built upon. Some people have a really thick hide, and are able to avoid unwanted comments, and never give them a second thought. However, for some people, these lines are subject to change. A particular comment may upset them to no end the next day. This is where the line is most troublesome.

The key is that the line should never be crossed. Harmless fun has its time and place, since laughter is the best medicine for what worries you, but it should never be taken to the extreme, where someone is feeling down.

The best possible way to ensure that you are not the one responsible for line-crossing is to think before you speak. We should first try to understand before we try to be understood. If the words you feel like saying to someone are not the words you would want to say to your parents, brothers, child, or good friends, then chances are you should think of something else to say.

Saying things behind someone else's back is no answer either, because those words often find their target finally, and usually the comments have been misunderstood in one way or another, and the intension, while perhaps harmless, tends to turn towards bullying. Many things are always better left unsaid.

Title:The line between harmless fun and bullying