新概念二翻译练习与答案 联系客服

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The French man had dumplings for the first time of his life.

12那个男孩喜欢玩弹簧。That boy likes playing with springs.

13她的前男友在狂打她的电话。Her ex-boyfriend is blowing up her phone.

14前几天,一座大楼被炸毁了。A large building was blown up the other day.

15可以听到房间里一阵笑声。A gust of laughter can be heard from/in the room.

16枪使得人们飞跑。The gun sent people running.

17他直到去世才知道那个秘密。He didn’t know the secret until he died/until his death.

18她奇迹般的非常漂亮。She is miraculously beautiful.

19尸体的一部分被老虎吃了。A bit of the body was eaten by the tigers. 20她的思维非常敏捷She has a prompt mind.

21当被提问时请迅速回答。When asked a question, please answer promptly.

22你现在可以自豪地拥有这个荣誉了。You are now the proud owner of this honor.

23请一直努力工作,直到完成目标。Please keep working hard until you reach your goal.


One of them likes sleeping on the bed, while the other likes sleeping on the floor.

25那个淘气的小男孩从屋顶上摔下来了。The naughty boy fell off the roof.

Lesson 50

1、我下周将去作一次短途旅行。I will go to an excursion next week.

2、你去年去旅行了吗?Did you go on a trip last year?


This time's homework took me longer than I expected.

4、他所做的超出了我的期待。What he did is more than I expected.

5、我会告诉你到哪里买那本书。I'll tell you where to buy the book.

6、汤姆告诉了你他什么时候来吗?Did Tom tell you when he would come?

7、他没有告诉我那些文件放在哪里。He didn't tell me where the files should be put.

8、你知道如何打开那个包裹吗?Did you know how to open the parcel?

9、在上一个公交停靠站没有人上车。No one gets on at the last bus stop.


I sat by the window to get a good view near the window.

11、我能帮你的仅限于此了。This is as far as I can help you.

12、就我所知,他们还没从国外回来。As far as I know,they haven't returned from abroad.

13、我对他知道的最多就只有这些了。This is as far as I know about him.

14、他们让我在一间商场边下了车。They put me off near a shopping mall.

15、昨天我坐我哥的车到市区,结果他忘记让我下车我也忘了下车了。 Yesterday,I got to the downtown by my brother's car, However,he didn't put me off and I didn't get off either.


16、好吧,既然这样,我还有什么可说呢。Well,in this case, what more can I say?

17、他是你最好的朋友之一吗?既然如此,你可以邀请他。 Is he one of your best friends? In this case,you may invite him.

18、在这样的情况下,我能做的只有这么多。In this case, this is the least I can do.

19、我喜欢住在乡下。I like living in the country.

20、我喜欢吃甜食。I like eating sweet food.

Lesson 51

1、你把事情弄得更糟了。You made things worse.

2、你的情况怎么样?How are things going on with you?

3、我变得对英语感兴趣了。I got interested in English.

4、我对他很生气。I got angry with him.

5、她正在节食。She is on a diet.


She once went on a diet for a week and then she gave up.


First of all,we must preview the words of new lesson.

8、首先我得告诉你一个坏消息。 First, I have to tell you the bad news.

9、你应该写一份报告。You should write out a report.

10、请你把昨天晚上发生的事写出来。Please write out what happened last night.

11、前几天我去看望我姑姑了。Days ago,I paid a visit to my aunt.

12、我打算这个周末去看望我的朋友。 I intend to pay a visit to my friend this weekend.

13、他节食了一年,可是依然跟以往一样强壮。 He has been on a diet for a year,but he is as strong as ever.


I haven't seen her for many years,but she?s still as thin as ever.

15、很显然她并不想放弃减肥。It is obvious that she doesn't want to give up dieting.

16、最近事情变得很好,所以他决定出去作一次短途旅行。 Things got so well recently that he decided to go out for an excursion.

17、我们的英语老师很严格。Our English teacher is very strict.

18、他奖励了我一本有趣的杂志。He rewards me an interesting magazine.

19、偶尔地,我们也需要给自己一点奖励。 We must give ourselves a little reward occasionally.

20、“十分抱歉!” 他内疚地说。\ 21、节食有益身体健康。Diet is good for your health.


22、浪费食物不是一种美德。Wasting food is not a virtue. 23、节约用水是一种美德。Saving water is a virtue.

24、他带领我走过那段通往成功的长路。He led me through the long road to success. 25、他告诉我哪些事情是禁止做的。He told me the things that were forbidden to do.

26、他把我带到一个陌生的房间。He leads me into a strange room. 27、这本书包含了很多内容。This book included many contents.

28、当我进来的时候,她赶紧把一包糖果藏了起来。 When I came in she hid a bag of candy hurriedly.

29、对于这件事他常常感到内疚。He often feels guilty for this matter.

30、如果你对某件事感到内疚,你该努力去补偿。 If you feel guilty of something,you should try to make up for it.

Lesson 52


Get everything in order before you leave the room.


I spent a whole morning sorting all those files.

3、你能帮我把这些整理一下吗?Can you help me get these in order?


The things in your room are so much that I can't get them in order.


I lost my way in the forest. Evern worse, it got dark.


I don't remember the way to the restaurant, to make matters worse( Or to make it worse…

),my cellphone has no power.


My salary for this month has all been spent, to make it worse, my cellphone got stolen.


It is very cold,to make matters worse,it is also raining.

9、这是一件相当有趣的工作。This is rather an interesting job.

10、他对这项工作相当感兴趣。He is rather interested in this job.

11、我暂时呆在这间办公室。I stay in this office temporarily.

12、你的手机暂时无法使用。Your cellphone cannot be used temporarily.

13、我空闲的时候喜欢读书。I like reading in my spare time.

14、你现在有空吗?Have you got a spare moment?

15、在空闲的时间里你通常喜欢做些什么? What do you like to do in you spare time?

16、我拥有两块漂亮的地毯。I own two pretty carpets.


17、他拥有两套公寓和一辆车。He owns two flats and a car.


Have you seen the wallet I lost on the stairs just now?


These stairs are very long. I got out of breath as I climb it.


You gaze at the red point in the centre,then throw out the knife in your hand.


She gazed at the photo for a while,at last she recognized that was his friend,Lucy.

22、他凝视着我一句话也说不出来。He gazed at me and couldn't say anything.


In your spare time,you can sit here and get a good view from outside.

Lesson 53

put out 熄灭 carelessly 粗心地、不在意地 throw away 仍掉

quite 很、相当、完全 explanation 说明、解释、辩解 wind round/around 缠绕 when it did so 当它那么做时

1、那根电线带电的,不要触摸它。The wire is hot,don't touch it.

2、这里有一个带电的水壶。There is a hot kettle here.

3、缠在电线上的那条蛇是带电的。The snake wounded around the wire is hot.

4、我的手被一些植物缠住了。My hand was wound around with some plants.

5、他的弟弟是一名在政府工作的消防员。 His brother is a fireman who works for the government.


A lot of people dreamed to be a fireman when they were young.

7、电视上经常播放关于消防员的故事。The stories about firemen often appear on TV.8、你能告诉我这件事的起因吗?Can you tell me the cause of this matter?

9、我希望你能把试卷检查清楚些。I hope you can examine the paper clearly. 10、你能查出这起事故的起因吗?Can you find out the cause of this accident?

11、那样的话,我宁愿自己再把它检查一遍。 In that case,I prefer to examine it by myself again.

12、这是个没人能解决的难题。This is a problem nobody can solve. 13、这样的问题,只有你自己能解决。Nobody can solve this problem but you.

14、我想我能解决这个问题。I think I can solve this problem.

16、蓝色的电火花把我吓了一跳。I got a frightened by the blue spark.

17、他伤心地把小狗的尸体放到垃圾桶旁边。 He sadly put the remains of the dog by the dust bin.