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was a primary school pupil becauseall the teachers spoke sentry in class.

I: Can you speak Cantonese?

C: Yes, I can. Although I come from Hunan Province , I've gained mastery of Cantonese since I've been living in Guangdong, for ten years. / Only a little, because I've been in Guangzhou for less than three years. / I'm sorry, I can't. But I can speak Hakka.

I: Can you speak the Shanghai dialect (Pekingese)?

C: Of course, I can. I'm a Shangbai lander (Pekingese) / No, I can't.

I: Do you understand the local dialect?

C: Yes. I'm a native here. / Sorry, sir. I don't. I'm a newcomer here





·Please tell me something unreflected at yourC.V./about yourself/your experience/your activities.谈谈你简历中没有提及的一些事情/谈谈你自己/你的经历/你参与的活动。

·An example of team work.举出一个你参与团体合作的例子。

·Why do you choose this position?你为什么选择这个职位。

·Why should we hireyou?为什么我们应该雇用你?

·开放式讨论如In formation Technology(信息技术)或者the role of university in society(大学的社会角色)等,主要考查求职者的思维方式。





·Would you please simplify the question?您能把这个问题说得简单些吗?

·Would you please say it in other words?您能用别的话来表达您的意思吗?

·Would you please speak a little bit louder?I can not hear you clearly.您说话声音能大一点好吗?我听不清楚。



·May I call you back half an hour later?May I have your phone number and recall you?



Reasons for Leaving the Previous Position

I: Why are you leaving your present job? / Why aar you desirous of leaving your present emptoyer? / Vhy do you want to resign your position as secretary? C: I'm leaving'my present job in Nanking so as to live with my wife and care for my little daughter here in Shenyang. / I'm desirous of leaving nay preseirt employer simply because I see no chance of advancement. / I want to resign my position as seeretary in order to be able to get into the advertising basiness. / I'm desirous to leave my present employment so that I can improve my position and have more responsibilities.

I: What's the reason for your leaving the previous company? / What's the reason why you left your previous employer? / What's the reason why yon are rerigning the present position?

C: Thereason for my leaving my leaving the prrvious company is to gain more experience in a foreign trade corporation. / I left my previous employer with an

object to seeek a better job. / The reason why I'm resigning the present position is that T want to look for a more challenging opportunity. / I lost my previous employment on account of close-down of the plant.

I: May I ask why you left the company? / Can you tell me the reaason for your resigning the previous post? / May I know why you are leaving the previous situation?

C: I left the company owing to liquidation of the business. / I did not think there was any opportunity for advancement there. / I'm leaving the preesent situation just becaause of expiry of my employment contract. / I have to leave my present post only because the mill is going into bankruptcy.

I: What made you decide to change jobs? / Whaat's your reason for changing jobs?

C: I would like to get a more especialized job. / I'm keen to shouder higher responsibilities. / I find the job here very interesting(challenging).

I: Didn't you like the work? / Don't you like the work? C: Yes, some of it I enjoyed very much. But economically

it's rather unstable. / I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. / To speak frankly, I did not enjoy the work very much because there was not much for me to do at my post. / The work is not bad. Yet the salary is too small