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发布时间 : 星期三 文章George Steomer及其翻译阐释运作更新完毕开始阅读bd30a7e0998fcc22bcd10d19

“那个东西因为在那里而存在”,存在仅当被理解、被翻译之后还成为一个真正的存在。所有的认知都具有侵入性,世界上所有的命题都具有攻击性,这就是黑格尔的假说。海德格尔的理论指出,理解、识别和解释密不可分、不可避免的攻击模式。海德格尔认为理解不是一种关于方法的东西,而是一种基本的存在,一种存在于对另一种存在的理解中的存在。我们可以将海德格尔的思想变通为一种更加简单、严谨的公理,即理解行为就是对另一个实体的占有(我们将其翻译成这样)。从词源学的角度看,理解这个词不仅是要进行认知性理解,而且还具有包容和吸纳的内涵。在语际翻译过程中,这种理解的操作具有明显的侵入性和穷竭性。Saint Jerome利用了他的著名的形象,意义就是译者带回来的俘虏。我们“打破”一个符号:解码的工作是剖析性的,要打破外壳,剥掉关键的外衣。学生和优秀的译者都会有体会,意义的转换需要漫长而艰涩的翻译练习:他语中的文本几乎变得越来越薄,光线看起来可以毫无障碍的透过它稀疏的纤维。但是充满敌意或诱惑力的“他者”咒语却在弥漫。奥尔特加·加塞特(Ortega y Gasset)说过译者在失败之后的悲哀。其实也存在成功之后的悲哀,即奥古斯丁的忧伤(Augustinian tristitia),这种忧伤紧随拥有情爱和理性之后。

The translator invades, extracts, and brings home. The simile is that of the open-cast mine left an empty scar in the landscape. As we shall see, this despoliation is illusory or is a mark of false translation. But again, as in the case of the translator’s trust,

there are genuine borderline cases. Certain texts or genres have been exhausted by translation. Far more interestingly, others have been negated by transfiguration, by an act of appropriative penetration and transfer in excess of the original, more ordered, more aesthetically pleasing. There are originals we no longer turn to because the translation is of a higher magnitude (the sonnets of Louise Labe after Rilke’s Undchtung). I will come back to this paradox of betrayal by augment.


The third movement is incorporative, in the strong sense of the word. The import, of meaning and of form, the embodiment, is not made in or into a vacuum. The native semantic field is already extant and crowded. 第三个行为就是融入,很大程度上是


插入的阴影。比如,路德的圣经或者North的Plutarch,总是有如纳博科夫(Nabokov)的“英语语言”奥涅金这个词所反映出的陌生感和边缘感。There are innumerable shadings of assimilation and

placement of the newly-acquired, ranging from a complete domestication, an at-homeness at the core of the kind which cultural history ascribes to, say, Luther’s Bible or North’s Plutarch, all the way to the permanent strangeness and marginality of an artifact such as Nabokov’s “English-languge” Onegin. But whatever the degree of “naturalization”, the act of importation can potentially dislocate or relocate the whole of the native structure. The Heideggerian “we are what we understand to be ” entails that our own being is modified by each occurrence of comprehensive appropriation. No language, no traditional symbolic set or cultural ensemble imports without risk of being transformed. 但是不管“自然化”能达到什么程度,

引入行为都可能改变整个本土文化的结构。每次全面理解之后,海德格尔 “我们就是我们所理解的那个样子”的说法就说明,每一次理解的侵入,都会对我们进行修改。任何语言、传统的符号系统和整体文化在引入的同时都不能摆脱变形的风险。这有两种暗喻,也许有些关系,一个是神圣的吸纳和具体化,另一种是感染。Here two

families of metaphor, probably related, offer themselves, that of sacramental intake or incarnation and that of infection. The

incremental values of communion pivot on the moral, spiritual state of the recipient. Though all decipherment is aggressive and, at one level, destructive, there are differences in the motive of appropriation and in the context of “the bringing back”. 而这种

交流的价值根据接受者的道德、精神状态而递增。虽然所有的解码工作都具有侵略性,甚至在某种程度上具有破坏性,但是在占用的动机和“理解”的背景方面却有相异之处。如果本土语言结构处于无序状态或者处于成长期,那么这种外来言语的引入就不会丰富本土语言,因为它找不到一个合适的位置。Where the native matrix is

disoriented or immature, the importation will not enrich, it will not find a proper locale. It will generate not an integral response but a wash of mimicry (French neoclassicism in its north-European, German, and Russian versions). There can be contagions of facility triggered by the antique or foreign import. After a time, the native organism will react, endeavoring to neutralize or expel the foreign body. Much of European romanticism can be seen as a riposte to this sort of infection, as an attempt to put an embargo on a plethora or foreign, mainly French eighteenth-century goods. In every pidgin we see an attempt to preserve a zone of native speech and a failure of that attempt in the face of politically and economically enforced linguistic invasion. The dialectic of embodiment entails the