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Unit 3 How do you get to school?


( )1. -- do you go to work?---By bus.

A. What B. How C. How long D. How far ( )2. There are sixty in an hour.

A. hours B. days C .minutes D. seconds ( )3. What time does she leave Shanghai?

A. for B. to C. at D. in ( )4. Tom sits Mary and Jim.

A. among B. between C. on D. next ( )5. It’s difficult English well.

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learns

( )6. He is a boy.

A. five year old B. five years old C. five-year-old D. five–years-old

( )7. It’s only two kilometers my home the school.

A. from ; with B. in ; to C. at ; in D. from ; to

( )8. –Have a good day at school.

--- .

A. That’s OK B. Thank you C. No, thanks D. Yes, good

( )9. -- does it take you to go to the school by bike?

--About 15 minutes.

A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many ( )10. Bob’s home is about ten kilometers school.

A. far B. to C. from D. in

( )11. Mary wants to know .

A. where Bob live B. where does Bob live

C. where Bob lives D. where do Bob live

( )12. Mary always to school.

A. take a bike B. takes a bus C. by a train D. walk ( )13. It me ten minutes to eat dinner.

A. makes B. takes C. needs D. rides

( )14. -- your friends the bus to work? --Yes.

A. Do ; take B. Does ; take C. Do ; by D. Does ; by ( )15. many students, it is easy to go to school.

A. For B. On C. At D. Of


My name is John Brown. I’m a school boy. My school is 16 my home. Everv day I spent(花费) a lot of time 17 there. The 18 is not good, so I can’t ride my bike to school.I often take a bus there. It usually 19 me 40 minutes to get there 20 . I 21

at seven every morning. I have no time for breakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast on the bus 22 at school. I don’t want to 23 school. Most students into school our school take buses. Some students walk to school 24 their homes are not far. A small number of students ___25______ ( )16.A.behind(后面) B. in front of (前面) C. far from D. across from ( )17.A .get B. to get C. to getting D. getting ( )18.A.road(路) B. school C. bike D. village ( )19.A.has B. spends C. takes D. makes ( )20.A.by bus B.by bike C.on foot D.by train ( ) 21.A. get up B. get to school C. have breakfast D. go to bed ( ) 22.A.and B. or C. to D. but ( ) 23.A.late for B. late C. be late for D. be late ( )24.A.when B. so C. why D. because ( ) 25.A.ride their bikes B.on foot C. by bus D.by bike 三、阅读理解。(10分)


Bob comes out of the bus station. He doesn’t know where to go ,This is the first time he comes to this town. He comes to see his friends named Peter. Peter is a worker. He works in a factory(工厂).But Bob doesn’t know where the factory is.

He walks in the street. He passes a hospital, a post office ,a bookshop and at last he gets to a school. Some students are coming out. So he ask one of them. “Excuse me, do you know where the Red Star Factory is?” “Of course, I know I live the factory .My father works in that factory. It’s outside the town , answer the boy.

“Is it far from here? Can you show me the way, please?” Bob ask again. “I’m going home now. Would you like to go with me? I’ll take you there.” “That’s great! Thank you very much?” said Bob.

“Then let’s go to that bus stop. We’ll take No.15 bus there” ( ) 26. Bob to the town to see his good friends.

A. takes a train B. drives a bus C. takes a subway D. takes a bus

( ) 27. Bob’s friends works there as a . A. worker B. driver C. teacher D. doctor(医生)

( ) 28. The factory is .

A. near the boy’s home B. in the town C. not outside the town D. near the school ( ) 29. Perhaps(也许) the boy’s father is Peter’s . A. classmate B. friend C. workmate D. teacher

( ) 30. At last Bob goes to the factory .

A. on foot B. by bus C. by taxi D. by bike


People travel(旅游) to work in different ways. Some people go to work on foot because they live near workplace. Some people go to work by bike because they live farther away, or they like riding bikes. They think it’s good for their health .Today more people have private(私人的) cars. So they can go to work in their cars. In the south(南方) of China, many people go to work by boat B:Yes,please.Could you tell me the way to the First People’s Hospital?

A:Let me see.Oh,it’s far from here. A.Thats’ OK.

B: 57 B.You can take a bus to here because water is around their houses. Will people go to work by plane? I think so, if necessary(如果需要的话) 。


( ) 31. All people like to go to work by bike.

( ) 32. Some people think it’s good to go to work by bike ( ) 33. Today more people drive to work.

( ) 34. In the north(北方) of China, many people go to work by boat

( ) 35. The writer thinks some people will go to work by plane if necessary. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

36. He often (take) the subway to school.

37. It take him 20 minutes (clean) hin room. 38. your sister (walk) to school everr day? 39.He lives ten (kilometer) fron his factory(工厂). 40.We need 40 minutes (do) the work. 41.The (village) never leave their villege. 42.There are many (boat) on the river. 43.It’s difficult (do) the job. 44.Jim runs (quick) to school.

45.I know you are thinking of (leave) school early. 五、完成句子。(20分)


--- do you usually go to school ,Jim ? --我乘公共汽车。 --- I the bus 47.骑自行车去上学花费你多长时间?

does it you to school bike? 48.从你家到学校有多远? is your home school? 49.你认为北京怎么样? do you Beijing?

50.乘地铁上学很容易。 easy go to school the subway. 51.他的老师像他父亲一样。 His teacher a father him. 52.他成为教师的梦想会实现。 His dream to be a teacher can .

53.我弟弟通常骑自行车去上学。My brother usually t o school . 54.那个小女孩喜欢和他的小狗玩。That girl to her dog . 55.感谢你的邀请。 your invitation. 六、补全对话。(10分) A: 56 A:About five kilometers. 58 C.Can I help you?

B:Which bus should I take ? D.How long does it take to get there. A:The No.1 bus will take you there E.How far is it?

B: 59 F. How do you get to the hospital? A:It’s about 30 minutes. G. It’ about 20 kilometers. B:Thanks for your help. A: 60

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 六、根据首字母提示填空。

61.My d is to be a teacher.

62.There is no boat, so we can’t cross the r . 63. There is no road(路) b the two villages. 64.You can take the No.5 bus at the bus s . 65.There are 60 m in one hour. 七、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。

ride , live, take, must, quick, from, past, walk, leave, than James comes from the USA. He 66 in China now. Every day he gets up at half 67 six and has a 68 breakfast at seven o’clock.

After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents ,and 69 home for school. His school isn’t far 70 his home. He usually 71 to school, but sometimes if it rains(下雨), he will go to school bus. He gets there at five to eight. It usually 72 him twenty minutes on foot and ten minutes by bus to get to school. He likes 73 his bike better. He thinks that 74 be a lot more 75 taking a bus.

八、作文:谈论自己上学的交通方式,可从时间,距离及原因等方面写。(10分) My Best Way of Going to School

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Unit 4 单元检测试题

1. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

( )1. eat in the classroom,Annie.

A.Not B. Don’t C. Isn’t D. Aren’t

( )2.You can go out with your friends Saturday night. A. on B. in C. at D.before

( )3.Mr Li is very strict us in English. A.about B. At C. With D.in ( )4.He’s never class. A.arrive B. late for C. arrive late D.late

( )5.Tom,don’t be in the library.3. A.quiet B. quietly C.noisy D.noisily ( )6.We always have to the school uniform. A. wearing B. wear C.dress D.dressed

( ) 7.Peter can’t go and I can’t go , . A.too B.also C.either D. Or

( )8.There are rules in my home. We have homework to do today. A.too many; too much B.too much; too many C.too many; much too D.much too; many too ( )9.He has to help his parents breakfast.

A .make B. making C.makes D.made ( )10.Please remember him the book. He needs it.

A.bring B. bringing C. to bring D.brings ( )11.Sorry, you play basketball in the hallway. A.aren’t B.don’t C. don’t have to D.can’t ( )12.- Do you often go a walk? - Yes,I do.

A. out B. to C. out of D. out for

( )13.I like the party so much, but I go home. A.must B. have to C .can D. May ( )14.We come to school every day.

A.have to not B.don’t have to C.not have to D.haven’t to ( )15.He likes music.

A. to listen to music. B.listen to music C.to listening to music D. Listening music 二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)。

My name is Emily Brown. I am a middle school student. We have some 1 at school and at home. We can’t get to 2 late. We have to finish our homework. We can’t stay out 3 school nights. Some students think these rules are 4 , and they don’t like them. But I don’t think they are 5 . I think these rules can help 6 a lot. If we don’t obey(遵守)them, 7 can we do well in our studies.For example, our teachers ask us to clean our classroom every day. If we 8 , the classroom will be very dirty. It is not good for for our health,too. If your parents ask you 9 in bed early and you don’t listen to them, you can’t 10 on time next morning. Everyone needs some rules. Do you think so? ( )1.A.books B.clothes C.rules D.classmate

( )2.A.school B.home C.office(办公室) D.dinning hall

( )3.A.at B.in C.for D.on ( )4.A.good B.bad C.funny D.easy ( )5.A.good B.bad C.funny D.easy ( )6.A.me B.you C.us D.them ( )7.A.what B.how C.when D. where ( )8.A.can’t B.aren’t C.won’t D.don’t

( )9.A.to be B.to do C.be D.do ( )10.A.get to B.get in C.get up D.get on 三.阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分)。 A Dear Jane,

How’s everything going?There are many rules in my school. Let me tell you some rules in our PE class. For PE classes,we have to wear sports shoes,but we don’t have to wear a uniform. We have to run five laps(圈) around the playground at first. Then we have to do some warm-up exercises(热身练习).Next we can play basketball,soccer and volleyball. Sometimes we can play games.We can’t play ping-pong in PE classes.When the PE class is over,we have to say goodbye to our teacher.

Please write to me soon. Yours, Tim

( )1.The students have to wear for PE classes.

A. a uniform B.sports shoes C.hats D.jeans

( )2.How many laps do the students have to run around the playground? A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six ( )3.Can Tim play soccer in PE classes.

A.Yes,he can. B.No,he can’t C.Yes, he does. D.No,he doesn’t ( )4.The students can’t play in PE classes.

A.soccer B.basketball C.ping-pong D.volleyball ( )5.The letter(信) is about the rules in the .

A.hallway B.PE class C.classroom D.dinning room B

Harold Black is a singer.He gives two or three concerts(演唱会)every month. He is often on a trip and this week he’s in New York(纽约). He is staying at a five star hotel. He’s at this hotel now. He is having his breakfast in the dinning room.He is drinking a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper.

Harold is always very busy. He sings for four hours every day.He doesn’t go to bed late and he always gets up early. But he sometimes gets dressed too quickly,and this morning he is wearing one blue sock and one red sock.

( )6.Harold is a singer and he is A. short B.funny C.busy D.relaxed.

( )7.Where is Harold Black this week? A.China B.England C.America D.Japan ( )8.What is not Harold Black doing?

A.having breakfast B.drinking coffee C.reading newspaper D.watching TV ( )9.How many hours does Harold Black sing for two days?

A.Four hours B.Eight hours C.One hour D.Twelve hours ( )10.Which is right according to the passage(根据文章)?

A. Harold Black wears the wrong(错误的) socks because he is too tired(累的). B.Harold Black has a lot of things to do every day. C.Harold Black goes to concert every week. D.Harold Black likes the red socks. 四.补全对话。(从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余)(10分) A:Hello,Jack.Come here,please. 1 B:Yes,Mr Brown.First we can’t

wear hats in the school.

A. Don’t be late for class. A:That’s right.

B. We can’t fight with anyone. B: 2 C. Do you know the rules in the school? A:Good.What else? D. I can follow the rules. B: 3 A:No,you don’t.You can eat outside.

E. Do you have to follow the rules? B:And we can listen to music outside,

F. Do we have to eat in the dinning hall? but not in the classroom. G. I can,t eat in class. A: Yes.

B: 4

A:Yes, you should be friendly(友好的).Can we run in the hallway,little boy? B:No,it’s dangerous.

A:You are right,my little boy.Then why did you run in the hallway? B:Sorry,Mr Brown. I won’t do that again. 5

1. 2 .3 .4. 5. 五.根据句意及首字母提示填空。(10分)

1.Tim,your hands (手) are d .Wash(洗) them please. 2.Kate usually w a blue hat.

3.Just r and listen to the music.4.We must keep q in the library. 5.Don’play games in the classroom, you can play them o . 6.My mother makes breakfast in the k every morning. 7.The teacher wants us to f the school rules.

8.Don’t go out you b you finish your homework. 9.He is too busy these days . He wants to r . 10.It’s time for lunch. Let’s go to the d hall. 六.用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)。

1.Every day we practice (speak ) English after school. 2.Tom often helps his parents (do)the dishes. 3.Don’t (be)late for class next time, Mary.

4.(remember) make you bed after you get up, Tom. 5.We (not have to) come to school every day. 七.句型转换。(10分)

1.Tom often goes to school late.(改为同义句) Tom is often school. 2.We can eat fish and pizza outside.(就划线部分提问)

you fried fish and pizza?

3.You can’t eat in the classroom.(改为祈使句) in the classroom. 4.He has to clean his classroom every Saturday.(改为一般疑问句) he to his classroom every Saturday? 5.They get to school at eight o’clock every day.(改为同义句) They school at eight o’clock every day. 八.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(20分) 1.杰克放学后不能和朋友玩也不能看电视。

Jack can’t his friends TV after school.

2.学好英语对我们来说很重要。It is us to English well.

3.王老师对她的学生要求很严格。Miss Wang is very her students 4.你必须遵守规则。You . 5.他们制定规则来帮助我们。They help us.

6.学生们在上学的晚上不能外出.The students can’t school nights. 7.你每天过得开心吗? Do you every day? 8.课堂上我们必须保持安静。We must in class.

9.我考虑和他一起去北京。 I going to Beijing him. 10.他想学习下象棋。 He wants to chess. 九.书面表达(10分)。 假设你是赵楠,得知Mary下周要来你们学校学习,你准备给她发一封e-mail,向她介绍你们学校的一些规章制度。(60词左右)内容包括:

1.不能打架;不能上课迟到;上课不能听音乐和吃东西;不能再走廊里跑。2.必须准时;上课必须安静;必须穿校服;必须按时完成作业;必须留短发。 Dear Mary,

How’s it going? I’m glad to hear you are coming to our school.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________________________________________ . I hope(希望) to see you soon.

Yours, Zhao Nan