人教版新目标go for it 七年级上册第七单元 Unit7 知识点详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章人教版新目标go for it 七年级上册第七单元 Unit7 知识点详解更新完毕开始阅读bd8fecafab00b52acfc789eb172ded630b1c98f8

Unit7 socks?

How much are these 1. much /m?t?/ pron.& adj. 许多;大

量; 多少,

How much……?(购物时) ……多少钱? 2. sock /s?k/ n. 短袜

3. T-shirt /ti: , ??:t/ n. T恤衫 4. shorts /??:ts/ n. 短裤 5. sweater /swet?/ n. 毛衣 6. trousers /trauz?z/n. 裤子 7. shoe /???/ n. 鞋子 8. skirt /sk?:t/ n. 裙子

9. dollar /d?l?/ n.元(美国、加拿大等国

的货币单元,符合$) 10. big /big/ adj. 大的;大号的 11. small /sm?:l/ adj. 小的;小号的 12. short /??:t/ adj. 短的;矮的 13. long /l?:?/ adj. 长的 14. woman /wum?n/ n. 女子

15. need /ni:d/ v.需要,既可以做实义动词,

也可以用作情态动词 1)

need用于肯定句中,常用作实义动词,后接名词、动词不定式。 A. need sth.需要某物

I need your help.我需要你的帮助。 B. need to do sth.需要做某事 They need to have a rest.他们需要休息。 2)

need作情态动词,常用于否定句和疑问句中,后接动词原形。 You needn’t go there. 你不必到那里去。 中考链接:

1)She to come to school so early every day.

A. isn’t need B. needn’t C.

doesn’t needs D. doesn’t need

2) A bus coming. So I needn’t a taxi.

A. take B. to take C. taking D. takes

3) Does she need her little brother at home?

A. look after B. to look after C. looks after D. looking after 16. look /lu:k/ v.看;看上去 17. pair /pe?/ n. 一双;一对 18. take /teik/ v. 买下;拿;取 19. clothes /kl??ez/ n. 衣服;服装 20. store /st?:/ n. 商店 21. buy /bai/ v. 购买;买 22. sale /seil/ n.特价销售;出售 23. sell /sel/ v.出售;销售;卖 sold 24. all /?:l/adj. 所有的;全部的 25. very /veri/ adv.很;非常 26. price /prais/ n. 价格

Important Sentences

1. —How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤多少钱?

—It’s seven dollars. (P41) 七美元。 1)how much意为“(价格)多少”,用于询问物品的价格,句型为“How much + be +主语?”。当主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,be动词用is,答语为:It’s…;当主语是可数名词复数时,be动词用are,答语为:They’re…。如:

—How much is the dictionary? 这本字典多少钱?

—It’s ten dollars. 十美元。

—How much are these bananas? 这些香蕉多少钱?

—They’re 6 dollars. 六美元。

how much还可以用来询问数量,意为“有多少”,用来修饰不可数名词。

如:How much meat do you need? 你需要多少肉?

How much bread do they have? 他们有多少面包?

注意:如果修饰可数名词复数,则应该用how many。

如:How many English books do you have? 你有多少本英语书?

How many boxes do you want? 你想要多少个盒子?

2) dollar是美国、加拿大等国家的的货币单位,是可数名词,符号为$。如果要用符号表示,则符号要写在数字前面。如:$ 2,000 二千美元,2,000 dollars. 中考链接:

1) —— yogurt do you need? —— Three cups.

A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much 2) —— is it?

—— It’s five yuan. A. What B. How C. How much D. What color

3) —— is the bike? —— Only 150 yuan.

A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often 4) is this TV?

A. How many B. How much C. Who D. What 5) “ ?“ “ About 130 yuan.”

A. What’s the size of the shoes B. How much are the new shoes

C. What’s the money of the shoes D. How many shoes do you want 2. socks , shorts , pants , shoes 这四个词通常是以复数的形式出现。 socks 袜子(两只)

shorts 短裤,short 就没有“短裤”的意思。 shoes 鞋子(两只)

pants 裤子 pant就没有“裤子”的意思。 因此在询问价格时,我们说: How




socks\\shorts\\shoes\\pants? They are+金额.

这双袜子\\短裤\\鞋子\\裤子多少钱? *另外,当我要表达一双袜子,一条裤子等时,

a pair of socks a pair of shorts

a pair of shoes a pair of pants

注意:当提问a pair of socks / shorts / …多少钱时,

-How much is a pair of socks ? -It’s +金额。


1)—— How much the socks?

—— Three dollars.

A. is B. are C. do D. does

2) What color the pants? Blue.

A. is; is B. is; It’s C. are; They D. are; They’re

3) “Are those your shorts?” “ ”. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, they’re C. Yes, it is D. No, they are 4) How much are pants?

A . that B. this C. these D. there

3. —Can I help you? 你需要帮忙吗?

—Yes, please. (P43) 是的,请。 Can I help you?包含两种含义:1) 服务人员或营业员主动询问顾客需要的常用语,表示“你需要点什么吗?”。如果顾客需要购物时,可回答Yes, please. 如果仅是逛街,可回答No, thanks. I’m just looking around. 或Just have a look. 如:

—Can I help you? 你要买什么? —Yes, please. I ‘d like some apples. 我要买些苹果。

—Can I help you? 你要买什么? —No. thanks. I’m just looking around. 谢谢,不买什么。只是随便看看。 2)某人主动询问对方是否需要帮助的用语,此时意为“你需要帮忙吗?”。What can I do for you?如:

—I can’t move the table. 我搬不动这张桌子。

—Can I help you? 我能帮你的忙吗? 中考链接: 1)—— ?

—— I want to buy a shirt.

A. What do you want B. Can I help you

C. What do you like D. Do you want a shirt.

2) —— Can I help you? —— . A. Thanks B. It sounds good C. Yes. I want a pen D. Help yourself 4. Here you are. (P43) 给你。

\you are\表示“这就是你要的东西”,“给你”,用在交给对方东西时的一句常


—May I use your bike? 我可以用你的自行车吗?

—Certainly. Here you are. 当然可以。给你。

Excuse me. Is this your pen? 请问,这是你的钢笔吗?

—Yes, it is. 是的。 —Here you are. 给你。 —Thank you. 谢谢。 中考链接:

1) —— Jim, may I borrow your ruler, please?

—— Sure. . A. Give it to you B. Here you are C. Thanks D. You’re Ok 2) “Can I use your dictionary?” “Sure. .”

A. Give you B. Here it is C. Here you are D. Here are you 3) “May I borrow your eraser?” “ Certainly. .”

A. Please take it B. You are welcome C. Here you are D. Here it is

4)”I want that bag.” “ .“

A. Here your are B. Here you are C. Give you D. Thanks 5. I’ll take it. (P43) 我买了。

1) take在句中意思是“买”,相当于buy, get或have。在口语中,当顾客一旦选用了某种物品要买时,通常说 I’ll take it, 而不

说I’ll buy it. 如:

—How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤多少钱?

—Twenty yuan. 20元。

—Oh, it’s cheap. I’ll take it. 噢,很便宜。我买了。

如果选定的物品是复数时,应说I’ll take them.

—The bananas are two dollars. 这些香蕉2美元。

—I’ll take them. 我买了。 中考链接:

1)—— Look at these shorts. They are only $ 16.

—— Oh, yes, they are cheap. OK. . A. I’ll buy it B. I’ll take it C. I’ll take them D. I like it 6. You’re welcom. (P43) 不用客气。

当别人说Thank you. Thanks. Thank you very much.或Thanks时,可以用You are welcome.这类礼貌用语来回答。如:

—Thanks for your help. 感谢你的帮助。

—You’re welcome. 不用客气。 常用来致谢的答语还有:Not at all. That’s all right. That’s OK. 等。 中考链接: 1)—— Thanks. —— . A. Thanks,too B. No thanks C. You’re good D. You’re welcome 2) ——

—— You’re welcome.

A. Thank you very much. B. Can I help you?

C. Let’s play football D. Do you like it?

3)” Thank you very much.” “ .”

A. Fine, thank you B. Thank you C. You’r welcome D. No, thanks 7. Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale! (P45) 快来买衣服,华星大减价! 1) 此句为祈使句。祈使句是表示请求或命令的句子,它的主语you通常省略,动词原形用于句首。如:

Come to Mr Cool’s Clothes Store! (P45) 来库尔先生的服装店吧!

Put your T- shirt here. 把T恤放在这儿。

2)come意为“来”,“来到”,是不及物动词,其反义词是go,后跟地点名词时,须接介词to ,后跟地点副词时,则介词to要省略。如:

go there 去那

He comes to the school early every day. 他每天很早来学校。

Please come here. 请来这儿。 3)buy意为“买”,“购买”,用作及物动词,后跟名词或代词做宾语。如:

I want to buy some apples. 我想买点苹果。

buy后面还可以跟双宾语,即用于buy somebody



something for somebody结构。表示“给某人买东西”。如:

Please buy him a dictionary. (=Please buy a dictionary for him.)


My mother buys me new clothes every year.

(=My mother buys new clothes for me every year.) 我母亲每年给我买新衣服。 4) clothes意为“衣服”,是复数名词,它前面不能加a,也不能和数词连用,不能说a/two clothes,应该说a suit of

clothes“一套衣服”,two suits of