2018秋高中英语Unit4Wildlifeprotection同步练习新人教版必修2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018秋高中英语Unit4Wildlifeprotection同步练习新人教版必修2更新完毕开始阅读be3d1c01b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aff84940

there were still two flowers left in the basket.He decided 4.________(take) them to the little house next door in which an elderly woman lived by 5.________(she) and didn't seem to have any friends.I felt 6.________(pride) of him.He went up to her door,rather hesitantly (犹豫地) because he didn't know her,7.________he left the flowers very 8.________(quiet) on her doorstep so that she would get them the next time she went outside.

The next morning we walked past her house,we were quite 9.________(please) to find that she had planted the flowers by the door.Although it was 10.________small thing for my son,he learnt to do something for others.He said to me.“It feels really good to do things for other people”.

答案:1.in 2.is being taught 3.when 4.to take

5.herself 6.proud 7.and 8.quietly 9.pleased 10.a

泛读提效 视野延伸


阅读Reading 2,完成下列问题

1.What's the main idea of the passage?

It's about______________such as dinosaurs and other kinds of wildlife. 2.Fill in the blank with only two words from the second paragraph.

Actually, no one can say________why and how dinosaurs died out from the earth quickly.

3.List two possible reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs. ①____________________________________________________ ②____________________________________________________ 4.What does the word “this” in the last sentence in the first paragraph refer to?


5.What do you think the author will tell us in the following passage? _______________________________________________________ 答案:1.the extinction of rare animals 2.for sure

3.①A huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. ②The earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more. 4.The bird-like dinosaurs not only run like the other dinosaurs but also climb trees.

5.How the animal dodo disappeared from the earth/became extinct.


1.(教材原句P28)After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs.

过了一会儿她看到了一些斑马,它们身上有一直延伸到腹部的黑白相间的条纹。 [句式分析]

句中“with black and white...stomachs”部分是with的复合结构。该结构在句中作定语修饰some zebra。另外,它还可以在句中作状语。



(1)He was so tired that he fell asleep with the radio on. 他太累了,以至于收音机开着就睡着了。

(2)Our teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand. 我们的老师进到教室,手里拿着一本书。

(3)They couldn't reach an agreement ______________________. 时间在消耗着,他们却无法达成共识。

(4)With all the housework ________,mum sighed in relief. 所有家务都做完了,妈妈轻松地舒了口气。

(5)With so many friends ________,I made up my mind to have a try. 这么多朋友要帮助我,我决定试一试。

答案:(3)with time running out (4)completed (5)to help me



(1)With so much work ________ (do),I have no time for a holiday with you next week.

(2)With the key ________ (lose),he had to wait outside the door. (3)With water ________ (run),the boy left the room. 答案:(1)to do (2)lost (3)running

2.(教材原句P30)They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.



句中long before意为“早在……之前;很早;很久以前”,该短语后可以接句子、名词、代词,也可以单独使用,在句中作状语。

(1)I knew Smith long before I knew you. 我在认识你之前很久就认识史密斯了。

(2)I've seen that film ________ and you will see it before long. 我早就看过那部电影了,你很快也会看的。

注意:long before容易与before long混淆,后者意为“不久以后”,常与一般过去时或一般将来时连用。

(3)It happened________________________. 不久它就发生了。


(4)It looks as though it will snow before long. 看上去好像不久以后就要下雪了。

答案:(2)long before (3)before long


用long before,before long,long ago填空。

(1)He had worked in this school ________ the war broke out,but ________ he had to leave the school.

(2)It won't be ________ we see each other.

(3)________ I returned to the mountain village where I once lived ________. (4)________ enormous animals lived on the earth. 答案:(1)long before before long (2)long before (3)Before long long before (4)Long ago

3.(教材原句P30)When scientists inspected the bones,they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.



(1)句中they were surprised to find属于“主语+be+形容词+to do”结构。该结构的用法:


b.不定式作原因状语,表示产生这种心理活动的原因。 ①I'm glad ________. 我很高兴在这儿遇见你。

②John was pretty surprised to have received such an invitation. 收到这样一份请柬,约翰感到十分惊奇。 (2)not only...but (also)...在句中连接两个并列谓语。not only...but (also)...的常见用法:



c.not only位于句首时,其后的分句要倒装。

③Not only were the crops damaged,but also many people died. 不仅庄稼受到了损害,而且许多人都死了。

④Not only I but also Tom and Mary ________ watching TV. 我、汤姆和玛丽都喜欢看电视。

答案:①to meet you here ④are fond of [重点提示]

not only...but also...,either...or....,neither...nor...在用法上有很多相同之处:


b.连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数采用“就近原则”。但not only位于句首时,其后的分句要采用倒装结构。它们各自的用法及辨析是高考考查的重点。




(1)I feel happy ________ (invite) to take part in the ceremony. (2)They were surprised ________ (find) that nobody was in the room.

(3)He not only read the book,but also ____________ (remember) the content. (4)Not only his students but also he __________ (like) playing basketball. 答案:(1)to be invited (2)to find (3)remembered (4)likes


推理判断题解题技法 ——借助关键句、段进行推断



如“阅读Reading 2”中的判断正误中的第4题。根据原文中“There were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China.”可推知本题错误。



Sky raised money to help care for the animals he wanted to adopt.He promised to raise $75 for his rhino and $25 for Alexander's zebra.To earn the money,Sky and his grandfather planted a vegetable garden.Sky planted seeds(种子),watered,and weeded(除草).When the time came,he harvested the vegetables and sold them at a stand in front of his parents' store.

When Sky's friends heard about the stand,they brought vegetables from their parent's garden to sell,too.With the help of his friends,he earned enough money to honour his promises.

According to the passage,Sky raised money by ________. A.selling vegetables he planted B.working in his parents' store C.working in other people's gardens D.helping grandpa plant a garden

解析:根据题干中的关键词raised money定位第一段第三句和第四句,即Sky是通过卖自己种的蔬菜来筹钱的。


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