2018秋高中英语Unit4Wildlifeprotection同步练习新人教版必修2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018秋高中英语Unit4Wildlifeprotection同步练习新人教版必修2更新完毕开始阅读be3d1c01b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aff84940

3.结尾——提出希望自己的建议被采纳的想法。 二、注意事项



3.注意写作要点不能遗漏,表达方式要多样,行文须连贯,过渡要自然。 三、典型句式

1.反映现象的常用开头句式。 I'm writing to tell you that...

Recently we have made a survey that... Many people are worried about... 2.提出措施的常用句式。

We intend to...to help/save/protect... We are ready to call on people to...

We feel like doing...to teach the illegal hunters a lesson... We'd rather not...but do... 3.征求对方支持的常用表达。

We need your support to make more and more people... Would you please help us to...by...? We'll appreciate it if you can... In order to...we need...

I hope that I can get help from...



请根据以下提纲写一篇100词左右的文章,呼吁人们行动起来。 1.我们应该保护它们免遭捕杀。

2.应该设立一些自然保护区和保护带,目的是使动物能够平静地生活。 3.政府应该制定更强有力的法律来保护动物。 [写作提示]


可能用到的表达方式:die out灭绝;pay/attract/draw one's attention to吸引某人的注意力;protect...from...保护……以防……;in peace和平地,平静地;at the mercy of...任由……摆布;it is certain that...……是确定的;come into being形成。[范文点评]

范文 As we all know,the__number__of wild plants and ②③animals has already decreased and some animals have

①点评 这篇文章要点齐全、结构完整、层次分明、用词准25

died__out.It is high time to prevent endangered animals from extinction. Firstly,it's of great importance to regard animals as our friends,so we should not hunt.Secondly,some natural ⑤reserves and zones should be set up.Only in this way will animals not be hurt more often.Last but not least, our government should make more powerful law to protect the animals. ⑥If everyone has the sense of protecting wildlife,it__is__certain__that an atmosphere of protecting wildlife will come into being. ④确生动,是一篇难得的佳作。其中比较好的一些单词、短语和句式有:①the number of;②decrease;③die out;④prevent...from...;⑤“only+状语”引导倒装句表示强调;⑥it is certain that... 作文仿写 请根据下列提示,以“What will life be like without animals?”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,介绍保护珍稀动物的意义及必要性。


1.保护动物的重要性。 2.目前动物保护的现状。 3.你的建议。

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案:

What will life be like without animals?

Animals are close friends of human beings.Their existence makes the whole world lively and colourful.It's quite important for all of us to get along well with them.Unfortunately,we heard such news recently that rare animals,even kept in the zoo,couldn't escape being hurt or killed,at which we can feel nothing but shocked.The reason why it happened is that some people lack understanding about these animals and care for them.

Therefore,we should study the information about rare animals and keep it in mind that protecting animals is the duty of everyone.At the same time,we should take active and effective measures.After all,protecting animals is protecting ourselves.

课后演练 强基提能 A级 基础过关


在句中空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 1.He felt nervous with the whole class ________ (look) at him.

2.You must understand ________ important it is for us to learn English well. 3.It is very important to keep children ________ (safety) when we are away on



4.The woman tried her best to protect the chimps in their ________ (nature) habitat.

5.We take this chance to express our sincere ________ (appreciate) of your help. 6.The little girl ________ (bite) badly by mosquitoes last night. 7.After ________ while,I began to get bored with my job. 8.The thieves dropped the things and ran away as ________ (quick) as they could. 9.One of the ________ (amaze) things about life,for me,is that we have a choice in everything we do.

10.The TV set ________ (repair) by a friend of my father's now. 答案:1.looking 2.how 3.safe 4.natural 5.appreciation 6.was bitten 7.a 8.quickly 9.amazing 10.is being repaired Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子

1.The park was full of freshness and beauty of spring,________________________________(阳光照耀,鸟儿歌唱).

2.________________________________(在学年远未结束之前),students begin their search for job during vacation.

3.Too much stress not only makes us lose our motivation to study______________________________(而且毁了我们的健康).

4.Everyone wants to visit the place ____________________(他曾工作过的). 5.If visitors to the place do _______________________(像那对夫妻一样),it will be polluted soon.

6.My uncle is ________________________________(如此和善以至于)all of us like him.

答案:1.with the sun shining and birds singing 2.Long before the end of the school year 3.but also ruins our health 4.where he once worked 5.as the couple did

6.so kind that

B级 能力提升



A primary school is grading parents on how much they support their children.Parents of pupils at Greasley Beauvale primary school,in Newthorpe,Notts,are marked from A to D based on their involvement (参与) with their children's education.

The system is planned to improve the children's performance at school by encouraging their mothers and fathers to attend events,such as parents' evenings and plays,and help in learning at home.It has been in place since 2011 and has become public knowledge thanks to an Ofsted report which praised the school for its surprising results.

“For many children at this school,it is making a huge difference,” wrote Sir Michael Wilshaw,head of Ofsted,assessing (评价) Nottinghamshire schools in his final yearly report.He said that children of parents in groups A and B make greatly


better progress than those whose parents are in groups C and D,but that the system promises less-engaged (参与度较低的) parents are supported by the school.“Telling a parent what the influence their lack of involvement is having on the life chances of their child is not easy,” wrote Sir Michael.

Pat Walker,63,whose eight-year-old granddaughter studies in the school,said: “I think it's very good for the pupils and the parents and the grandparents as well.” But those parents who work nine to five won't have enough time as stay-at-home mums to go to more school events.“They'll have us all wearing poor students' hats next,” said a mother,who did not wish to be named.“It's really silly.” She said that “it's one thing when your child gets a bad grade,but now they openly embarrass his parents too.” Another mother,who argued that the system had unfairly turned over responsibility from teachers to parents,said:“I thought I have escaped the scary school report,but the system will bring it back.”

【语篇解读】 一所小学根据家长对孩子学习的支持度对他们进行打分分级。 1.What's the purpose of the grading parents? A.To build up close relationships with teachers. B.To encourage parents to play more with kids. C.To raise students' performance at school. D.To encourage parents to learn more knowledge.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“The system is planned to improve the children's performance at school by encouraging their mothers and fathers to attend events”可知,这一制度旨在通过鼓励家长参与到孩子的学习活动中来,从而提高孩子在学校的表现。


2.What can we learn about the system?

A.It became well-known because of a report. B.It was built by the local government in 2011. C.It is popular among primary schools.

D.It helps increase the number of students.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“It has been in place since 2011 and has become public knowledge thanks to an Ofsted report...”可知,这一制度设立于2011年,因一份报告才被公众了解。


3.Which statement on Pat Walker is TRUE? A.He still works nine to five.

B.He thinks that the system is helpful. C.He is a stay-at-home grandfather. D.He refuses to join in school events.

解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Pat Walker,63,whose eight-year-old granddaughter studies in the school,said: ‘I think it's very good for the pupils and the parents and the grandparents as well’”可知,63岁的帕特·沃克有一个八岁的孙女在这所学校上学。他说:“我认为这样对孩子、父母以及祖父母都有好处。”故他认为这个制度是很有用的。


4.What can we know from the passage?