口译教程配套核心词汇汇编 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章口译教程配套核心词汇汇编更新完毕开始阅读bfbd815bbe23482fb4da4c63


astrobiology 天体生物学 nitrogen 氮 hydrogen 氢 oxygen 氧气

photosynthesis 光合作用 equilibrium 平衡 meteor 流星 embedded 埋植

carbon compound 碳化合物 hypothesis 假设 Antarctic 南极的 aesthetics 审美观

the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨 debris 碎片 comet 彗星

The Azores 亚速尔群岛

Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪 organic molecule 有机分子 spectrographic 摄谱的 disseminate 散布 prebiotic life 前生物生命 galaxy 银河系



烹饪艺术 culinary art

民以食为天 food is the paramount necessity of the people 推陈出新 creative efforts

色、香、味 color, aroma and taste 摆放 layout 冷盘 cold dishes 原料 raw material

作料调配 the blending of seasoning 调味艺术 the art of proper seasoning 食物质地 the texture of food

刀功 slicing technique 乳猪 suckling pig 点心 pastries 黄酒 yellow rice wine 烈性白酒 strong white liquor 敬酒 toast with 小啜 take a sip 馒头 steamed bread 热卡 calories 主食 staple food 第二篇

food style 饮食习惯 solid diet 丰盛的食物 health food 保健餐 Little Italy 小意大利城 Germantown 德国城 native specialties 家乡特色菜

Creole accent to the food 克里奥耳口味 physical well-being 身体健康 ironic 讽刺的 preservative 防腐剂 cheese 奶酪



翻天覆地的变化 earthshaking changes 面貌焕然一新 take on a brand-new look 出/入境旅游 outbound/inbound travel

村/居委会 village committee/urban neighborhood committee 解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing

落实科学发展观 follow a scientific approach of development

以人为本,执政为民 put people first in administration

着力搞好宏观调空 concentrate on doing macro-regulatory work well 激发创造活力 stimulate creativity

实施稳健的财政政策 follow prudent fiscal policy

三农工作是重中之重 work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers remains top priority

加强农田水利建设 intensify development of irrigation and conservancy project 多渠道转移农业富余劳动力 transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs 推进产业结构优化升级 optimize and upgrade the industrial structure 加强生态建设 strengthen ecological improvement

推进财税体制改革 promote the reform of fiscal and tax system 加强精神文明建设 promote social and ethnical progress

加强行政能力建设和政风建设 improve the government’s administrative capacity and style of work

建设服务型政府 service-oriented government 意气风发 in high spirits

同心同德、再接再厉 united with one heart and one mind, continue our concerted and unyielding efforts


overstate 夸大

turn one’s back on 对……封闭 anarchy 政治混乱 warlordism 军阀割据

make up lost ground 收复失地 springboard 跳板 with gusto 满怀热情

subsistence farming 自然经济 marginal productivity 边际生产力 tariff barrier 关税壁垒 bolster 保持

joint venture 合资企业

incremental capital output ratio 资本产出比率 reckon 估计

purchasing power parity 购买力平价 capital accumulation 资本积累

demographic forecasts 人口统计学上的预见 hiccup 磕磕碰碰 forerunner 前驱 dwarf 让……相形见绌



筹备会议 preliminary meeting

处理程序性问题 address procedure issue 智能化 intelligence computerization 多样化 diversification

信息通信技术 infocom technology 结构调整 architecture readjustment 升级换代 upgrading

融语音、数据、图像于一体 integrate voice date and image 宽带高速信息网 high-speed broadband information network

全方位地满足业务需求 meet various service requirements in all dimensions 制约因素 reason

宏观调控 macroeconomic control 市场管制 market regulation 规避市场风险 avoid market risks

创新的融资机智 innovative financing mechanism 资金的多元投入 for more financing channels 911事件 September 11 terrorist attack 应急系统 emergency system 数字鸿沟 digital divide 第二篇

don 穿上 scaffold 框架 thermostat 恒温计 EKG 心电图仪

telemetric system 遥测系统 emulate 仿效 symbiosis 共生现象

software programmer 软件编程师 collaborate 合作 debug 调试 neuron 神经元 tackle 解决 interstellar 星际