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microprocessor 微型处理器 ad hoc 特别的 cell phone 手机

the heftiest desktop 最先进的台式机

fight off an attacking wasp 击退发起进攻的黄蜂 simpleton 傻子

emergent behavior 突发性的行为 mischievous and sinister 恶意 antithetical 对立的 resilience 应变能力 seismic activity 地震活动 geomagnetic storm 地磁风暴 a worrisome spike 麻烦 reroute traffic 改变行动路线 InterPlaNet 星际网 asteroid 小行星

unmanned probe 吾人驾驶探测器 proprietary (信息)专有

feel tingles on one’s spine 感觉到脊椎的震颤



外国使节 diplomatic envoy

复杂而深刻的变化 complex and profound changes 各种问题相互交织 various threats are intertwined

指导国际关系的准则 norms governing international relations 切实履行 implement in real earnest

以强凌弱的霸权主义 bully the weak and pursue hegemony 文明的多样性 the diversity of civilizations

万物并育而不相害 all living creature grow together without harming one another 道并行而人不相悖 ways run parallel without interfering with one another 相互借鉴、取长补短 learn from each other in mutual emulation

相互包容、求同存异 mutual tolerance, seek agreement while shelving differences 减免债务 reduce and forgive debts 军事联盟 military alliance

动辄诉诸武力 resort to use or threat of force

摈弃冷战思维 the Cold War mentality should be done away with 核武器扩散 nucleus weapons proliferation 跨国犯罪 trans-boundary crimes 生态恶化 environmental degradation

永远不称霸 never seek hegemony

维护国家主权和领土完整 safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity

睦邻、安邻、富邻政策 the policy of creating an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood 奔腾不息的时代潮流 irresistible tide of the times 第二篇

diplomacy 外交手段

monetary structure 货币组织 military deterrence 军事威慑 utmost purpose 最高宗旨 subordinate 服从于 overshadow 黯然失色 initiative 主动行动

downright distrust 不信任的传统 utility 利用 authorization 授权 sponsorship 操办 intervention 干预

take…into account 考虑到 the IMF 国际货币基金组织 trade deficits 贸易赤字 commitment 致力于 war-torn 遭受战争破坏 elite 上层人物

military alliance 军事联盟

demobilization/remobilization 遣散军队/重组军队



纪念……成立……周年 commemorate ….anniversary of the founding of 恪守承诺 commitment to

联合国宪章宗旨和原则 the purpose and the principles of the UN Charter 善邻之道 live together in peace with one another as good neighbors

划时代意义 epoch-making 里程碑 milestone

人类社会沧桑巨变 stupendous changes in human society 国际舞台风云变幻 vicissitudes in the international arena 地区热点问题 regional hot spot issue 民族分裂势力 regional separatists 极端宗教势力 religious extremist 毒品走私 drug trafficking

传染性疾病 communicable disease 坚持多边主义 uphold multilateralism

摈弃冷战思维 abandon the Cold War mentality 标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes 裁军与军备控制 disarmament and arms control

防止核扩散 prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons 包容精神 the spirit of inclusiveness 文明多样性 diversity of civilization

兼容并蓄的和谐世界 harmonious world where all coexist and accommodate each other 休戚与共的命运 interests and destinies 第二篇

subsequent endeavor 此后的努力 humanitarian 人道主义者 refrain 不以

non-intervention 不干涉 domestic jurisdiction 内部事务

the minimum doe of conduct 最起码的行为准则 the Security Council 安理会 paralysis 瘫痪 veto right 否决权 incapacitate 无所作为

nuclear weapon proliferation 核武器扩散 communicable disease 传染性疾病 buffer conflicts 缓解冲突 enforcement 强制 meddle 管闲事 manifold 多种多样 permeate 渗透

practice tolerance 宽容忍让 transcend differences 超越差异

convergence of interests 共同利益的汇合点 coercion 高压政治 tackle 处理