八年级英语下册Unit1 Whats the matterSection A 1a-2d教学案(新版)人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章八年级英语下册Unit1 Whats the matterSection A 1a-2d教学案(新版)人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读c022b13fe009581b6ad9eb3e

Unit1What’s the matter? ((Section A 1a-2d)


1. 认说1a中表示身体部位的词。

2. 理解、运用询问和表达身体不适的对话。 3. 流利朗读2d并表演对话。

4. 了解健康常识,关心他人,能根据健康问题给别人提建议。 【学习重点】

1. 运用以下句式谈论身体不适

--What’s the matter with?? -- He has a?/I have a? -- Do you have a?? -- Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

-- Does he have a ?? -- Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. 2. 运用以下句式给予他人保健措施

-- What should? do? -- ? should 动词原形?

-- Should? 动词原形?? -- Yes, ? should./ No, ? shouldn’t 【学习难点】各种表述身体不适的词汇和针对不适症状提出建议。 【自主预习】1.看左图学单词,并写出右图所指的各个身体部位。



A: What’s the matter? B: I have a toothache. A: What’s the matter? B: I have a _________ A: B:


A: B: 1

1.看医生/牙医 3.量体温 5.发烧 7.拍X光 2.感冒 4.敷药 6.躺下休息 8.喝热蜂蜜茶    

9.休息 10. 脖子痛My neck______

11. 我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐了太长时间

_________________________________________________________________________ 【课堂探究】

一、听录音完成P1- 1b 任务,再听一遍完成下列句子,填入恰当的单词或词组。

1. Sarah has _______________. 2. David _________________3. Ben _______________ back.

4. Nancy _________________. 5. Judy ___________ __________________. 二、模仿1c, 看1a 的图,与同伴编对话,记录下你们编的其中一个对话。 A: _______________________________________________________________ B:_______________________________________________________________ 三、用2a和2b的信息编对话,写下你编的一个对话。

A: _______________________________________________________________ B:_______________________________________________________________ A: _______________________________________________________________ B:_______________________________________________________________


1. Sarah doesn’t feel well. The doctor said she_________rest. A. would B. should C. might 2.I have a .I can’t eat anything.

A. toothache B.sore eye C. sore back 3.She has a . She should drink lots of water.

A. sore throat B. arm sore C. headache 4. If you have a cold, you should .

A. see the dentist B. drink cold water C. drink hot tea 5. --________ -- My head feels very hot.

A. What should you do? B. What’s the matter with you? C. Do you have a fever?


班级: 座号: 姓名:

课题:Unit1 What’s the matter? (Section A 3a-4c) 【学习目标】

1. 归纳表达身体不适及采取对应措施的词句。

2. 理解 “Bus Driver and Passengers Save an old Man”一 文,并对社会热点问题----“是否求助他人”表达看法。 3. 弘扬中华传统“助人为乐”优良传统。 【学习重点】

1. 语言知识的梳理及在真实语境中的运用。 2. 阅读能力和阅读技巧的培养。

【学习难点】 1. 归类语言知识。2. 对“是否助人”发表看法。 【自主预习】


throat: tooth: Body parts Suggestions head: back: stomach: other problems: 二、 到P3中找出下列词组,并完成以下词组翻译。 1. 沿着??走 3. 大声呼救 5.下车/上车

2. 在马路边

4.没有多想 6.有心脏病

7.使.......惊讶的是 8. 多亏了 ;由于 9. 及时 10.挽救生命 11. 造成麻烦 12.立刻;马上 13. 期待某人做某事 14. 等待 15. 把?移到?.上

16. 看到某人正在做某事


17. It’s sad that?

18. be surprised that?.


一、阅读3a, 完成以下选择。再细读一遍,完成书本3b的判断题。 1. The passage is from ______.

A. a newspaper B. a book C. an advertisement 2. The passage is .

A. a discussion about if we want to help others. B. about what we should do with a heart problem.

C. a story about how Wang Ping and passenger saved an old man. 二、完成下列文章结构图,并尝试看着图讲故事。 The bus driver _________________________. A woman _____________________________ beginning Bus Driver What the bus driver did:(所做的事) and _________________________________________ Passen-_________________________________________gers _________________________________________ body(主体) Save _____________________________ What the woman did: an __________________________________________ Old What the passengers did:_____________________ Man The man was saved(被救) ending 【拓展提高】与同伴讨论3C的问题,写下你们的观点。

1. Why was Wang Ping surprised that the passengers agreed to go to the hospital

with him?

2. Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the right thing? How do you know?

3. Do you agree that people often do not help others because they do not want to get into trouble? Write down your reasons.