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Cover Page Hebei Radio & TV University Practical Project Design 河北电大开放教育本科 英语专业毕业论文教学实践设计鉴定表 Title :Inquiring the methods of remembering word 题目: 探究记忆单词的方法 Name姓名: Liu Lili School学校: 沧州 电 大 Major: English (education oriented) 英语专业(教育方向) Tutor导师: 马瑞阁 Date日期: 2012.3____________


Title Page

Project Title: Inquiring the methods of remembering words Investigator Liu Lili Cangzhou Radio & TV University Submitted on 17th March 2012 In fulfillment of the course Practical Project Design Fax:



Acknowledgment I am mostly grateful to my supervisor Professor Ma without whose support and patience this project would not even and Yu Hongqing for their time spent on brainstorming and panel discussions with me. No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would paper. Last but not the least, big thanks go to my eventually finishing this project. 摘要 Abstract

Abstract The present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem that most of my students don’t grasp the words. And there are some mistakes. The report will get out of the mistake and teach some methods .This used are analytic method cause analysis. Questionnaire survey and Socratic dialogues... Key words:Importance . Mistakes. Methods. 目录格式---(正文)

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