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涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语 (下)学习案 主备:罗娟 审核:初一备课组

7B Unit 1 Dream homes Reading2

班级 姓 名 学号


一、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空

1. Tomorrow is my sister‘s _______(twelve) birthday.. 2. All my new classmates are very _______(friend). 3. They are both from _______(French). 4. The American film is _______ (real) wonderful. 5. It‘s 10:00 a.m., but he _______ still _______(lie) in bed. 6. It‘s easy for me _______(learn) Chinese well.

7. —Who usually _______(buy) clothes for you? —My mother does. 8. It takes him two hours _______ (do) his homework every evening. 9. _______ (Read) is good for everyone. 10. Listen! The music _______ (sound) beautiful. 11. Washington DC is the _______(首都) of the USA. 12. We have meals in the _______(餐厅) room.

13. He has his _______(自己的) car. He drives to work everyday. 14. That kind boy often _______(分享) his toys with the other children.. 15. There are a lot of _______(海滩) in Hong Kong. 16. I like the _______(厨房) ________(good) in my house.


1. I live in a house in a town 15 miles from London.

15 miles/meters/kilometers (away) from… 离---15英里/米/千米远 (not) far away from… 离---远/不远

Eg. The bus stop is only _____________ (20米远) the cinema. It‘s easy to find.

I live in a flat________________ (离…不远) a beautiful park. 2. I always have fun with my dog. have fun / have a good time

a. 我们总是在学校和同学们玩得很开心. We always ________________classmates at school. b. Daniel 有时玩电脑游戏玩得很开心. Daniel sometimes has fun (in) playing computer games. have fun (in) _doing sth_______ 3. I share a bedroom with my sister. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物

孩子们应该学会和别人分享玩具. Children should learn to _____ ____ ____ others. 她和弟弟合用这张桌子. She _______the desk_________ her brother. 4. I have my own bedroom and bathroom.

own: adj. 自己的 放在形容词性物主代词之后,起强调作用 have one‘s own… = have sth. of one‘s own a. 这是她自己的房子.

This is ____ ____ house.

b. 别担心, 他们会有自己的办法来解决问题的.

Don‘t worry. They will have ____ ____ ways to solve the problem. Don‘t worry. They will have ____ ___ ____ ____ to solve the problem.



涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语 (下)学习案 主备:罗娟 审核:初一备课组

5.I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. look out at… 向外看着…

Do you know some more ?look‘ phrases?

look after 照顾 look at---- 看着---- look for 寻找 look like 看上去像 look out of--- 向---外看--- (window/ door---)



1. My home is six _____ (mile) from school.

2. She likes _______ (share) food with her friends. 3. How many ________ (balcony) does the flat have?

4. There are many beautiful _______ (beach) in this country. 5. Many more people now________(拥有) their own homes. 6. The house is right in the _________(中心) of the village.

share...with the best place in the centre of dinner seventh have fun 二、从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空 1.The living room is ________ to chat with friends.

2.After _________every day. we usually listen to music in the study. 3, Our flat is on the _______ floor. 4. I _______a bed _______ my brother.

5. Amy lives with her family in a flat _________________ the city. 6. I often ___________with my friends in the classroom after class 三、选择

( )1.There are twelve floors ___my building and I live ____the tenth floor. A. in, in B. on, on C.in, on D.on, in

( )2.Bob____ music every day.

A.listens B. listens to C.listen to D.listen

( )3. We sit on the floor and look___the beach and the sea. A. out at B.out for C.into D. up for ( )4.Amy lives in a flat ____ from her school.

A.20 mile B.20 miles C.20--mile D. 20--miles ( )5. Neil isn't at school today. He is ill _______.

A. in the bed B. in a bed C. in beds D. in bed 四、完成句子。


_____________________________________________________________ 2.我好妹妹合住一个房间很开心。

____________________________________________________________ 3.他正在起居室里看电视。

____________________________________________________________ 4.语文,数学和英语你最喜欢哪个?

____________________________________________________________ 5.我在把照片给妈妈看。




涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语 (下)学习案 主备:罗娟 审核:初一备课组

7A Unit 1 Dream homes Grammar

班级 姓 名 学号



1. I enjoy _____ (lie) on the ground..

2. The little girl always (look) out of the windows in class. Her teacher is unhappy. 3. Would you like ________ (be) a teacher? 4. She uses a ladder ________ (get) into her house. 5. Anna ____________(share) a bedroom with her sister.

6. He plans _____ (watch) TV after _____ (do) her homework. 8.It often _______(rain) here in spring, we have to stay at home. 9. Can you ________(play) games and read comics on the balcony. 10.We have a nice _________(sit) room.



1.num.百______________2.num.千______________3.Num. 百万______________ 4.英尺__________ (复数)__________ 5. ad.平方的______________ 6.米/公尺n.______ 7.面积n____________ 8.超过prep.____________ 二、考考你们的记忆力哟?

1.180个国家和地区 2.13英尺高

3.占地97000平方米(两种) 4.超过13亿人 5.在七楼 6.第一个来到学校 7.第九十 8.第十二 9.第二十 10.第十二 11.第十九 12.第一百 13.56 14. 78 19.178

20. 2467 21. 2467894 22.第九十九



表示数目多少的数词叫作基数词,如one,two,three;表示顺序先后的数词叫作序数词,如first,second,third。 (1)基数词的读写

①读写的关键是“几百几十几”。百位与十位之间用and连接,十位与个位之间加连字符。如 365 three hundred and sixty-five 403 four hundred and three

②当读写超过百位的数时,阿拉伯数字从个位起用三位分段方式,以便读写(常用逗号分段)。从右往左第一个逗号读thousand,第二个逗号读million,第三个逗号读billion(十亿)。各逗号后的一位数遵循“几百几十几”的规则读写。如: 7,321 seven thousand, three hundred and twenty-one

1,561, 074 0ne million. five hundred and sixty-one thousand and seventy-four (2)序数词的读写

①序数词一般在基数词词尾加th。序数词的拼写口诀:序数词尾th,开头三数属特例,八少t,九减e,整十改y为ie,ve结尾变f,牢记十四,四十四。如first,second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth,fortieth。




涟水县红窑实验学校七年级英语 (下)学习案 主备:罗娟 审核:初一备课组

②一般情况下,序数词前要加the。年、月、日表达方法:“年”用基数词表示,“日”用序数词表示,“年”放在最后。如: 1999年10月1日 October 1st,1999/the first of 0ctober, nineteen ninety-nine 我们生活在21世纪。 . (3)英语中没有“万”这一单位,“万”也用thousand表示。

如: ten thousand( 10,000), one hundred thousand(100.000)。





1. 512._______________________ 2. 8440_______________________ 3. 23693_______________________4. 2948715_______________________ 5.721533_______________________6.一百_______________________ 7.一千_______________________8.第111_______________________ 9.第123_______________________10.第349_______________________ 二、根据句意及所给汉语或音标提示,写出所缺单词。

1. There are more than two ___________(千) students in our school. 2. December is the ___________ (十二) month of a year.

3. If I have two __________ (百万) dollars, I want to travel around the world. 4. The CN Tower is 1,815 (英尺) tall.

5. France has an ____________ (面积) of over 260,000 (平方米). 6. There are three ________________ (百) books in our library. 7. I have ____________ (超过) five toys in my bedroom.

8. My father is ___________ (四十) years old. Today is his _________________ (四十) birthday. 9. They live on the _________________ (二十)floor. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. __________ (hundred) of students came to the park yesterday. 2. This is my _________ (two) day in Shanghai. I have a good time. 3. The ________(nine) question is very difficult and I can‘t work it out. 4. There are many people ___________(wait) for the bus at the bus stop. 5. Jim works hard and he is always the first ___________ (finish) the work. 三、选择填空

( )1. Paul lives on ___________ floor .

A. thirteenth B. thirteen C. the thirteen D. the thirteenth ( )2.There are _______and _____ students in Yancheng Middle School .

A. three thousands, two hundreds and nine B. three thousand , two hundred and nine . C. three thousand , two hundred and ninth D. three thousand , two hundredth and nine ( )3.February is ________ month of a year .

A. a two B. the second C. the seconds D a second . ( )4. How do you say ?1026‘ in English ?

A. one thousand , and twenty –six B. ten thousand , two hundred and six C. twelve thousand and twenty-six D. one hundred and twenty-six ( )5.6. There are ________ books in our library.

A. six thousands of B. six thousands C. six thousand D. six thousand of


1. 我的公寓在25楼。My flat is on ____________ ____________ floor. 2. Lucy总是我们班最后一个到校的。

Lucy is always the __________ _____________ come to school in our class. 3. 中国国土面积为三百六十万平方公里。

China ________ ________ ________ ________3,600,000________ _________. 4. 姚明有两米多高。

Yao Ming is_______________ 2 metres ____________. 5. 大约有八百万人生活在伦敦。

There are about eight__________ people __________ in London.
