英语对话练习 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语对话练习更新完毕开始阅读c10855f831126edb6f1a10cf


1. Why did the student appear for the personal interview? In order to gain admission to a study course.

2. What did the interviewer decide to do about the smart student? To corner him.

3. What options did the student have on the interviewer's questions? He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult.

4. How did the student react first when he heard the real difficult question? He was jolted / shocked.

5. Why didn't the student answer the interviewer's second question?

Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question.


1. What did the grandfather and his grandson do? They went golfing together.

2. What was the grandfather doing while his grandson was playing? He was giving him tips.

3. Where were they when they saw a tree in the way? On Hole 8.

4. What happened when the grandson hit the ball?

The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started.

5. Why was the grandfather able to hit the ball over the tree when he was young?

Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time.


1. How did the neighbor react to the woman's gossip? The neighbor was deeply offended and hurt.

2. What did the woman learn about what she had said about the neighbor? It was completely untrue.

3. Why did the woman go to the wise old man? To find out what she could do to repair the damage. 4. What happened to the feather the next day? The wind had blown the feathers all away.

5. What lesson did the woman learn from her experience? Once you do something wrong, you can never completely undo it.


1. What was the film crew doing in the desert? They were shooting a film.

2. What happened after the old man told the director it was going to rain the next day?

It rained.

3. How did the director feel about the old man?

The old man was incredible. He could give an accurate weather forecast. 4. What did the director tell his secretary to do? To hire the old man to predict the weather.

5. Why couldn't the old man say anything about the weather at the end of the story? Because the radio broke and he couldn't get the weather forecast.


1. When did the owner lock up his bar? At 2 a.m.

2. What happened when he had been in bed only a few minutes? The phone rang.

3. What did the man ask him over the phone?

The man asked him what time he would open up in the morning. 4. What did the owner think of the man? He must be a drunken man.

5. Why did the man keep calling the owner?

Because he happened to be locked up in the bar and wanted to get out.


1. Why did Betty Sanders call the hospital? She wanted to know if she was getting better. 2. How was Betty Sanders doing? She was doing very well.

3. What was going to happen to Betty Sanders in a couple of hours? She was going to be taken off the heart monitor.

4. What was Dr. Bertran going to do if Betty Sanders' condition continued to improve?

Send her home the day after tomorrow. 5. What did the man think of the caller?

She must have been Betty Sanders' close family member.


1. Why was there a long line in front of the store? Because of rumors of the sale.

2. What happened to the man when he pushed his way to the front of the line? He was pushed back, amid loud and colorful curses. 3. What happened on the man's second attempt?

He was punched square in the jaw, and knocked around a bit, and then thrown to the end of the line again.

4. What would the man do if he was hit again? He would not open the store.

5. Who was the man most likely to be? The store owner

Leigh Vicky Klein Laura Tish Hill Anthony McDonald Listening in:task 1 checkouts(图书馆等的)出借

He likes to sleep in,something he couldn’t do in high school.

Further listening:task 2

skiing 滑雪 jogging 慢跑 tai chi 太极 Kickboxing 跆拳道 listening skill Listening in task1 There are many different forms of physical exercise that suit

different tastes and needs of different people.

Good afternoon everyone. The campus swimming pool will open next Thursday. Those interested in using this facility must have a physical checkup at the school health center, and then apply for a pool card at the PE Department. Come and take advantage of a great exercise opportunity!

Soccer has a long way to go before it is on the same level with the \three”.American professional teams have a large fan base to draw from.



