湖南省张家界市2018年中考英语真题试题(含解析) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章湖南省张家界市2018年中考英语真题试题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读c1554c9bbf23482fb4daa58da0116c175e0e1e1f


句意:这篇文章是写出来用来寻找学生志愿者的。A.寻找学生志愿者B.邀请专业音乐家C.帮助父母。从标题“Student Volunteers Needed”(需要学生志愿者)就能看出这篇文章的目的是用来寻找志愿者,文中也讲了学生志愿者要做的任务,故选A。


Dear Marcos,

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am your new pen pal. I’m twelve years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I go to the 7th grade in Saint Michael School. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o’clock. The school starts at 7:30 in the morning. I have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon. I am good at math, I also like history and geography but my favorite subject is science. I like playing basketball and soccer. I also play tennis, and I like swimming. On the weekends, I go to the movie theater with my friends. We like action movies. I usually go to church with my parents on Sundays.

Please write and tell me about you and your life. What’s your family like? What do you like doing in your spare time? I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Rebecca

21. Rebecca lives in . A. Spain B. England C. China 22. What time does the school start?

A. Around 3:30 P.M.. B. At 7:30 A.M.. C. At 6 :00 A.M.. 23. What’s Rebecca’s favorite subject? A. Math. B. History. C. Science.

24. On Sundays, Rebecca with her parents.

A. plays tennis B. goes to church C. goes to the movie theater 25. From this passage we know . A. Rebecca and her friends like action movies B. Rebecca doesn’t like sports at all


C. Rebecca and Marcos are classmates

【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A 【解析】

这是丽贝卡写给笔友马科斯的一封信,信中丽贝卡简单介绍了自己的个人情况、喜好、学校情况等,也期待马科斯能够给她回信谈谈他自己的生活。 【21题详解】

句意:丽贝卡住在西班牙。A.西班牙B.英格兰C.中国。这是丽贝卡写给马科斯的一封信,原文“I’m twelve years old, and I live in Barcelona, Spain.”(我十二岁,我住在西班牙巴塞罗那。)说明丽贝卡住在西班牙,故选A。 【22题详解】

句意:学校几点开始上课?A.下午3:30左右.B.早上7点半C.早上6点。原文“The school starts at 7:30 in the morning.”(学校在早上七点半开始上课),故选B。 【23题详解】

句意:丽贝卡最喜欢的科目是什么?A.数学B.历史C.科学。原文“I am good at math, I also like history and geography but my favorite subject is science.”(我擅长数学,我也喜欢历史和地理,但我最喜欢的科目是科学。)说明丽贝卡最喜欢的科目是科学,故选C。 【24题详解】

句意:在每星期天,丽贝卡和她的父母一起去教堂。A.打网球B.去教堂C.去电影院。原文“I usually go to church with my parents on Sundays. ”(我通常在星期天和父母一起去教堂。)说明每星期天丽贝卡和她的父母一起去教堂,故选B。 【25题详解】

句意:我们从这篇文章中可以知道丽贝卡和她的朋友喜欢动作片。A.丽贝卡和她的朋友喜欢动作片B.丽贝卡根本不喜欢运动C.丽贝卡和马科斯是同学。原文“We like action movies.”(我们喜欢动作片)说明A正确,原文“I like playing basketball and soccer.”(我喜欢打篮球,踢足球)说明丽贝卡喜欢运动,B错误,原文“I am your new pen pal”(我是你的新笔友)说明丽贝卡和马科斯的关系是笔友,不是同学,C错误,故选A。


Everyone gets angry. Many things may make you angry. Maybe your teacher gave you too much


homework. Or maybe a friend borrowed your favorite video game and then broke it. You may get angry when something doesn’t go your way. Maybe you get mad at yourself when your team loses an important game. Or maybe you become a road rager (路怒族) when a driver accidentally cuts in front of you. That makes you angry!

You need to know what to do with your anger. Here are some things you can do when you feel angry:

·Count to 10. ·Get or give a hug.

·Talk to a friend you can trust. ·Draw a picture of your anger. ·Sing along with the music player.

·Take some exercise, such as taking a bike ride, going skating and playing basketball. Never getting angry is impossible. But when you’re angry, you can do something and it can make things better. Don’t let anger be the boss of you. Take charge of it! 26. According to the passage, which of the following things can make you angry? A. Your friend asked you to help him. B. Your teacher gave you too much homework. C. Your parents gave you a gift on your birthday.

27. The underlined part “when something doesn’t go your way” probably means . A. when you get lost

B. when you are on a wrong way

C. when things don’t go as you imagine

28. In the passage, the writer gives us pieces of advice. A. five B. six C. seven

29. As for doing with anger, which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Talk to a friend you believe. B. Get a hug. C. Pull weeds in the garden. 30. The passage is mainly about . A. how to deal with your anger B. never getting angry


C. drawing a picture of your anger

【答案】26. B 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A 【解析】

每个人都生气,很多事情可能会让你生气。这篇文章就向读者介绍了如何来面对自己的愤怒,提出了几条切实可行的建议。 【26题详解】

句意:根据这篇文章,以下哪些事情会让你生气?A.你的朋友请你帮助他。B.你的老师给你留了太多的作业。C.你的父母在你生日那天送给你一份礼物。原文“Maybe your teacher gave you too much homework.”(可能你的老师给你留了太多的作业),这是文中提到的可能让人愤怒的事情,A和C的事情没有被提到,故选B。 【27题详解】

句意:划线部分“当某些事情不顺利”可能的意思是当事情没有像你想象的那样发展。A.当你迷路的时候B.当你走错路时C.当事情没有像你想象的那样发展。这个句子的前半部分是“You may get angry”(你可能会生气),可以推出“当事情没有像你想象的那样发展”你会生气,故选C。 【28题详解】

句意:在这篇文章中,作者给了我们六条建议。A.五B.六C.七。文中作者为我们提出了很多建议,原文“Count to 10. Get or give a hug. Talk to a friend you can trust. Draw a picture of your anger. Sing along with the music player. Take some exercise”(数到10;获得或给出一个拥抱;和你可以信任的朋友交谈;画出你愤怒的照片;和音乐播放器一起唱歌;做一些运动),一共是六条建议,故选B。 【29题详解】

句意:至于对待愤怒,文章中没有提到以下哪一项?A.和你相信的朋友交谈。B.拥抱一下。C.在花园里拔杂草。关于如何处理愤怒,作者提出了几条建议,原文“Count to 10. Get or give a hug. Talk to a friend you can trust. Draw a picture of your anger. Sing along with the music player. Take some exercise”(数到10;获得或给出一个拥抱;和你可以信任的朋友交谈;画出你愤怒的照片;和音乐播放器一起唱歌;做一些运动),AB均提到了,C没有提到,故选C。 【30题详解】
