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·¢²¼Ê±¼ä : ÐÇÆÚÎå ÎÄÕÂËս̰æËÄÄ꼶ӢÓïÆÚÄ©ÊÔ¾í1¸üÐÂÍê±Ï¿ªÊ¼ÔĶÁc16fffa47375a417866f8fe7

2013¡ª2014ѧÄêµÚ¶þѧÆÚСѧÆÚÄ©ÊÔ¾í °à¼¶________ ÐÕÃû_______ ѧºÅ______ ÌýÁ¦²¿·Ö£¨30·Ö£©

Ò»¡¢¸ù¾ÝÄãËùÌýµ½µÄÄÚÈÝ£¬Ñ¡ÔñÕýÈ·´ð°¸£¨ÌýÒ»±é£©£¨10·Ö£© ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. English C. Maths ( ) 2. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday ( ) 3. A. hill B. river C. boat ( ) 4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening

( ) 5. A. coats B. shorts C. shirts ( ) 6. A. hurt B. hurry C. hungry ( ) 7. A. cough B. cold C. coffee

( ) 8. A. go skating

B. go boating C. go climbing

( ) 9. A. take care B. not so good C. take the pills ( )10. A. Are you tired? B. Is she hungry? C. Are they happy? ¶þ¡¢Ìý¼Òô£¬Ñ¡³öÏà¶ÔÓ¦µÄÓ¦´ð¾ä£¨ÌýÁ½±é£©£¨6·Ö£© ( ) 1. A. Sounds good. B. I¡¯m sorry to hear that. C. I¡¯m so happy. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. I have many books. C. No, I¡¯m not. ( ) 3. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she can.

C. Yes, she is. ( ) 4. A. I have four. B. He likes Maths and Chinese. C. I like English and Art.

( ) 5. A. It¡¯s a hot day. B. It¡¯s sunny. C. It¡¯s Tuesday. ( ) 6. A. It¡¯s five.

B. It¡¯s Tom¡¯s.

C. It¡¯s Tom.

ËÄ¡¢Ìý¼Òô£¬¸ù¾ÝËùÌýµ½µÄ¶Ô»°ºÍÎÊÌâÑ¡ÔñÕýÈ·µÄ´ð°¸ (ÌýÁ½±é) £¨5·Ö£© ( ) 1. What is behind the door?

A. Coats. B. Books.

C. Jackets.

( ) 2. Mike¡¯s and Helen¡¯s coats are . A. blue. B. blue and brown.

C. not brown or blue.

( ) 3. Mike and Helen are .

A. in the classroom. B. in the playground. C. at home.

( ) 4. Perhaps Mike and Helen are .

A. playing basketball B. watching the running race C. playing football ( ) 5. Whose coats are they?

A. They¡¯re yours. B. They are Mike¡¯s and Helen¡¯s. C. They¡¯re Yang Ling¡¯s. Îå¡¢Ìý¼Òô£¬¸ù¾Ý¼ÒôÄÚÈݽ«¶Ô»°ÌîдÍêÕû£¨ÌýÈý±é£©£¨9·Ö£© 1¡¢A: How many are there in a year? B: . A:What are they?

B: They are ,summer , and winter. 2¡¢A£º this sweater? B: No, it . A: sweater is this? B: It¡¯s . ±ÊÊÔ²¿·Ö£¨70·Ö£©


( ) 1. A. Kate B. lake

C. skate

D. bag

( ) 2. A. snack

B. grape

C. hamburger D.

sandwich ( ) 3. A. bed

B. he C. green

D. three ( ) 4. A. Chinese B. kite

C. white

D. fish ( ) 5. A. home B. close C. coffee D. nose ( ) 6. A. dogs

B. grapes

C. hamburgers D. jeans Æß¡¢·­ÒëÏÂÁдÊ×飨16·Ö£©


1. ÔÚÐÇÆÚÈýÏÂÎç _______ 2. ¶ÑÑ©ÈË____________ ___ 5. ÐÇÆÚ¼¸ _____________ 6. ÔÚÆßµã _______________ 4.This is Helen¡¯s blouse .(»®Ïß²¿·ÖÌáÎÊ) 5.They are some sandwiches .(¸ÄΪµ¥Êý)

3. ½ñÌìÔ糿_______________ 4.µÃÁ˸ÐðºÍ·¢ÉÕ____ _____ ___ _________________________________________ ?

7. ʲôʱºò______________ 8. Ì«¶Ì 9. Ë­µÄÁ¬ÒÂȹ______________ 10.Íí°² __________________ 11. the hot dog in the box ___ _______ 12. See you tomorrow. __________ 13. show me your nose.________________ 14. try on _______________ 15. well done____________ 16. Welcome to our school.______ ______ °Ë¡¢ÓÃËù¸øµ¥´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ(10·Ö) 1.I have a (swim) lesson this evening. 2. Mary (have) lunch at school every day. 3. It¡¯s too (cold) .Open the door,please. 4. This is Miss Li (speak). 5. Look! My gloves (be) so big.

6. Can you _____________(come) to school tomorrow? 7. We can see three (apple)trees in the picture. 8. ----My shorts are too short. ----Try (they). 9. It¡¯s my (brother) birthday today.

10. How many _____________ (lesson)do you have this morning? ¾Å¡¢°´ÒªÇó¸Äд¾ä×Ó£¨7·Ö£©

1.I have some lessons on Friday .(±äΪ·ñ¶¨¾ä) __________________________________________ . 2.I usually do my homework at six . (±äΪ·ñ¶¨¾ä) __________________________________________ . 3.He can draw a boat .(±äΪһ°ãÒÉÎʾä,²¢×÷·ñ¶¨»Ø´ð)

_______________________________________£¿_____________ .

__________________________________________ . 6.It¡¯s a fine day .(±ä¸Ð̾¾ä)

__________________________________________ 7.I have a headache .(ÓÃMikeÌæ»»)


Ê®¡¢´ÓA¡¢B¡¢C¡¢DËĸöÑ¡ÏîÖУ¬Ñ¡³öÒ»¸ö¿ÉÒÔÌîÈë¿Õ°×´¦µÄÕýÈ·Ñ¡Ïî (15·Ö) ( ) 1. He usually watches TV night. A. with

B. at

C. in

D. to

( ) 2. It¡¯s nine o¡¯clock. It¡¯s time ___________.

A. to bed B. for go to bed C. to go to bed D. go to bed ( ) 3. Would you like pies? A. any

B. a

C. an

D. some

( ) 4. It

¡¯s cold. We can make . A. snowman B. snowmen C. snowmans D. a snowmen ( ) 5. ¨C May I speak to Helen? ¨CYes. _________Helen speaking. A. I¡¯m B. this is

C. This is

D. That is

( ) 6. ¨C What colour is your ? ---White. A. jeans

B. shorts

C. socks

D. shirt

( ) 7. Let¡¯s go .

A. boat B. boating C. a boat

D. boats

( ) 8. I¡¯m thirsty. I want . A. a pie B. to eat a pie C. have some water D. to have some water

( ) 9. My pencil is too short, but your pencil is .

A. big

B. long

C. short

D. small

( )10. ¨C shoes are they? ¨C __________Helen¡¯s.


A. Who¡¯s it¡¯s B. Whose It¡¯s C. Who¡¯s they¡¯re

Doctor: OK, I see. You have a cold. Here are some pills for you. Please drink more hot water and stay in bed for a few days. You will get better soon.

D. Whose They¡¯re

ʮһ¡¢¸Ä´í£¨5·Ö£© Sarah: Thank you, doctor . ( )1. We can go swim. ( ) 1. Sarah is ______ now. A B C

A. in the classroom B. in the hospital C.in the playground

( )2. Who¡¯s bag is this ?

( ) 2. Sarah has . A B C

( )3. We go to the park at Saturday.

A B C ( ( )4. The glove are my mother¡¯s. A B C

( )5. We don¡¯t have some lessons today. (


Ê®¶þ¡¢½«ÏÂÁоä×ÓÅÅÁгÉÒ»¶ÎÍêÕûµÄ¶Ô»°£¨6·Ö) ( ( )It¡¯s nice. But it¡¯s too big for you. Whose is it? ( ) All right. ( ) It¡¯s my sister¡¯s.

( 1 ) Hi, Yang Ling. Look at this dress. ( ) OK. Thank you.

( )Look! Here¡¯s a new one. Try it, please. ( )Wow! It¡¯s nice. Let¡¯s go to the party now.

Ê®Èý¡¢ÔĶÁÏÂÃæµÄ¶ÌÎÄ£¬²¢¸ù¾Ý¶ÌÎÄÄÚÈÝÑ¡ÔñÕýÈ·´ð°¸£¨5·Ö£© Sarah: May I come in, doctor? Doctor: Come in and sit down, please. Sarah: Thank you. Doctor: What¡¯s the matter?

Sarah: I have a fever and a bad cough.

Doctor: Open your mouth and let me have a look. Sarah: Ah¡­


A. a headache B. a cold C. a toothache ) 3. The doctor gives to Sarah. A. some pills B. some fruit C. a glass of water ) 4. The doctor wants Sarah to .

A. go to school B. stay in bed C. go to the park ) 5. Sarah should . A. drink more coffee B. drink more hot water C. drink more juice