英语国家概况习题打印1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章英语国家概况习题打印1更新完毕开始阅读c1cdc13fe3bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0a7956d565

121. Britain is separated from the European continent by_____, North Sea and_____. 122. The chief ranges in England are the _____, and the ______.

123. Some of the large fishing ports in Britain are____, Grimsby and ____.

124. Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in Britain and consists of the House of ___,

and the House of ____.

125. The early settlers on the British Isles were the ___ and ____.

126. In 1381, the peasants in ___ rebelled. They were determined to abolish___. 127. The American Industrial Revolution began in the year of ___ with its ___ industry. 128. American education is mainly classified into _____, ____ and higher.

129. The Enlightenment in America provided the colonists with a ___ and ___ weapon against

the British rule.

130. President Nixon visited China in Feb, 19 ____. In the year of ___ the US established

diplomatic relations with China.

131. The present sovereign of Britain is ______, and Prince ____ is the heir to the throne. 132. The Cabinet is composed of the most ____ ministers who meet regularly under the ___ of

the Prime Minister.

133. From the middle of the 5th century three Teutonic groups, Anglos, Saxons and ____ began

to migrate from the region of ____.

134. The 15th and 16th centuries were marked by the ___ of feudalism and the ___ of

capitalism in English history.

135. The British Empire began with the founding of ___ in 1583, and fell after the ___ World


136. The Constitution of the United States follows two principles: the __system and the __ of


137. In legislation the President of U.S. has a ___ power over bills passed by ___.

138. By the mid-19th century, the territory of the US had reached over ___ million square

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kilometers, about ___ times the size of the total area of the original thirteen states.

139. The Conservative Party developed out of the ___ Party, while the Liberal party developed

out of the ____.

140. The ancestors of the English ______, while the Scots, Welsh and Irish the ______. 141. The Central Lowlands of Scotland include the valleys of the _____, _____ and Forth


142. The British did not adopt rational reforms such as____ system until 1975, and the ____

system until 1971.

143. The Hundred Year’s War was a war against ___ for the French crown and for the industrial

city of ___.

144. Geographically speaking, the north and west of Britain are _______, while the east and

south-east are mostly______.

145. The English Bourgeois Revolution exerted great influence on___ and the ____ revolutions

in the 18th century.

146. The South's lending industries are those that make use of the _______ supply of natural

resources and _____ materials.

147. Congress consists of the ____ and the House of _____.

148. In terms of their political administration, the thirteen British colonies can be divided into

three types: the ____ colonies, the central colonies and the ____ colonies.

149. The three kinds of local governments under a state government are ____ governments, city,

town, or ____ governments and local governments of districts set up for special purposes.

150. The Senate serves a term of _____ years, and every two years, _______ of the Senators

stands for re - election.

151. The farmland in the eastern half of Britain is used for raising ___. Its chief agricultural

products are wheat,_____, oats and potatoes.

152. The so-called “Glorious Revolution” was actually a bloodless ___ by the bourgeoisie in

the year of ___.

153. The ___ conflict between the bourgeoisie and the Monarchy and the persecution of ___

constituted two of the major causes of the bourgeois revolution.

154. The Industrial Revolution was a revolution in both the ___ of production and the relations

of production. It began in the ___ industry in the 1760s and lasted until 1830.

155. The Open University is so called because it is ___ to people of ___ages.

156. In the ____century a large number of Chinese were shipped to America as “____” 157. The earliest inhabitants in America were ___, who had come over from Asia by crossing

the land bridge across the present ___ Strait.

158. The French and Indian War was fought between the ___ and the French, who were

contending for the ___ Valley.

159. In February 1861, six of the slave states that had seceded from the Union formed the ____

and elected ___ as their president.

160. Secondary education in the US takes place in a variety of junior and senior high schools,

which can be distinguished as vocational high school, ___ and ____.

161. ___ who gets the majority of the ___ votes is elected President of the US.

162. Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in the year of ___. He called the native

Indians because he believed the islands to which he had come were off the coast of ___.

163. Oxford and Cambridge were the only universities in ___ until the ___ century.

164. In _____, the English Civil War broke out. The Cavaliers supported the king, while the

Roundheads supported _______.

165. The highest point in Wales is ____ in the ____Mountain Range.

166. At the primary stage of the general election, the voters elect ___ to the national ___ of the

two parties in each state.

167. In the first two decades after World War II the US government adopted a policy of Cold

War and ___ in its relationship with the Soviet Union. This policy was later replaced by the

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policy of ___ for world hegemony.

168. According to their year of study, undergraduate students are called freshman, ____, junior

and ____ respectively.

169. After the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell declared England a ______, later, he became


170. Canada's early economic development was founded on a number of resource - based

______: fishing, forestry, _______ and mining.