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四维教育·高中英语 Susan

19 Cotton is grown in _______ north of China.

20 It is known to us all that _______ light travels faster than _______ sound. 21 A tower is seen in _______ distance.

22In case of fire please press _______ red button.

23 Shenzhen has ________ population of more than 10 million.

24_______ days I spent with Catherine in Beijing were so wonderful. 25A bullet hit the solider and he was wounded in ______ leg.

26He loved writing and his first novel was ______ great success when it came out. 27 My brother was born in _______ spring of 1990.

28 Mr. Smith is ______ most learned scholar and you can turn to him for help. 29 How sweetly she sings! I have never heard _______ better voice. 30 Beijing is ______ second largest city in China.

31 My trip to Tibet was really ________ unforgettable experience.

32 This watch is _______ 18th century watch, which has been passed down from my great grandpa. (二) 语法填空


There once was a king who offered 1 prize to 2 artist who would paint 3 best picture of peace. Many artist tried. The king looked at all 4 pictures. But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful high mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought it was 5 perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was 6 angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down 7 side of the mountain tumbled(翻腾) a foaming(水泡) waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all.

But when the king looked closely, he saw behind 8 waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush 9 mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest-in perfect peace.

The king chose 10 second picture.

答案:I 1 a 2 /; the 3 the; a 4. the; the 5 the; the 6 the; a 7 an 8 the 9 a; / 10 /; an 11 a 12 the 13 the 14 the 15 the 16 a; a 17 an 18 The 19 the 20 /; / 21 the 22the 23 a 24 The 25 the 26a 27the 28a 29a 30 the 31 an 32 an

II 1 a 2 the 3 the 4. the 5 a 6 an 7 the 8 the 9 a 10. the

专题二 名词




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四维教育·高中英语 Susan


一 名词的分类及常见用法 可数名词 不可数名词 个体名词 集体名词 物质名词 抽象名词 专有名词 teacher, student, piano family, committee, people wood, water, steel friendship, progress John, Smith, Beijing 表有生命的东西或时间,空间,距离,价格,重量等名词的所有格 无生命的东西的名词所有格 功能 名词在句中可做主语、表语、宾语、宾语如:Women?s Day, an hour?s 补足语、定walk,students? reading-room, 语、同位语或状语 today?s paper 如:a map of China, the top of the mountain days, boys, Americans buses,dishes;(stomachs除外) babies, factories leaves,wives;(roofs,proofs, gulfs,beliefs,chiefs,staffs, safes除外) 名词所有格 一般由名词右上方+?s;以s结尾的名词单复数只加“?” 介词of+名词 规则变化 1.一般词后+s 2.s, x, sh, ch结尾+es 3.辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+es 4.以f或fe结尾,变f/fe为v+es 5.以o结尾,有生命+es,heroes,potatoes;pianos,radios无生命+s (hippos, bamboos)除外 可数名词的复数 6.数字的复数+s或 “?s” in the 1930s/1930?s 不规则变化 1.改变词中元音字母 woman-women, goose-geese man-men,foot-feet,tooth-teeth 2.形式复数,意义单数 news,maths,politics, economics等 3.单复同形 4.其它 means,deer,sheep,fish,works (工厂),species, Chinese等 child-children, bacterium- bacteria,crisis-crises,ox-oxen,phenomenon-phenomena等 二 名词其他需要注意的几点: 1. 名词的数

1) 复合名词变为复数的规则



2) 集体名词的数 ①有些集体名词只能用作复数。如:cattle,police,people等。 注意:people意为“民族;种族”时有单、复数形式。 ②有些集体名词只能用作单数。如:machinery,furniture,jewellery,mankind等。

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四维教育·高中英语 Susan

③有些集体名词作为整体看待时,用作单数;指其中各个成员时,用作复数。如:class family,couple,audience,government,public等。

The whole family are watching TV now.全家人现在都在看电视。 His family is a big one.他家是个大家族。 3) 只能用复数形式的名词

由两部分构成的名词:glasses,trousers, shorts,scissors,gloves,scales,compasses等。 4) the +姓氏的复数,表全家人: the Blacks, the Wangs 5) 具有双重特性的名词


a room房间一room空间 a chicken鸡一chicken鸡肉

an experience经历一experience经验an agreement协议一agreement同意 (2)单、复数意思不同的名词

arm手臂一arms武器 brain脑一brains智力custom风俗一customs海关

force力量一forces军队 regard注意,关心一regards问候 time时间一times时代

work工作一works作品,工厂manner态度一manners礼貌spirit精神一spirits心情,情绪 content内容一contents目录loss损失一losses损失物condition状况一conditions条件 expression表达一expressions短语feeling感觉一feelings感情wood木头一woods树林 2. 名词的所有格

1) 表示两者或两者以上共同所有,在最后一个词的后面加?s;表示各自拥有时,每个名词后都要+s”。如

Li and Ma?s room李和马共有的房间; Li?s and Ma?s rooms李和马各自的房间 2) 表某人家或店铺,诊所。如:Li?s李家,the doctor?s诊所;the barber?s理发店 3) 所有格除了用于有生命的物体外,也可以用于表示国家、城市等的名词。如:

China's prosperity中国的繁荣 the country's plan国家计划

4) of所有格也可用于有生命的物体,用于名词较长或名词的定语较长时。

如:a story of a famous doctor一个名医的故事

the son of the man you iust talked to刚刚和你说话的那个男人的儿子 5) 双重所有格

“of +名词的?s所有格或名词性物主代词”称为双重所有格。of后的宾


an old friend of my uncle's我叔叔的一个老朋友 a play of Shakespeare's莎士比亚的一部戏剧

some houses of my grandfather's我爷爷的一些房子 3. 名词作定语

1) 一般用单数形式。如:country music乡村音乐 shoe shops鞋店 traffic lights交通灯 注意:sports,customs,arms,clothes,sales, goods作定语时,要用复数形式。如: sports meeting运动会 customs officiers海关官员 arms production武器生产 2) man和woman作定语时,与中心词一起变。如:

men doctors男医生 women teachers女老师 II、实战演练


1. There are fifty-six __________________ (people) in China. 2. We need much ______________ (room) for all the furniture.

3. This kind of dress was popular in the ___________________ (1980)

4. ______________ (girl) students and _________________ (woman) teachers are in the majority in our school.

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四维教育·高中英语 Susan

5. There used to be a lot of milu ______________ (deer) in China. 6. These are art _______________ (work) of the Tang Dynasty.

7. _____________ (child) shoes are on the second floor of this store department. 8. We can see many _________________ (editor-in-chief) present at the conference. 9. I had my hair cut short at the _____________ (barber) nearby yesterday. 10. On the whole, he was a ______________ (fail) in his life.

11. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _______ of exercise .

12. Now more and more people prefer to have a ______________ at home---a little dog, a cat or some other animals.

13. My parents always let me have my own __________ of living.

14. We volunteered to collect money to help the _____________ of the earthquake. 15. We all know that _______________ speak louder than words.

答案: 1. peoples 2. room 3. 1980s/1980?s 4. Girl, women 5. deer 6 works 7.Children?s 8. editors-in-chief 9. barber?s 10. failure 11. lack 12. pet 13. way 14.victims 15. actions

二 语法填空

Charles Pink was a young 1 (Canada) who had a good house and he knew how to enjoy himself. Every Saturday, he went to the theatre and 2 (party). His car was one of the best in his city. He had lots of money and one day bought 3 plane. He learned to fly and flying became one of his main 4 (enjoy).

One day about thirty 5 (yearly) ago, he set off in his small plane on a trip across 6 (Mexican). At first everything went well, but when he was over the part of the country 7 engine of the little machine failed.

Fortunately, Pink was flying at a good 8 (high) when the bad thing happened, and he had time to find a place to land. Below him he could see a number of 9 (field) which looked nice enough to land on, and he managed to bring his machine down on one of 10 . 答案:1. Canadian 2. parties 3. a 4. enjoyments 5. years 6. Mexico 7. the 8. height 9. fields 10. them



Do some FL (Foreign Language) reading every day and try to finish one FL book at least every week. You are no doubt 21 with little spare time, and this may sound unrealistic. But if you read in the 22 described, it is perfectly possible. The key is to be honest with yourself about 23 you really enjoy: thrillers, women's magazines, newspapers---it really doesn't matter what you read as 24 as it genuinely interests you, because that is the only certain way to make yourself read. It is 25 to reach good speeds by practising on material that is difficult or dull. If you pursue this program for only few months, you should achieve a very marked increase in your reading 26 . What you do with your FL reading skill when you have developed it is to study for a further qualification. The 27 is that in order to develop the 28 , a great deal of practice on easy interesting materials is essential. If you can 29 this to yourself by developing your own reading skill by this method, your teaching will carry the certainty that comes only from 30 .

21. A. bored B. helpless C. free D. busy 22. A. key B. problem C. way D. job 23. A. which B. when C. who D. what 24. A. much B. good C. long D. well

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