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课 题 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Fifty-six ethnic groups (Reading) 于淼 1、知识目标:让学生了解五个少数民族,即:蒙古族、傣族、壮族、藏族和彝族。了解这些少数民族居住的地区以及各自的传统民俗文化,并能用英语简单的表达出来。 2、能力目标: (1)、培养学生快速阅读的能力以及在文段中查找信息的能力; 教学目标 (2)、学生能够通过本节课所学来描述自己最喜欢的少数民族,并能够写作文; (3)、使学生能够按照每个民族的分析要素,上网查找其他少数民族的相关信息。 3、情感目标:使学生了解我国是一个多民族的国家,不同的民族有着不同的传统民俗文化,培养学生对祖国各族人民的热爱和对少数民族传统风俗文化的尊重情感。 教学重点 让学生了解五个少数民族,即:蒙古族、傣族、壮族、藏族和彝族。了解这些少数民族居住的地区以及各自的传统民俗文化,并能用英语简单的表达出来。 教学难点 学生能够通过本节课所学来描述自己最喜欢的民族,并能够写作文,上网查找其教学准备 CAI;some pieces of exercise paper; words and phrases cards 教 学 过 Step1 Daily talk Teaching Procedures How are you, today? What day is it today? What’s the weather like? Step2 Warm-up Boys and girls, we are Chinese. While what do you know about China? (location, population, land area, capital, national flag, rivers and lakes, places of interest, provinces, ? ethnic groups) Step3 Pre-reading There are fifty-six ethnic groups in China. Do you know which ethnic group is the largest one? Yes, it’s Han. 93% of China’s population is Han people. The other 7% is the minority groups. Now, today let’s know some ethnic groups in China together. Step4 While-reading a. Read this text quickly and try to find out the answers: 1) How many ethnic groups are there in this text? 2)What are they? b. Let’s check the answers and learn the five ethnic groups. 2.Second reading a. Before watching the video about these five ethnic groups, to show three questions: 1) Where do they live? 2) What do they like to do? 3) Which festival do they have? b. Let students watch the video about this text. c. Let Ss fill in the table in group of four. (just let Ss write down the key words or the key phrases, that’s Ok.) d. Check the answers one by one, and learn some words and sentences. 3. Third reading a. Listen and match. Let Ss look at the pictures and listen to the descriptions for each picture, and let Ss match them “Which ethnic group 程 1. First reading 教 过 are they?” b. Let Ss read this text loudly and freely. (自由大声朗读) 学 Step5 Post-reading 1. Guessing-game—Riddles Let students look at some sentences and guess “which ethnic group is it?” quickly. Let Ss talk about it with their neighbors. 3. Let some students come to the front and share their opinions. Step6 Summary There are 56 ethnic groups in China. We are brothers and sisters. We are family. Step7 Homework 1、Write a short composition “My favourite ethnic group” 2、Surf the Internet and find out some other ethnic groups. (pictures, words or videos) Unit 7 Lesson1 Fifty-six ethnic groups Ethnic groups Mongolian people 板 书 设 计 Zhuang people Zang people Yi people

Guangxi Autonomous Region Tibet Dai people Yunnan Province Where like/festival Ride a horse, drink goats milk roast mutton, eat mutton with hands Water splashing Festival Peacock Dance sing folk songs Bamboo Pole Dance high land barley wine, hada Mongolia Matouqin, wrestling, archery 程 2. “Which ethnic group do you like best? Why do you like it?” Yunnan, Sichuan and Torch Festival Guizhou Provinces dance around bonfire 附照片: