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出国王的目的,这里用不定式结构来表达目的,填To paint the best picture of peace.

42. 题干意思:每个人对第一张照片有什么看法?(不超过7个单词),原文“Everyone thought that was a perfect picture of peace.”(每个人都认为这是和平的完美图景。),从这里可以得出每个人对第一张图的观点,故填That was a perfect picture of peace.

43. 题干意思:为什么国王选择了第二张照片?(不超过11个单词),原文“Because peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.”(因为和平并不意味着在没有噪音,麻烦或辛勤工作的地方。),这句话是国王做出的解释,为了用限定的字数回答问题,可以改写成“他认为这幅画拥有和平的真实含义”,填Because he thought it had the real meaning of peace. 44. “mean”为“意思是”;“those things”指的是“noise, trouble, or hard work”这些烦扰之事,“be calm in your heart”意思是“内心要宁静,要冷静”,整合起来,就是:身处如此多的烦扰之中,而依然能心存安宁,才是真正的宁静。

45. 本文主要讲的是国王寻找关于和平的最佳画作的故事,在评价环节,国王以独特的视角解释了和平真正的含义,所以标题可以选“Real Meaning of Peace”。 八、写作

某英文网站的“ Student Life”栏目正在向中学生征文,标题为“ A time when I made someone happy”,请你写一篇英文稿件,内容需包括以下要点: 1. Who was the person you made happy? 2. When was it?

3. What did you say or do? 4. Why did it make him/her happy? 5. How did you feel at that moment?

注意:1.词数:100左右(题目不计入总词数)。 2.文中不得出现可能透考生真实身份的任何信息。

【参考范文】Last summer, though it was hot,I volunteered to teach children English in rural area. When I arrived there,I couldn't adjust to the weather and life style. However, as time went by, I found myself quite happy when I saw the students I was teaching made great progress. In order to teach them, I had to keep on learning as well.



As a result, my English improved a lot. Also, I made friends with some of my students. We are still keeping in touch by letter now.

In a word, not only did I help those in need, but also I myself learn a lot that summer. If I have another chance to do volunteer work,I am ready to go.

